Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
It's Monday!...No! It's Tuesday!!!
Getting up and getting myself to work today was extremely difficult. After an awesome holiday weekend with my friend Ari and my family I was not ready to get back to work today. I am a little sunburned, but still thankful for what color I got (tho incredibly uneven!) Think Phantom of the Opera but sunburn on the portion of my face that should be covered with a mask! hahah! It is going to be another scorcher here in the 90's today. Not that I am complaining (much) b/c we get 6 months of winter, 4 months of inbetween and only 2 months of summer here usually!
Many funny things happened this weekend: like seeing a "Taxidermy Turkey"(that was gross but we made it funny), doing the "Scientific Twist" which was inspired by lyrics from a song by non-other than the Red Hot Chili Peppers, finding ways to yell "My Eye!" and then "My Other Eye!!" and planning a secret mission revolving around Pink Flamingos..."Get off your ass!"
Something strange just happend to me whilst I was writing about "My Eye" just now...As I enclsoed My Eye in quotes I noticed my browser was preparing to launch to another site! What popped up? A Pirate site called "Dead Men tell No Tales" and my speakers were turned up so my desk sounded like a crowded inn with a bunch of drunken pirates in it! That FREAKED me out! Sometimes I get typing and I hit a wrong key, which switches to another site, but I am not sure how that happened today. Weird. Spooky. Arrggh!!
ANYWHO, back to my weekend! We went to an Antique place in my home town and that is where we saw the "Taxidermy Turkey". It was weird b/c there were the normal antiquey things like furntiture and nicknacks etc but sitting in a chair was a turkey who has been stuffed by a taxidermist...wings and all! It was gross but when I shouted "Ewwww! It's a Taxidermy Turkey!" we all laughed and that became one of our weekend jokes.
Whilst driving in the car heading to a wonderful Greek dinner, I of course had to make my friends listen to a portion of a Red Hot chili Peppers song that I find really amusing. It goes like this:
"Everybody do the twist
get the message on Flea's fist
Move around like a scientist
Lay down, get kissed"
So After hearing that Ari mentions something about "The Scientific Twist". Way to consolidate Ari!! I loved it and that became another joke for the weekend. She also made up a twist like dance. It was priceless!
Lastly, I wanted to mention our Pink Falmingo obsession this weekend. If was really weird how this happend actually. As we sat out on the lawn under the trees soaking up the beautiful weather Saturday I started to tell Ariane about the show "Wonderfalls". I explained the premise and the inanimate objects that talk to the main character Jaye. She thought it sounded weird but now she wants to see it. She was interested, especially when I told her about the episode when the plastic pink flamingo on her parents lawn yelled "Get off your ass!" at her. I said that everyone can relate b/c we all have something that we procrastinate with or are held back b/c of our own doubts and fears. "Get off your Ass!" ressonates with everyone.
Later on we are taking a drive around and we come across a local business that has 30 (at least) Pink Flamingos on the lawn with a "Happy Birthday Ed" sign! We pretty much freaked out. I have NEVER seen any Pink Flamingos in my home town let alone over 30 of them out on this particular business's lawn. How perfect was it that we had talked about the pink flamingos about 2 hours previously. It was seredipity! A sign! and that made us want to go steal a few and give them to a few choice people (yes you Tabbi!! :). We thought maybe Dad could be the getaway driver since he and I were a formidable duo at times in the past. Disclaimer: We never wrecked anything, we just adjusted things to look different without defacing property...just funny stuff ie: "George Gay's Garage" became "George's Gay Garage" with some markers, paper and tape and Dad holding steady as the ladder!
After much discussion we decided against it b/c this particular business probably had sensors to alert them of burglers. It was right to pass on the job, however we couldn't have been more prepared: we were both wearing black pants and sweatshirts as we sat by the campfire discussing our options. Oh well, I do know that I will be keeping an eye out for Pink Flamingos tho. It's a great reminder to all of us to "Get off your Ass!"
I hope your weekend was great! Congrats to Wiccachicky who got married this weekend!! The weather was so perfect!
Friday, May 26, 2006
It's Memorial Day Weekend!
I am so glad it is Friday! A three Day weekend! My first paid holiday since...could it be? Yep, New Year's Day!!! Isn't that crazy?
My friend Ariane is FINALLY coming to vist me this weekend. I am so excited to see her! It's been too long since we had gotten together last. We are only about 4 1/2 hours away, but everytime one of us had a free weekend, the other was busy. That's how it goes I guess! We always have a blast wherever we go and I am sure some college memories will be brought up. I just hope it's not the story about Ty and the subliminal messages or the time I puked on the Troll who lived in our suite... It was an accident! Well, I told her to move, she just wasn't fast enough! ahhahaha!
Speaking of Katie the troll: (and watch for a few posts on crazy buttons and bumper stickers next week!)
Anywho looking forward to the annual picnic after the parade at Pinky's house on Monday. Family, food and fun! Oh and I bet the Beer God will come out of hiding and grace us with his presence!!! It's supposed to be in the 80's here this weekend too! Yippeeee!!!!
Silliness aside, let's all remember why we have Monday off. Please take a moment at some point over the weekend to remember those men and women who have served us and our freedom. Whether they have or are doing so now, regardless of your political views, they have put their lives on the line for us, and for that they deserve our gratitude and respect.
Have a wonderful (and safe) weekend everyone!
PS) I have deleted some added a few new links on mt sidebar. Adventure Girl ol b/c this girl has been all voer the world. I don't know what she does but it looked kind of cool to read (and live vicariously thru!. This Fish needs a Bicycle is just kinda funny for all us singles out there! Enjoy and tell me what you think!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
"The Beer God Has Spoken!"
Does anyone remember "The Beer God"???
Back in the late 90's, I think, (Fall of 1997 comes to mind actually) there was a advertising campaign by Honey Brown Lager featuring "The Beer God". He was everywhere. Radio, TV spots and you could even call a toll free number and get sage advice from The Beer God. Once he imparted his knowledge he would always shout: "THE BEER GOD HAS SPOKEN!!!"
My friends from college and called the Beer God religiously througout the week to get us thru to the weekend. Then we would call him before heading out on Firday and Saturday nights. In the form of Confucious, The Beer God always linked everything with Honey Brown Lager. Honey Brown Lager would make everything better, or more understandable. "True Enlightenment comes from drinking Honey Brown Lager! You go buy a six-pack, share it with friends! THE BEER GOD HAS SPOKEN" was a typical message. I wish I could remember more of the actual sayings, because they really were funny. Here is a snipet of an article which references The Beer God:
"...The Beer God, a small gray stone idol to be exact, clutching a bottle of JW Dundee’s Honey Brown Lager. He seems to have scampered off to parts unknown these days, but only a few years ago he was everywhere: on billboards, TV commercials, and radio spots, and of course at your local beer retailer.
Beer God was a lot of fun. OK, so he had rotten grammar. He had great commercials, and they more than made up for it. I remember one billboard sign that had the Beer God shouting at passing traffic, “You in sixty-three Impala! Pull over now, sell car, buy Honeybrown Lager!” I wonder how many six packs of Honey Brown you could get for a sixty-three Impala? Not many I suspect.
Beer God’s radio ads were even more fun. One has him arranging a “We Are the World” type musical ensemble designed to promote the Beer God’s favorite cause, Honey Brown Lager. We are advised not to drink any other beer, “Or Beer God Make You Pay!”. Another clip explains how a kindler, gentler Beer God has decided to use advertising in lieu of earthquakes and pestilence to encourage us to drink beer. Of course, we’re warned he may go back to his old ways if lots of Honey Brown Lager isn’t sold."
Unfortunately the Beer God is nowhere to be found and Honey Brown has nothing on the internet to pay homage to such a brilliantly funny and addicting product mascot. I was hoping for some sound clips or something but all I could find were a few posters on ebay, so I coppied them and posted them here for you all to see.
Look upon the Beer God my friends, remember and cherrish him! He was noble and intelligent and he ruled with a golden mug. We miss his guidance.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Whatever Wednesday!
Well it's Wednesday once again. Let's see, apart from those annoying tests I tried to link to, the day has been pretty good so far. BTW I can't figure out how to link or post my results. It may be that the site completely SUCKS, like I had said before, or that my blog does not support the link. Whatever. I am so annoyed.
Oh well.
AMERICAN IDOL FINALE! I just did a poll on MSN and I chose Taylor. I love Katherine but I think Taylor is more consistant and he just seemed like he really wanted it last night, whereas Kat was really nervous. I don't necessarily care who wins b/c I enjoy them both, but the MSN poll came back as 69% of the votes for Taylor to win it. That's a huge lead, so I wonder if that will be the case (depending on the similarities of the demographic who actually votes to those who voted on MSN today.) We will have to see...
DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES FINALE: I watched the finale Monday ( I dvr'd it) and it was pretty good, except for the part where some psycho (who of course is sweet on Bree b/c she obviously attracts the nutjobs) runs over my Mike Delfino with his car!!! He better not be dead!! I am sure he won't be, he'll be in a hospital in a full body cast and Susan will come in an injure him further by being a clutz or something. Next season is sure to have an interesting opener.
Ok, since this blog entry is rather Blah today her is a random picture from my photo archive:
Don't you just love a man who really gets into his character?
Would you mind another random pic? (which isn't actualy random since it fits into a theme with the last one)
It's weird what you find online and what people do with their free time. Yeah, Yeah, I know, I should talk! Special Agent Squirrels, The Piehole Prophecy...
Whatever!!! It's Wednesday!!!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Fun with Quizes
I found this quiz site(yeah I am bored) and chose a few to send out and links to put here on my blog. The results are completly annonymous so be truthful! I will post the results here on my blog once a bunch of people have voted. Click the links below to take the quizzes!
The links are broken, and the site SUCKS. It won't let me even send out any more invitations! I am not going to spend a lot of time on this, although I thingk I already have...aarrgghh!
All Wound Up!
This morning I am all wound up and I just keep saying and thinking of things that make me collapse in hysterics for some reason. I thought I would share with you.
Everywhere I go I see babies and happily married couples. I never thought I'd say it but I was sitting in Church on Sunday morning (well, me sitting in church is not the part I thought I would never say! haha) and I saw all these married couples with small babies and I was thinking..."How cute!! The bond between a mother and child always looks like an amazing gift. Awww! I want one" Then reality sets in..."OH shit! Is that my biological clock I hear ticking right now? I didn't know I had one of THOSE! How do you turn this damn thing off???!!!" Alas, I need not worry unless it is the product of an immaculate conception and after thinking in swear words in church, that won't be happening anytime soon!
Last night I am trying to play Tomb Raider: Legend on my PS2 and my roomate keeps interupting me. At one point she knocks on my door "Hey! I have to tell you something!" and I said something like "Can you hold on for just a few minutes? I'm kicking somone's ass here!" That made us laugh and it's making me laugh even harder as I am retelling it!
I got to work (on time!) today and I see our IT guy Sam in the hallway carrying an easel to the conference room. We say hello and he asks how I am and I say "Great! How are you?". He answers "Pretty good" and I followed with "Oh, Are you taking it easel today?" It took him a second, a bit of a delayed reaction, but he got it and chuckled. I burst out laughing and then apologized for such a lame joke. I explained that I am a little wound up today. He said he hopes that passes especially if it means more corny jokes like that one! Sam is a riot, and a good sport! (and I am pretty funny!)
Oh, and speaking of being on time to work, I never am. I have this issue with getting here on time. I am always a few minutes late and when you punch a clock (Yeah, even The Executive Assistant to the President punches a clock...don't get me started!)the attendance Nazi's watch every millisecond and mark it in their little "Attendance Nazi" books. You know, the ones with the schwasticas embossed on them. They tally it up at the end of the week and then they dock you for every 6 minutes you are late. Well, anywho, my point is everyone knows I am chronically late. I am more often late than early. So, the President calls in to say he will be late today and asks for me. I got here right on time this am, but I was not here early to get his call...What was he thinking? Am I EVER here before 8:30am? Hello?
Let me explain: I am not chronically late to every job, just those I am not fond of. Yes, this is a job and yes I am paying the bills (barely) but it doesn't mean I am excited to get here everyday. Even when I get up at 5:15am to workout, I STILL cannot get here on time. Talk about a mental block ehh?
Well that is all for now. I hope some of these stories made you smile today!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Happy Birthday Kim!!!
Today is Kim's Birthday!
My sister in law Kim and I have always had a great relationship. I consider her my 4th sister! We always have great discussions about things and joke and laugh until we are crying!:) We love to go for hikes and walks and she bakes the best desserts around! I love to go visit because not only do I get to see my 3 nephews who are a blast, but b/c I get spend time with Kim and Mike as well.
Take a few moments to wish Kim (you know her as "henlib") a Happy Birthday today in the comments!
Hey Kim! Enjoy your birthday with this Birthday Butler...
...or you could bribe the boys to help you out today around the house!!!:)HaHa!
Have a great day!!!
Friday, May 19, 2006
What's hot on my list this week?
Today I thought it would be fun to make a list of all the things I am interested in lately (or obsessed with as some like to say!) . I have also added some upcoming things that I am really excited about.
Stadium Arcadium by the Red hot Chili Peppers. I like the fact that they have "cleaned up their acts" so to speak. There are alot of great songs I just can't get out of my head. I would recommend this as an excellent driving CD. I plan to make many trips with this as my soundtrack this summer!
Other music:
Sting just announced that he is coming oput with a new album. Tt's not his typical stuff but an album of 16th century Lute music. I know, you are thinking Huh? How boring probably, but I am really psyched to hear it. I love to hear all eras of music and this will be something unique.
Currently I am reading the Egyptologist by Arthur Phillips. Christine gave me this for my birthday back in November, but I am just getting to the point of reading it now. I am glad to have some time to get to read now that I am not taking a summer class! I have only just begun but it looks really great. Thanks Christine!! I think I will really enjoy it.
Since there is nothing at the theaters which I am interested in seeing now here is a list of the movies I would like to see. These are coming soon (this summer) to a theater near you:
- X-Men: The Last Stand (Hugh Jackman makes mutants Hot!!!!)
- The Lake House (I am not so much in to sappy love stories but this one I am interested in: starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves. Hey Dude! There's no bus in this movie!!!)
- Superman Returns (even tho Superman is not my favorite superhero, I still am interested to catch this one in the theater)
- The Lady in the Water (M. Night Shayamalan. Need I say more?)
- Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (ARGH!!)
- Click (Adam Sandler can control time by his remote control? A dooby hooby day ditty doo!)
A few I will wait to rent:
- The Omen (man I wish they would stop with the remakes but I love Julia Stiles)
- The Devil Wears Prada (With a title like that, I can't not see it!)
- Nacho Libre (Jack Black is Mexican and wears tight pants. No need to see that on the big screen thank you. Ole!)
Yep, I am Tomb Raiding on a regular basis lately. I know I have mentioned it before, but it is fun. New games are always fun. Most of my games are butt-kickin girl games anyway (Buffy, Alias, Dark Angel, and now 2 Tomb Raider games) I do have a few guy games tho: Indiana Jones, Batman Animated, Batman Begins and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Sensing a theme are you? Tv and Movie games. One I don't have that I hope they will come out with for PS2? Um yeah: Pirates of the Caribbean of course!!
The thing I am really looking forward to (this weekend) is getting a chance to watch some movies, veg out, read a bit and play a little PS2. Oh yeah and sleep in and eat a ton and...well you get the idea. Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Ranting and Ranting...but all in good fun!
For the last month I have had the amazing opportunity (that was sarcasm) of ordering lunches 2 -3 times a week (or more) for an ongoing strategy meeting. I order everyday, arrange for check or cash from accounting, for our courier pick it up if it cannot be delivered and set everything up (plates, napkins, drinks, utensils etc etc etc). It's easy tho, Thanks to doing those catering jobs for Dad with Pinky and Lamby ! (Eh Lamby?) Ahh the fabulous life of an Executive Assistant...
Anywho, you would think that one of these days they would decide to reward my dilligence and planning and invite me to order something for myself. Well, you would think...but they never do. Today I was tempted to order myself up a pint of something filthy from the chinese place. They would never notice, I would take mine before they got theirs and Accounting would't bat and eyelash b/c the attendance varies from meeting to meeting. Responsible me sees that as being less than polite and trustworthy so I didn't do it. I feel that I should be offered to partake, not partake without being offered. If they just offered once that would be nice.
Now, this meeting is called Lean Manufacturing. Anotherwords: How can we do more with less? Well, for one, you can stop spending $70 -$100 (yeah it could be worse but it's the principal here people!) on lunch for the meeting attendees every time you meet! Once a week is fine but come on! This week it has been meetings all 5 days! Two days last week, three the prior and so on. As I see it, the Tip -Tops want to cut all the lower minions in any way they can, but they want to keep themselves fat and healthy. I know this is how the world works, it's just really funny that they don't think the rest of us Working Joe's and Jane's realize it. I mean, with the rise in fuel costs alone for gas and energy, is a 3% raise really going to cut it? Ok I will stop now, b/c that last sentence is a totally differnt can of worms right there!!!
Argh. I love the library tho! I helped a littel boy find a book last night (and he said Thank you!!), I learned some new things and explored a bit more so I get used to the layout. Oh and guess what the Children's Summer Reading Program Theme is??? "Readng is a Treasure"!!! HA!! or should I say ARRGGHH!! The Librarian told me she would love it if I could do a story hour with my pirate voice. Wouldn't that be awesome??? But alas, my weekdays are filled with this boring place! :(
Today I feel a bit peckish?? Well yeah I am hungry, but I am feeling like some quotes from Eddy Izzard's Dress to Kill would be fun. I dare say, he's bloody brilliant! Enjoy!!
"If you're choking in a restaurant you can just say the magic words, "Heimlich maneuver," and all will be well. Trouble is, it's difficult to say "Heimlich maneuver" when you're choking to death."
"What shall we call our son so he does not get the shit kicked out of him at school? We shall call him Englebert Humperdinck! Yes, that'll work."
"We stole countries! That's how you build an empire. We stole countries with the cunning use of flags! Just sail halfway around the world, stick a flag in. "I claim India for Britain." And they're going, "You can't claim us. We live here! There's five hundred million of us." "Do you have a flag?" "We don't need a bloody flag, this is our country you bastard!" "No flag, no country! You can't have one. That's the rules... that... I've just made up! And I'm backing it up with this gun... that was lent from the National Rifle Association."
"Cable cars are fun - everyone gets on board and becomes a rhesus monkey."
"Cake or Death?"
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Whatever Wednesday
Once again it's Whatever Wednesday!!! Let's see how random I can get today...
In response to the ever rising gas prices we pay at the pump, The American Petroleum Institute has a message for us:
And now for a few quizzes:
You Are Apple Red |
You're never one to take life too seriously, and because of it, you're a ton of fun. And although you have a great sense of humor, you are never superficial. Deep and caring, you do like to get to the core of people - to understand them well. However, any probing you do is light hearted and fun, sometimes causing people to misjudge you. |
Here's a cute quiz (can't believe I got the one about Fireman!)
Your Pick Up Line Is |
Want to play fireman? We can stop, drop and roll. |
You Are Rain |
You can be warm and sexy. Or cold and unwelcoming. Either way, you slowly bring out the beauty around you. You are best known for: your touch Your dominant state: changing |
And finally:
Your Famous Last Words Will Be: |
"So, you're a cannibal." |
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Big News!!! Big News!!!
Firstly let me apologize for not blogging enough yesterday! It seems I had forgotten that it was Red Head's Birthday!
I hope you had a wonderful day!!!
From the sounds of your email, you did! Here is the email I got from Jen just a few moments ago with more amazing news!!!
"yes, you can update my list ...
the kitchen is done...
the closets are done
I have started to Keep a journal, so you can just check it, not cross it off...
and you can add to the top....
get the nursery ready - 'cause I AM PREGNANT!!!"
What? I get the news by email? I am calling you right now!!!! That is so AWESOME!!!!Wait until i get to Myrtle in will have a little bump-de bump!!!
Remember: Aunt Carol is fun and silly! She has much to impart to young ones!!
Ok maybe that should have been a Warning!!:)
Now on to updating that list of yours!!!:)
Tired Tuesday
Man am I dragging today! I am so tired. I need to stop playing PS2 before bed. I don't sleep well b/c the game is in my head...Damn that Lara Croft!! It is a cool game tho. Just running around Croft Manor is awsome in itself!
I have updated CC's 2006 List if anyoneis interested. Click on the link on my sidebar to see what has been crossed out/updated!:)
American Idol tonight with 3 left. I think Elliot will win it all now, not sure who will go tonight. My first guess is Katharine, tho I love her. i don't want to see Taylor go either, but I think he will do best without American Idol. I guess they are doing two songs each, one the judges pick for them and the other CLive Davis picks for them. I bet it will be interesting. Has anyone heard is Chris took the job as frontman for Fuel? I wonder if he will. I bet he wants to tour with his own band and do their own tunes the way they want to do them. I am interested to see where everyone ends up.
My Random pic for today is from my friend Nate. It was in a forwarded group of pics entitled "When graphic artists get bored". This one was not the most impressive, I just liked it the best...obviously!
Monday, May 15, 2006
I got an "A"!!!!!
I just got my grade for my Financial Math class I took this semester!!
I got an "A"!!!!!!!!
Is that exciting or what? Well, it's exciting for me seeing as tho Math has been my sworn enemy ever since I can remember!!! Ha-ha. :)
Math and I have sparred for years, but I think we finally came to an understanding.
I think Master Po would be proud.
The Ice Princess Cometh
Last night while chatting with my roomate, she remembered something that was said to her at the Cinco De Mayo party we attended at my coworker's place. She had told me that one of the guys had said that my nickname here at work is "The Ice Princess". She couldn't remember who it was that said it to her, but since she only spoke to a few people there, I think I have a decent idea. Why it took her two weeks to tell me this little gem I don't know, but whatever.
I mentioned this to a few coworkers this am. They said that they had never heard anyone call me that and that none should b/c I am a happy friendly person.I thought it might be b/c I am not "available" to anyone that works here so therefore I am an "Ice Princess". This is not the first time I have been dubbed this title tho I must confess.. There once was a group of boys in High School who decided to call me that b/c I wouldn't go out with any of them.
Today I will find out if it is the culprit that I suspect (the one who told my roomate). I know I will see him at some point. He is a middle aged divorced pig of a man who chases after everything and everyone. He thinks he is very suave, but he is just a skeevy, shady older man. I will keep you posted.
I guess I shouldn't really care. I kind of like that nickname around here: It will help to keep the creeps at bay that way!! :)What do you think?
Friday, May 12, 2006
Lex and Violence
The Smallville Finale was last night. Here's my little recap for ya:
Lex was possessed by General Zod, Clark is trapped in the Phantom Prison, Chloe and Lionel are being assaulted in the riots of Metropolis, Lois and Ma Kent are unconcious in the Luthor Corp jet with no pilot and Lana is giving whatever she and Lex have together a chance. It was really creepy when they showed the power going out all over the city of Metropolis and then the world. Within minutes (literally which was actually pretty funny) of Alien deciple of Zod, Milton "Bloody hell, it's Spike!" Fine, shorts out Smallville, it spreads and riots break out in the city. Very Armageddon...The chaos, the violence and who stands above looking down on it? (and looking really hot!)...Lex Luthor (Zod)
What will happen next season to resolve this cliffhanger? Well, here are my thoughts:
Lionel and Chloe will escape the mobs and save the day by letting Clark out of the phantom zone prison thingie. He will then save his mother and Lois just in time before the plane crashes (of course), then he will have to do battle with Zod (Lex Luthor). Zod's spirit will come out of Lex and be imprisoned in the Phantom Zone again and Lex will have no memory of what happened (or so he will say). Lana will be seriously injured (as usual) and will be recovering at a hospital for most of the second episode of the season... The world will be saved by Clark and everything will magically be back to normal within a few episodes.
I have to say, even tho I am siding with the truth, justice and the American way that Clark is sworn to protect, a part of me just loves seeing how evil Lex can become. Watching this show you have to feel sorry for Lex, after all that he has been thru, I would be evil too. Michael Rosenbaum continues to keep this show alive for me. He is just delicious as Lex Luthor. He makes evil like I like my coffee: smooth, sexy and hot. Wait, can coffee be sexy? Well, you get my drift. If I were Lana, I would have turned to the dark side a LONG time ago!!!!
Happy Friday Everyone! Have a great weekend!
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
OUTRAGE on the American Idol Stage!!!!'re joking right? That's what I thought when Ryan Seacrest announced that Chris Daughtry was going home. I think EVERYONE was shocked by that and that America was actually silent for a full 10 seconds before they reacted. I love Katherine, but she deserved to go last night. I was really amazed at the fact that Chris was booted.
When I got to work today I had and email from my friend Chris. I hope he doesn't mind, but he took the words out of my mouth, so here is part of what he had to say:
"If it weren't for the season finale of Smallville tonight, I'm not sure I could bring myself to turn on the tv after watching Chris Daughtry's untimely exit from American Idol last night. I'm not sure which troubles my heart more; that half the county could vote for Al Gore (you remember, the guy who invented the internet), or that somehow the only contestant that I've seen in 4 years on American Idol who has already the total package (vocals,look,presence,etc.) doesn't even make it to the finals."
It was surreal, the looks on everyone's faces. Katherine was shocked, Paula was crying (tho I am not sure if it was mostly the valium or the fact that her dream of getting it on with Chris was dashed), and Chris himself seemed assured that Katherine was going to be called. His face for the rest of the show, even while he sang, looked mad, frustrated and annoyed. I felt bad. It sucked. I think most of America is collectively scratching their heads today.
All I can say to turn this into a positive is that Chris Daughtry doesn't need American Idol anymore. He got himself out their thru the vehicle of AI, he made his mark, he will get a record deal (if he hasn't already!) and he will ROCK!!!
Go get 'em Chris!!!
PS) I wanted to mention the highlight (for me) of Tuesday's performance show: Michael Rosenbaum was in the audience!!! Thank God for DVR b/c I literally fell off the couch and had to rewind to make sure that was actually him (he had a bit of hair since Smallville is thru filming for the season). I was actually getting up to go into the kitchen and lost my balance when I saw M.R...pathetic...yes, and thank you.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
So Silly Whatever Wednesday!!!
Ooh! I have a really funny random pic for today! Apparently some crazy fan of Johnny Depp likes to purchase character dolls and pose them for Happy Birthday messages. Oh, and what is up with the chipmunk??? It's kinda creepy, but really hysterical! It's amazing what you find online searching with Google images!!!
I posted on my CC's 2006 list if you would like to take a look at some updates! I am still trying to figure out how to make something look like it was written and then crossed out. Anyone know how to do that?
Let me just say something about the Chili Peppers (again). Their rhyming and lyrics continue to crack me up. Even after 14 years of listening to them, I just can't take them seriously! I swear I could write for them! Below are some excerpts from their song "Around the World". I enjoy the fact that they like to incorporate state names, vowel sounds and that the meaning of each verse rarely coinsides with the rest of the song:
"Me Oh My O
Me and Guy O
Freer then a bird
When we're rockin' Ohio"
and if I they have a block they can just make up nonsense words...
"I know I know for sure
ning, nang, nong, nong, neng, neng, nong, nong, ning, nang.
I know I know it's you
ning, nang, nong, nong, neng, neng, nong, nong, ning, nang"
Can you see why I like The Red hot Chili Peppers? Ok let me try to make up a verse of my own:
"Get back beehive
Barbeque pork
Kickin' it live
Right here in New York!!!"
That wasn't so hard!! And I bet if I wrote it and told you it was theirs you would believe me. :) Don't get me started! I could write these all day!!
Have a great one everybody!!!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
And Now for Some Happy
You Are Buffy the Vampire Slayer |
"We saved the world. I say we have to party." |
You Are a Blueberry Margarita |
Honestly, there's no one quite like you. And believe it or not, most people think that's a bad thing! You're open, wild, friendly, wacky, and tons of fun. You have a big personality... and a big heart. |
Monday, May 08, 2006
Happy Birthday Nathan!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!
goes out to my nephew Nathan today!!! Big #12 this year???? Nope! Just found out it is one of my favorite numbers: 11!!!!
Happy Birthday Nate!!!
I hope you have a great birthday!!! I have a VERY SPECIAL Present for you but I want to see you open it...Soo...I will bring it when I see you next!!! Here is a riddle to give you a hint:
"I'm am so pretty to the eye
I push the sun across the sky
Very old, yet again brand new
What is this gift I give to you? "
And NO, it's not a duck dressed like a clown!!!
Post a comment and wish my Nathan a Happy Birthday today!!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Stinko de Mayo!!
Today is May 5th. While most people are celebrating Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican holiday of independance and victory, I like to celebrate "Stinko de Mayo". Stinko de Mayo is a holiday of the freedom to stink. There are many ways to do this such as not taking a shower on this day, belching after eating a heavily seasoned meal or my favorite: flatulating whenever the mood strikes.
In honor of this freeing holiday, I wanted to share some photos of folks celebrating in some traditional ways.
"You put your right foot in, you take your right foot out, you put your right foot in and you let a big one out!"
Dancers will swing and wiggle their skirts around to release the aroma of their flatulents during parades and street festivals. This dance is commonly done outside, but can be done inside if ventilation is adequate.
The "Old Fart Queen" is seen here judging for a contest.
Here couples have a "Gas-off" which combines dancing with flatulation. Experienced dancers are able to fart along with the vivacious rhythm of the music while keeping their movements fluid and graceful.
*if you found this post offensive, I'm sorry. You should get a sense of humor!!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Happy Birthday Beth!!!
Today is Beth's Birthday!
Beth, whose blog alias is "Big Geek" works with me and helps to keep me sane and have a bit of fun during the day. She enjoys speaking in an english accent with me and she perpetuates my pirate obsession. Oh yeah, and she enjoys potty humor. She is a riot!
OOh! I have made up a special song in honor of her birthday. It's to the Steve Miller Band song " The Joker"
She's knitter, she's a spinner, she's a lotto winner...
Penelope on organ is her scene!
She is silly, lived in Philly, she knows Edward Killey
But don't give her those baked beans!!
SOOOOO... wish Beth a Happy Birthday here in the comments or visit her blog Big Geek and say
"Good Morning Starshine! The earth says hello!" or whatever you like!!! hahaha
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Whatever Wednesday!!
It's Wednesday!!! Yipee!!! I thought maybe after two days of nothingness I would attempt an actual post about something you all may find interesting to read. While trying to write something meaningful I will try and be as brief as possible!!!
My Mom had given me a request form for an Expedition Guide for the Earthwatch Institute. I sent it out and I just got the guide in the mail yesterday. It is the coolest thing ever. They are a global volunteer organization that connects us regular Janes (and Joes)to field researchers all over the world. You can sign up for trips (commonly 10 or 14 days in duration) and be a part of a team who is working to uncover artifacts in Italy, save elephants in Arfica or record fossil finds in Mexico!
There are tons of expeditions for everyone whether you like to scuba and want to put that to use or you are interested in world cultures. You can even stay in the continental US if you feel more confortable on your own turf. Of course you pay your way, but what an experience! For me this would be amazing and it is going on my list of "things to do" in the next few years (once I can afford it:) I am still learning about this organization and hoping to get some time to read the guide in full today or tomorrow. If you would like to learn more about these incredible programs visit the Earthwatch Institute website
Tonight I start my part time library position. I am very excited, tho a bit nervous. My nerves usually are a good indication of a positive experience, so I am hoping that holds true! I will have to update you all tomorrow on how it goes! Now where did I put my tweed skirt, grandma's sweater and my glasses with the chain so I can wear them around my neck??? tee-hee. :)
I installed Stat Counter on my blog about 3 weeks ago and it is the coolest thing! It's amazing the stuff that you can track and find out about your blog traffic! I am not into the whole "Big Brother" idea, except when I am Big Brother..or in my case Big Sister???? hahahah! (insert maniacal laugh here)
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
My Eye!!!!
In keeping with the silly of earlier today I wanted to just post this little song from "Monsters, Inc." This just makes me laugh for's actually been about 2 hours since I first thought of this and I have been giggling about it on and off since then (and stopping a few times to completely lose it.) I hope you get the giggles too!
"Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me,
Get that thing away from me you guys,
Put that thing back where it came from
or I'll poke myself in the eye!!"
Monday, May 01, 2006
Dani California
I have been a fan of the Red Hot Chili Peppers since the early 90's and I remember listening to them and dancing up a storm with Jenn Souder. I know she would love this song if she were around to hear it...
I am happy to say that RHCP's are back and are bigger and badder than ever!! Their new album comes out May 9th. The debut single from Stadium Arcadium is called "Dani California" and I am addicted to it! It's so catchy 'cause these guys are super talented (Not many can beat Flea on the bass!)and you gotta love the rhyming abilities of Anthony Keidis!!!
"Gettin' born in the state of Mississippi
Papa was a copper and mama was a hippie...
Black bandana, sweet Louisiana
Robbin' on a bank in the state of Indiana"
Am I right? I just love it! They are just nuts but they are great so I thought I would share.
The video is a riot with the band changning costumes to reflect music fashion thru the years. You can see the video here at