Friday, February 27, 2009

Make Up My Mind

Wiccachicky had asked how the job hunt is going, so I thought I would post my journey so far. i hope you are in the mood to read a bit! It's not so much a job hunt yet, but a soul-searching that will hopfully lead me to the job hunt.

I have been reading career self help books like "The Career Guide for Creative and Unconventional People" and "Short Term Job Adventures" and taking lots of personality tests/career aptitude tests etc. I am doing this because I seem to know what I DON'T want, but have a hard time figuring out what I really DO want. I have many interests, but what makes me excited, gives me that fire and makes me thirst or more? To be more practical, which of these things can I make a living at???

Many people have the same job likes and dislikes as I do: "I hate being micromanaged", "I like to split my work time between working alone and with groups", or "I need to believe in and love (or like a lot) what I am doing to stay motivated and fufilled". I think the books have reinforced my true nature but I feel that my life experiences will help to draw the curtain back a bit, if I take the time to stop and look.

When I think back to my London trip this past fall, I remember how excited I was to visit the V & A and British Museums and Pembroke Castle in Wales. I had completely lost myself in these places losing track of time and space. I was at peace and speechless, but excited and rejuvinated. Who were the people that used these things, wore these clothes, lived in this place? What were their lives like? How did they affect future generations? I was moved to be standing in the midst of all this HISTORY!

I have always been in interested in history. I would spend hours looking through the Encyclopedia Brittanica (yea, remember those ginormus volumes?) reading about Egypt and other ancient civilizations. I told my guidance counselor every year from 6th grade on that I wanted to be an Archaeologist. My small town school laughed it off as a young movie buff's misguided intentions and when a trip to particiapte in a mock dig came up in 9th grade, they didn't pick me to attend. I was heartbroken, and tried to get a friend of mine to switch with me because she wasn't interested in going on a "dig". She went anyway even though she knew I was interested and she could care less. A few months later, when the Biology trip came up, I was chosen, knowing full well she wanted to go into a science field when she graduated, I declined her offer to let her go in my stead. The difference was, I enjoyed biology too, and she was picked for 99% of trips like that and I wasn't. I don't think I have any still active HS grudges, save this one. I feel I was cheated at a young age, which didn't help me in making the tough decisions about careers later in life.

When I got to college, I could make my own decisions, so I started taking Archaeology and Anthropology classes. I loved them and by the time I graduated, I realized that because I had taken so many Anthropology classes, I had enough credits to declare a second major (My first was Communications). Noone was excited about this but me, and it took a toll on my choices from there.

After college though, I heard the snickers of "Communications and Anthropology? What are you going to do with that major?" and the questions of interviewers who were evidently not very highly evolved. I think I got many jobs because I answered that question immediately and concisely expressing the similarities between the two disciplines and how they could intertwine in a corporate atmosphere. Eyebrows raised, lightbulbs went on and wheels started turning, whether they "got it" or not.

After all these years, I still go back to Anthro and History. The reason I never persued them is because, thruthfully, noone around me believed they were worthwhile careers. I am the type of person who needs back-up. If I have people who believe in me and my choices, I am more confident. If I had only been independent enough to ignore the naysayers and explore these options sooner, who knows where I would be right now? Maybe I would have found my niche. Maybe I would have hated it and gone a different path. The difference is at least I would have known!

I am done worrying about back-up and what people may say. A support system should only be there to help you when you fall, not play the game for you. I was never allowed to take any chances, and now I can. Maybe it's the wrong timing, maybe it's perfect timing. No matter what happens, I don't want to look back and regret that I never tried.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

OctoMom Look Alikes?

Since I am being bombarded at work that I look like OctoMom I decided to search for pics of her. Apparently some think that she looks like Angelina as well. I added me on the other side as a joke. If anyone has a pic of me that fits better, send it along! I think this is too hysterical!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's FAT Tuesday Y'all!!

I am usually all about Fat Tuesday, putting up links to Bourbon Cam (as well as others), posting pictures and sayings about letting the good times roll, but this year I completely forgot. I guess it is that fact that many of my work friends are being laid off, and the economy in general sucks. Perhaps it's because I have been busy with life and preparing for the worst...and looking forward to the best (a new career and direction).

I think Lent will be more meaningful to me this year than last.

So eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we fast!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Too often we decide to follow a path that is not really our own; one that others have set for us. We forget that whichever way we go, the price is the same: in both cases we will pass through both difficult and happy moments. But when we are living our dream, the difficulties we encounter make sense.

~Paulo Coelho

You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need.

~Jerry Gillies

The people who get on in the world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can't find them, make them.

~George Bernard Shaw

The Climb

A small boy heard the mountain speak,
"There are secrets on my highest peak;
but beware, my boy, the passing of time.
Wait not too long to start the climb."

So quickly come and go the years,
and a young man stands below- with fears.
"Come on-come on," the mountain cussed
"Time presses on-on, climb you must."

Now he's busied in middle-aged prime,
and maybe tomorrow he'll take the climb.
now is too soon - it's raining today
Gone all gone - years are eaten away.

An old man looks up - still feeling the lure.
Yet, he'll suffer the pain - not climb for the cure.
The hair is white - the step is slow.
And it's safer and warmer to stay here below.

So all too soon the secrets are buried,
along with him and regrets he carried.
And it's not for loss of secrets he'd cried,
But rather because he'd never tried.

~Phyllis Trussier

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Five Warning Signs of Burnout:

Sign No. 1: Your co-workers are walking on eggshells around you. If you find yourself becoming cranky and irritable with co-workers you used to get along with, it may be more than just typical interpersonal dynamics. (Um yea, cranky and irritable is probably an understatement)

Sign No. 2: You come in late and want to leave earlier. You used to wake up in the morning excited for another day, but now every day you dread heading into the office. Once lunch passes you start watching the clock, counting the minutes to the end of the day. (I am not sure I ever woke up excited for my job, but it definitely has gotten even harder lately. Dread is a good word. When you would rather be home cleaning your bathroom, it's time to look for another job!)

Sign No. 3: Apathy has replaced enthusiasm. You feel no motivation, no sense of accomplishment and have no desire to be challenged. Those who have burnout lose their motivation to perform, as well as their feelings of pride for a job well done. (BINGO!!! )

Sign No. 4: You've lost camaraderie with co-workers. You're no longer interested in the company network. You used to go to lunch, go out for drinks and participate in other company functions but now have no desire in socializing in or out of the office. (There are few that are my buds: Beth, Sam and Mary. I am pleasant to everyone, but do not want to waste too much of my energy on anyone who hasn't PROVEN themselves as allies...still jealousy prevails and if they really want my job they can have it!)

Sign No. 5: You're feeling physically sick. You always feel exhausted, have headaches, feel tension in all of your muscles and are having trouble sleeping. These physical signs are common indicators of job stress, and demonstrate that this can turn into a physical problem. (Headaches, exhaustion and tension are really prevelent. I sleep OK, some nites better than others, but it's consistantly a restless sleep which leaves me more tired)

If you are experiencing these symptoms, it's time to make some changes.

Life is too short. I just want you to back me up and let me follow my heart. I am not an irresponsible person that will quit my job without a place to land, but I have the right to be dissatisfied and search for something that is a better fit. ( Even if that fit is as an interpretive dancer in Prague.)

Let me fall down a few times, let me make mistakes. You can't protect me forever. I respect your advice and appreciate your help, but I have to live MY life, not the life you want me to have based on your experiences.

I know no matter what I end up doing or being, you will be proud of me because I am HAPPY, not just because you like the sound of my title. I hope you can just trust me until I get there.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The fun never stops...

Evan's Parade!

Create your own FACEinHOLE

Here's Marky!

Create your own FACEinHOLE

Queen Anne!

Create your own FACEinHOLE

Jim and the Bunnies:

Create your own FACEinHOLE

Samauri Kathy

Create your own FACEinHOLE

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's Valentine's Day

Thursday, February 12, 2009

More Fun with

Mike the Clown!

Create your own FACEinHOLE


Create your own FACEinHOLE

Kevin Potter???

Create your own FACEinHOLE

I Love Lois:

Create your own FACEinHOLE

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's Official: Introducing My NEW Celebrity Crush:

Meet Henry Cavill. Hot only is he Hot, but he digs Egyptology as well. Read his bio here on IMDB. (He would have been a decent Bruce/Batman I think too)

Feast your eyes on the "Duke of Suffolk, Charles Brandon" from the Tudors, or as I like to call him "Your Hotness" or "Sir Hotness of Suffolk"

Monday, February 09, 2009

More Fun with

Tropic Thunder Boys:

Create your own FACEinHOLE

Barbie Girls:

Create your own FACEinHOLE

Nurse Kim:

Create your own FACEinHOLE

More silliness to come! So Check back!

Friday, February 06, 2009

Carried Away

Through a HS friend on FaceBook I found this AWESOME site! It is called and you put your face in a variety of different scenarios from TV and film to magazines and music. You can even adjust the skin color to match the photo, which is sometimes a task, but great when it works well!
I am posting the 6 I did of myself today, and I already have some in mind for family and friends so check back next week to see what kind of trouble I have gotten myself into!

Create your own FACEinHOLE

Create your own FACEinHOLE

Create your own FACEinHOLE

And of course my Angelina and Tomb Raider Scenarios (Sorry Lamby, I actually think I am cuter tho if that helps!)

Create your own FACEinHOLE

This one is my favorite!!! SOOO perfect! It's Smiling Fun TR!

Create your own FACEinHOLE

Oh and here is a sneak peak at next week's silliness! (noone is safe!) Who is that Extraterrestrial!????

Create your own FACEinHOLE

Thursday, February 05, 2009

6 Degrees of Separation: FOTC

Actually I am 3 degrees from Bret and Jemaine now thanks to Beth!

Some fun info for those of you who are fans of Flight of the Conchords. My friend Beth (BigGeek)had told me that her friend Michael might be in an episode of the second season. Since I have HBO I have been watching and DVRing them I realized that Beth had said it was a bar scene, and they had a bar scene in the first episode of the season. I found it on youtube for her to watch it and there was her friend Michael! It was cool to see.

A little addition thanks to Lamby: Here is the Christian Bale Tirade REMIX on YouTube: (Obviously not suitable for children)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Childish Behavior Allowed

I thought I might as well have some mean-spirited fun this afternoon at the expense of some coworkers. If I only had photoshop!
Click the image to open larger to read (especially first one!)

OK. Now I feel a little better. It gets to the point where I am so mad that my anger turns to F-bombs and attitude that rivals Christian Bale's on set. Doing something like this allows me to step back and not take it all so seriously. It also wastes time at work that I really don't have, but I find I am more productive after an outlet.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Christian Bales Loses It and Post #666

How appropriate for post #666 on cclifeblog is it that I have a link to the audio of Christian Bale losing it on the Terminator set?

I'm sorry, but I find this hystercical. The man has some definite anger issues to deal with, but how many times have you wanted to let loose on some asshole that you work with?

Yea baby. I am living VICARIOUSLY through Mr. Bale. Check out the article and listen to the audio HERE

Monday, February 02, 2009

Time to Face the Music

We finally reached a verdict and jury duty is over. Now it is time to go back to my real job. One that, as you all know, I am not happy with and am dreading. I am enjoying reading that career book and feel like that will keep me focused and on track. One of the things they ask you to do is to ask others to think of words that describe you.

So, if you don't mind, humor me and try the new Johari Window that I made (remember when I posted from Wiccachicky a few years ago?)CCLifeBlog2 Johari Window This is a new one, for you to fill out for me. I will post the old one once I have results back from this one to compare. Please be honest. Seriously, you don't even have to put your name in to submit, you can write in as anonymously. This is important to me and will help me in my personal journey, so please take this seriously if you do participate.

There is also a list of skills given in the book that I had to choose from, but because it is hard to describe yourself, it is helpful to have others weigh in and see if anything overlaps. Here is the skills list in pdf format. If you could, please take a few moments to peruse it and give me a list of what skills you feel are my greatest strengths (either in the comments or via email at think both of these exercises will help me immensely and I thank you for taking a few moments to help me out.

As for the impending doom that is work, my worry is that I will get back to work and be so miserable that I will sink back into my stressed-out, angry and deflated mood I have been emerging from. The energy in my place of work is heavy and negative, it is hard not to get lost in the fog of it all. Wiccachicky is right. If I can focus on my goals and accomplishing them day to day, one by one, I will have something to look forward to and it will make me much happier that I am moving forward. Goals are good.