Time to Face the Music
We finally reached a verdict and jury duty is over. Now it is time to go back to my real job. One that, as you all know, I am not happy with and am dreading. I am enjoying reading that career book and feel like that will keep me focused and on track. One of the things they ask you to do is to ask others to think of words that describe you.
So, if you don't mind, humor me and try the new Johari Window that I made (remember when I posted from Wiccachicky a few years ago?)CCLifeBlog2 Johari Window This is a new one, for you to fill out for me. I will post the old one once I have results back from this one to compare. Please be honest. Seriously, you don't even have to put your name in to submit, you can write in as anonymously. This is important to me and will help me in my personal journey, so please take this seriously if you do participate.
There is also a list of skills given in the book that I had to choose from, but because it is hard to describe yourself, it is helpful to have others weigh in and see if anything overlaps. Here is the skills list in pdf format. If you could, please take a few moments to peruse it and give me a list of what skills you feel are my greatest strengths (either in the comments or via email at cclifeblog@hotmail.com.)I think both of these exercises will help me immensely and I thank you for taking a few moments to help me out.
As for the impending doom that is work, my worry is that I will get back to work and be so miserable that I will sink back into my stressed-out, angry and deflated mood I have been emerging from. The energy in my place of work is heavy and negative, it is hard not to get lost in the fog of it all. Wiccachicky is right. If I can focus on my goals and accomplishing them day to day, one by one, I will have something to look forward to and it will make me much happier that I am moving forward. Goals are good.
Conversely you can tell me about my shortcomings at the following:
You might want to go anonymous with that one, depending on what day I read the results...hhah!
These stood out to me as your strong points
Synthesizing? You mean "I just sit home and play sinthesizers?"
Thanks Henlib!
I can't get to the "shorcomings" link...
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