Thursday, January 29, 2009

Let There Be Light...

Like a true Scorpio, I have been going through this incredible season of rebirth lately. I feel energized, happy and I am learning so much more about myself. It has switched on a light in me and I believe it's all due to the experiences of the last 3months.

From traveling abroad for the first time and exploring London and Wales with my niece Alysa, to getting back to Vegas (even if it was for work) and having jury duty over the last two weeks, along with other little things here and there, I have begun another metamorphesis. This happens on smaller scales all the time throughout the year, as you have been able to read on CClife Blog. You have all read the darker depressions I slump into and the subsequent rebirths, but this is different, on a larger scale and hopefully the call to action that I have been yearning for.

I am currently reading a book entitled "The Career Guide for Creative and Unconventional People" and it is definitely hitting home. I realized after being physicaly away form work for almost 3 weeks, (Vegas for a week and Jury duty for all but 2 days in the last two weeks) that I am more than miserable there, I just don't care anymore. That is a bad place to be, expecially when the economy is so bad and job hunting should not be tops on your list right now. I have realized that whilst doing something meaningful and using my brain (Jury Duty) this week, that I don't want to return to my job. I am actually DREADING it, and perhaps my unhappiness with my job, and the fact that it is getting worse all the time, is the true cause of all of my deep depressions in the last 8 months.

I wanted to share from the Career Guide I am reading, since it really hits the nail on the head for me (and it may for you as well):

"...a good job-personality fit has been found in a number of studies to be positively related to self-esteem, mental health and life satisfaction and negatively related to anxiety and burn-out...Althought casual links between job fit and mental health are not clear, one study of employee's mental health concluded 'Career and work satisfaction emerged as the strongest contributors to mental health' "

I think we can all agree that I have been more manic depressive over the last 6 months just by reviewing the lack of FUNNY posts here on CClife blog. Granted, my job does not allow me to spend time doctoring photos as much as before, but when I have had the chance, I haven't felt "up to it", as if my silly side had been crushed or locked away due to lack of use.

Being able to travel and explore and do things I have never done before has boosted my confidence, and motivated me to not be afraid to try something else. It has opened my eyes and my mind. This company has never been the end all be all, and I have never settled for mediocrity although I have settled for the short term. If I am that unhappy, I should move on. Resume updating begins this weekend. Lamby: Get out your red pencil to help me tweak next weekend!

I guess the hardest part of this process is the fact that my family, especially my father, were so excited that I had finally gotten a "real" corporate management position. My father was actualy telling all of his friends that I was promoted to being the Marketing Manager 1 1/2 years ago, and I couldn't be mad at him for stealing my thunder because he was so proud. Of course that is important to me, but I have grown enough to know that he will be more proud me if I am HAPPY with my job, than just because I have a title that seems to impress people. Also, I am the only one who can make the decisions for my life that will make me happy. My family loves me no matter what and they will stand by me in my endeavors as I have for them and I need to do what is right for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because the job is not your thing doesn't take away the fact that you DID accomplish it! People make career changes all the time. In fact, our generation averages 5 changes in our lifetime (and those just 10 years behind us are averaging 7!). So don't feel like because you are unhappy that you are somehow a failure. There are lots of things you can do!

If you like business, you can go pursue your MBA and move into more interesting aspects of the business world. If you want to get out of corporate America completely, you can probably do that with all the transferable skills you learned as a manager. Just take things one step at a time and make a plan - the worst thing about being in a situation you do like is having no plan to get out of it. If you have a plan to get out, you'll probably start feeling better about the day to day because each day is working toward your new goals! :o)

11:03 AM, January 30, 2009  
Blogger C.C. said...

Thanks Wicca! You are so right. I think the best way to look at this is that I did accomplish something that wasn't "my thing", which in itself is a difficult task. When you don't like something, you tend to not want to do it, but I did it and did it well. A testament to my work ethic I suppose. :) Imagine what I could accomplish in an area that REALLY means something to me!

One step at a time. I need to remember that the Great Pyramid was not built in a day! (lol) Working towards goals and accomplishing little things along the way helps to keep me focused and aware that I am moving forward and growing.


9:06 AM, February 01, 2009  

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