Oscar Nom for Ledger
I don't want to get too excited here, because this may very well be just a pity nom because fans are screaming for it. I never watch the Oscars, because I find them to be obnoxious. I also rarely read film reviews until after I see the movie because I know what I like and what I want to see already. I guess I don't care what "The Academy" thinks, my own opionion is what counts for me. Regardless, I still want Ledger and Dark Knight to run away with all of their noms.
Honestly, what do the Oscars REALLY mean anymore?
It's just a political juggernaut within hollywood's walls for money and power. Oh, and for them to pat themselves on the back. "Look at us! We're so creative/cutting edge/dramatic!" (now turn, pose for the camera and smile) I think if hollywood spent more time worrying about the actual craft of acting, they could be putting more quality cinema out there than they have been. Sure, recognition for hard work is wonderful, but like everything else, the Oscars have degraded themselves into just another award ceremony for hollywood to blow their own horns.
In my opinion, DK should win all of these nominations. These nominations are well deserved... But whatever happens in February 22nd, I still know that The Dark Knight was the best damn action/super hero movie I have seen in a LONG TIME. Thank you Christopher Nolan, cast and crew.
Hard to believe it's been a year today. RIP Heath Ledger.

I's so glad that we watched the Dark Knight last night.. Hears to Heath Ledger and the amazing movies he left us with and to the hopes that The Dark Knight takes home all the Oscars it's nominated for!!
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