Friday, December 30, 2005

drowning of boredom and...

Like Harry and Ron pictured above, I am a bit bored today. Not sure what to post but needing to post more than yesterday.

Went to a nice little gathering at Stacy's last night. Her place was decorated so nice with her tree and little snowmen everywhere. She even had lit a fire and it was nice and cozy. Met a few new people and saw some people that I haven't seen in a while. It was nice because we all made plans for next weekend. It was fun and mellow and the wine was devine!

I am looking forward to my weekend. Some fun with my boys and then a quiet New Year's Eve with family. I really don't like New Year's Eve. I like to go to a house party and hang with friends or family instead of paying large sums of money to eat tiny sandwhiches, and watch people get juiced and dance...badly. HAHA. I am happy ringing in the new year with family and friends. I hope you all have a great weekend! Be safe, have fun and Happy New Year!!


Thursday, December 29, 2005

A Day like today...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Weasley Wednesday!

It's time to get a little silly! It's Weasley Wednesday!!!

The Weasley twins and their delightful mischief! These guys are definately on my wavelength. If I were a character in this series I would be working at their joke shop: Weasley's Wizard Weezes in Diagon Alley for sure! That would definately be a job I could get up every morning to do! I would date Oliver Wood, that cute scottish accented captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team from years 1-3...Huh? What? Oh yeah, got a little carried away there!

Here's me as a Hogwart's student. Not as cool as south Park but fun anyway:

I call me "Caroleena". Sounds like a good wizard name right? Afterwards I think I would have prefered an owl, but the cat is cool anywho. But enough about me! It's Weasley Wednesday!!!

Is it my imagination or has Ron become the poster-boy for 70's style youth in England? All I can think of is a young David Bowie with red hair before Ziggy Stardust...too funny! Ron is just so cute with that face!!

Weasleys ROCK!!!Weasleys ROCK!! Everybody say it with me!!

Well, apparently Snape has interupted our Weasley Wednesday! He's always ruining all the fun!

I just have to say how entertaining and magical this series has been for so many young readers and older readers as well! I find myself looking towards the next installment with excitement and wonder as if I were 12 again. My imagination thrives in the pages of her books and her characters come alive as if I am watching instead of reading. This series definately got me into reading more as an adult because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Now I understand. I thought I would close with some words from JK Rowling herself about the Harry Potter series. Copied from her website ( she states:

"For 2006 will be the year when I write the final book in the Harry Potter series. I contemplate the task mingled with feelings of excitement and dread, because I can't wait to get started, to tell the final part of the story and , at last, to answer all the questions (will I ever answer all of the questions? Let's aim for most of the questions); and yet it will all be over at last and I can't quite imagine life without Harry"

Either can we JK, either can we.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Hello Randomness!

Christmas was great as usual this year. I got some really neat stuff including a mask from China (I will have to take a pic and post it) from my brother's travels and Phantom of the Opera on DVD. I ate a ton and had some fun and now it's back to work. Only a 4 day week tho and then it's off again for New Years.

I do have to say that I am proud of myself! I started and finished the 6th book of Harry Potter over the weekend. I enjoyed reading it and Ron and the Weasely twins are still my favorites!! Yeah, I was a bit teary at the end, I cannot lie. It was very sad. There were a lot of loose ends and I wonder if JK will be starting a whole new series now for Harry as an adult? I will need to look that up. Sounds like a mission for CC!

Speaking of teary, I watched my Phatom of the Opera DVD last night and cried at the end of that too. Maybe part of it's because Gerry Butler plays the Phantom, but how can you not feel for him? It's such a tragic story and when he sits down and listens to the music box and sings along, crying, it just breaks your heart..."Masquerade, paper faces on parade, Masquerade, hide your face so the world will never find you..."

My roomate is home with her parents this week for her vacation from school (Lucky!)so I am on my own. I am loving it actually. I can watch any movie I want...Tonight the Feature Presentation is "MR. AND MRS. SMITH", and I can eat anything or at any time I want. I am not on a schedule, we usually eat dinner together to save on $$ which is great, but this week I can do whatever I want...well, after I vacuum, clean the bathrooms and do my laundry. HAHA! It's times like these that I realize how much I miss living alone, but after a few days of alone time I am so thankful that I have a roomate that I can laugh with and will get me out of the house on the weekends!

I am sure by the end of the week I will be bored and needing some people around me, which by the way I have covered... I have a feeling that next weekend will be a HUGE weekend out, since the girls and I haven't been out in quite a few weekends! That will be fun and I am looking forward to it, but for now, I am enjoying my solitude. I have a lot of things on my mind right now, preparing for school, taking a winter-mini, and tryingt o plan out the next two years ofr my life in order to achieve the goals I have set. Big things going on in the Village right now (that would be my head as coined by my friend Ari, which was way before M Night came out with his movie!)

Well, I guess I have been fairly random today. Hope your holiday was great too, or is going great right now!

Tomorrow is WEDNESDAY!!!! I have a feeling it will be a theme day on lifeorsomethinglikeit! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A Christmas Carol!

Well, here I am! Ready for Christmas! I am so excited that I get to go home to my parent's today after work! I won't be back here until Tuesday!!! Yippeeeee!!!

I finished all my shopping last night without too much trouble. I am set and ready to wrap, except that I forgot all my wrapping paper at home!!! I decided that I would make a stop someplace tomorrow to get 2 rolls or so. How annoying. I guess I can't complain that after all the packing etc I did yesterday that that was all I forgot...I HOPE!

I want to extend a Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates! In doing so I thought I would leave one of my favorite "commercial" Christmas songs here.

Holly Jolly Christmas

Have a holly, jolly Christmas;
It's the best time of the year
I don't know if there'll be snow
but have a cup of cheer

Have a holly, jolly Christmas;
And when you walk down the street
Say Hello to friends you know
and everyone you meet

Oh ho!
the mistletoe
hung where you can see;
Somebody waits for you;
Kiss her once for me

Have a holly jolly Christmas
and in case you didn't hear
Oh by golly
have a holly
jolly Christmas this year

I think the white Christmas thing is a sealed deal here in NY State which is great! I look forward to getting in some night hikes and cross country skiing over the long weekend! I also hope to see a few friends (if possible) who may be home for the holiday (and maybe even those whose home is still 4 hours away in Mass. but that's closer than Atlanta and I haven't seen him in months! (NATE: YOU STILL ALIVE BABY???!!!!!)HAHAH!)

ANYWHO!! Remember that mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it...

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A Pity Party?

As you have read, recently a coworker of mine has gotten engaged. She is 46 years old, divorced (obviously), has two twenty-something children who are grown and married themselves and has found a wonderful man who is in the same boat as she (divorced, 46, w/ a teenage daughter). I am very happy for her because it's nice when two people find each other, but also b/c I thought she would stop yapping about how she is single. Imagine how I felt, listening to this woman complan that she had a failed marriage and would never find true love. Yeah, kind of annoying is an understatement. Maybe now that she is engaged she will chill out, right? Think again.

I am a fairly even-keeled person when it comes to being single, dating and marriage issues etc. I am not the type who HAS to have a boyfriend every second, HAS to get married by a certain age etc. I am a strong independent woman, but somehow, the comments I have been getting lately have been jading me to an unprecidented level. My friends and family are even astonished that any of this bothers me in the least, and I surprise myself actually.

So now that she is engaged, all she talks about is her ring and the honeymoon package they booked and getting a house and buying things for it and planing the wedding...blahblahblah friggin' blah!! Then today she comes out with (after spending 10 minutes gushing about their honeymoon plans to me) "I just have a hard time with it sometimes tho because I know I have girlfriends out there who don't have anyone, and it's soooo hard, and I feel so bad for them"


Am I the only one who feels that knife in my back diving deeper? Is that supposed to make me feel better? How did I ever become so lucky to be given a surprise Pity Party? I don't think anyone has ever given me one of those before!!

Let me tell you what, you can pity me until you are blue in the face, but I will not partake. Maybe she has someone to come home to at night now and I don't, but that means I also don't have anyone to answer to, take care of, and if I wanted to hop a plane to Romania tomorrow, I could do it. I am not cheapening relationships, they are wonderful and worth every minute when you are in love. Luckily, I can say I have experienced that, HOWEVER, being single means FREEDOM and Freedom doesn't need a pity party!

I think people always think the grass is greener and that everyone thinks the way they do. Unfortunately this is not the case. Being single has it's pros and cons as does being in a relationship. Some people are gung ho to get married and some people are more relaxed and don't mind taking their time to make sure it's done right the first time. Maybe this is a repeat post from a few back, but I just can't believe that in this century single girls are treated like they have a "freshness date", as if they will be rotten if left out in the world alone past age 30! ( I realize that we are up from last century's age 20, but come on!)

I mean honestly, why is everyone so worried about me? I'm not! I admit it, I am a tough customer! I'm picky and certain things I will not abide. I need to find a guy who has the guts to go ten rounds with me, be a man not a milktoast, and keep me interested. I realize there may not be many out there, but I remain optimistically detached. (hmmm, I think that's my new favorite phrase...optimistically's got a nice ring to it!)

The good news is my skin is toughening and this last situation actually made me laugh. This, even after a comment was made at my departmental holiday lunch about some one FINALLY getting married...(with me being the only single person at the table). Thank goodness for character building exercises, huh? Althought I thought I was full of character already!!!

Tomorrow is the end of the week for me and a very special Whatever Wednesday!!! (insert maniacal laugh here)

Monday, December 19, 2005

A Pattern is Forming...

Mad Eye Moody Monday!!!

Do I feel as tho I have been shoved in a trunk and an evil minion of the Dark Lord has taken my place? Well, not exactly! I just liked the sound of it!

Yes, I finally saw Harry Potter 4 this weekend. This was not mty favorite book and I know in the films they cannot include everything, but personally I feel that the Weasely twins were not in it as much as they could have been. Rita Skeeter was extrememly slimy and thankfully not in it as much as she was in the book. I have to say they were sexing it up a bit and contrary to popular belief, tho I love (certain) bald guys, Voldemort is NOT my new boyfriend!!!! Just want to put that out there ahead of time! He was wickedly terrible! Overall it was OK. A bit rushed to get everything in I thought but OK.

Now I am on to see Narnia, when that will happen who knows, but withing the enxt few weeks I guess! I also want to see Memoirs of a Geisha. I know there are a few more but they escape me right now. Anyone seen any good movies recently? Oh King Kong looks good too.

I am looking forward to having a long weekend! I am off Thurday thru Monday! A 5 day weekend!! Yipeee!!! Still have 5 things left to pick up gift wise...but they are small and will hopefully be relatively easy to find. :) Lots of fives there, good, it's one of my favorite numbers (11 is the other). Tonight it is dinner with friends and a ride thru the Winter Wonderland called "Lights on the Lake". Lights and scenes including candy land, the wizard of Oz and Santa etc line the lake and you drive thru. It's really cool, even if you aren't 10 years old! I kinda wish we weren't doing it tonight tho. I still have shopping to do and would like to have it done before I go home for the holiday...oh well. I have tuesday to finish up. I guess the week will go faster this way having to rush around a bit.

Well, that's all from here, so have yourself a good Monday everyone! A Mad Eye Moody Monday that is!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

If I were on South Park

My friend Beth from Big Geek Blog sent me this awesome link to make your own South Park Characters. So much fun!!! So I decided as I was creating me that I would also create my friends, or celebrities. I hope you enjoy a few of my interpretations!

Ok so here is me:

And Carolyn, my roomate:

How about Lex Luthor?

Or me as a kick-ass spy girl and her scruffy dangerous sidekick?

What if Michael Jackson Showed up? HEE-HEE-HOOOO!

This is how Tom Cruise got to Katie Holmes: He beat her into submission and made her listen to the L. Ron "Trance Inducing" tapes!

Hopefully that gave you a good laugh! I am sure I will be posting more characters in the future but before I go I wanted to leave you all with one last pic: Can you guess who this is?

Have some of your own fun here:

7 & 7 meme

This was a meme I was tagged for by my girl Amy. This looked like so much fun I had to do it right away! So sevens it is!
Hey, did you know I enjoy a Seven & Seven now and again. (Seagram's 7 and 7-UP.) YUMMY! But remember, if you don't have 7-UP, DO NOT SUBSTITUTE Ginger Ale! That's a drink I stumbled upon that we named "Dry". Not so good. hahah! Here we go!

Seven things that attract me to a partner: (in no particular order)1. Features: Smile/Eyes/hands
2. Sense of humor
3. Smart/intelligent: but not so much that he sounds like he reads the dictionary every night before bed! (You know, a showoff. Guys like that you can tell are trying too hard to impress you with their Knowledge...)
4. Is handy (fixes things, a rennaissance man of sorts)
5. Must love dogs
6. Honest, Trustworthy and loyal
7. Has common sense

Seven Things to Do Before I Die: (even if they are not possible)
1. Go to Egypt/Castle tours of Europe and Bristish Isles
2. Have some dogs and maybe some horseys too!!
3. be financially secure/be debt free
4. Skydive
5. Be on Saturday Night Live
6. Build an English Stone Tudor home for myself
7. Meet a great guy

Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Murder PieHole
2. Be on time for a job I dislike
3. Stop being obsessive about my movies
4. Share my feelings before they build up and I explode
5. Make pie crust
6. Make up my mind
7. Tolerate idiots

Seven Things I Say Most Often: for whatever reason
1. Seriously people!
2. I know, Right.
3. Shite!!
5. Right on!
6. Anything in an English Accent
7. I have a bat with your name on it!

Seven Books (or Book Series) I Love:
1. Anything on Egypt
2. Timeline
3. The Pirate Hunter
4. Broken Music, Sting's autobiography
5. Beatrix Potter: Especially Squirrel Nutkin
6. The Historian
7. Harry Potter

Seven Movies I Would Watch Over and Over Again:
1. The Goonies
2. The Lost Boys
3. THe Mummy
4. Anything Batman or Indiana Jones (ok so I cheated and put two here!)
5. Lara Croft movies
6. Serendipity
7. Jim Carey Movies Esp Ace Ventura/Bruce Almighty/Liar Liar

Seven Favorite Meals:
1. Dad's Lasagna
2. Dad's pasta and sauce
3. Thanksgiving
4. Christmas Eve
5. STEAK!!!!!!!!
6. Annie's oven baked Chicken
7. My Breakfasts

Seven People I Tag To Do Seven Sevens:
1. Ok I don't know anyone but Big Geek! and I am thinking she will not participate... so I am a loser!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Do I have a choice?

So today I have finally gotten to the end of my rope with the whole Marriage thing in our society. Too many things have been said to me in the last few weeks for me to just sit back and be treated like a second class citizen because I am not married. We have all seen Sex and the City, where 30 something women struggle to maintain careers and their dignity while treading water waiting for the right man to come along. It's bullshit. Why does the right man have to come along? I mean, if he doens't do I settle for Mr OK or Mr Marginally My Type? I don't think so. Everyone places so much pressure on people to get married and have a family! If you are not married by a certain age then either there is something wrong with you or your ideals of a mate are too high. I am pretty sick of it. Here is a list of the comments I have gotten that make me wonder why my priorities don't match up with everyone elses.

1. THE FEDEX GUY: He sees pics on te computer at reception of two children and asks me if they are mine...I say "no, I don't have children." then he says "Are you married?" I say "No" and then he says "Why not?" to which I say "Should I be married? I thought that was a choice?!". Then he shows up again today and the first thing out ofhis white trash mouth is "So, did they marry you off yet?" to which I answer "Not today". What I wanted to say was "No they didn't and WHO is THEY? And Yet? Am I a burden on my family and friends because I am not married? Are they secretly plotting to marry me off so someone else can take care of me finally?" So you can say I am Fed UP with the FedEx guy.

2. THE BOSS So a coworker got engaged over the weekend. The Boss walks through the kitchen as I am sitting at my desk (directly across the hall) and in front of the engaged coworker and three to four other people points at me and yells out "HAHA, She got a ring this weekend and YOU DIDN'T!!! HAHA!" Yeah. thanks. What was that all about? Because I am single I am automatically the loser of some contest? Here's a funny fact:Her fiance asked me out a month before he started dated her! I said no, therefore that could have been me! But again I wasn't going to settle. Perhaps if I had gotten a ring then my weekend would have been up to snuff? Right. That is one of those situations where you just want to shake your head and yell What the F#ck!!???

3. Worth According to PieHole My third and final is a wonderful email from PieHole in which she rips apart everything in my life as if to say I am a failure: "Funny when I was 30yrs old I had worked in my professional job for 9 years and was making 45,000-55,000 with bonuses and paying for my own apt and getting ready to get married. So glad you are 30 yrs old and going to school to find a career and make some money. I guess you have time to be a glorified secretary."
SO I guess that is how we are judged. How much do you make? and Are you married by 30? One thing I can say is that this fat bitch is just that, fat. She sits at home like a lazy slob. I would much rather be in my position, poor (because I do pay for my apartment, always have) and unmarried than in a horrible marriage with money and having a nickname like Jabba the Hut. Just because you are married doesn't mean your life is better!

Not that I couldn't go on for days about all the comments I have gotten as a single girl now 30, but I thought these few were by far the best and happened with in the last few months. I used to think that "How come some people get two shots and I haven't even gotten one?" Well after these and other situations I know the answer! Because I won't settle the first time! That means even if I NEVER GET MARRIED!!!

Did I just hear a collective GASP? Could it be? Carol just said she doesn't care if she gets MARRIED? Quick! Call a Doctor, a Psychiatrist, a Scientologist! She needs serious help! Every girl wants to get married!! Right?

Yeah, well those of you who know me know I am not every girl. I am not saying I won't get married, I am just saying I won't settle just so I can say I am married. there is a big difference. I joke about Michael Rosenbaum and Gerry Butler, and of course I wouldn't turn them down!! haha that was a joke! I just have other priorities that need tending. A career for instance. I have a job, but I want to be a teacher! That takes time and that's tops on my list right now. Meeting a guy ranks up there with getting a dog for me: I would like to have one but I can't really afford it right now. Not to say if I met an awesome guy I would ignore it, I'm just turned off by everything and everyone lately as you can see by the comments I have been getting.

Being single is a CHOICE. I have gotten many offers, some I have taken, some I have declined. I am who I am and I will keep plugging along until I see something I like, I can't force it or worry about it. I think dating is like shopping. I'm a window shopper not an impulse buyer. Fancy packaging will catch my eye of course, but a quality product is what I am looking for. If I find it, great, if not, I may end up asking "How much is that Doggie in the window??".

Monday, December 12, 2005

T'was the Night before Christmas, PieHole!

Here is a story of a family getting what they REALLY want for Christmas. FRom the slightly twisted mind of me to you, Enjoy!

T'was the night before Christmas
and all through the place
there were insults and yelling
from PieHole's Fat face.

The stockings were hung, the house looked real pretty
PieHole complained "My life is so shitty!"

The children were cowering away in their beds
and thinking about the headaches in their heads
For PieHole was freaking, and Tim was in shock
"How much would it cost, to knock off her block?"

Tim sprang from his chair, he knew what was the matter
PieHole was irritable and getting fatter and fatter
Away to the wine rack he flew like a stork
Popped open the bottle and threw down the cork!

He poured her a glass right up to the brim
he knew her intoxication would gladly save him
Then what did happen, for Tim was surprised
When he looked round the corner and saw three pairs of eyes

The girls were awakened, they knew what to do
They sat PieHole down by the fireplace flu
PieHole began to rise saying "I'll take none of your sass!"
"be quiet PieHole! Sit back on your ass!"

"Your meaness and rudeness have taken a toll
Your a bitch, a crazy! We call you PieHole!!
On top of all that you are horrible to Dad
You're Psycho Mom, in fact you're quite mad!!"

Like teaching an old dog new tricks, no dice
When she met with these words she turned straight to ice
She began to swear using all she had known
She was rabid like a dog who fights for a bone

And then, the next moment she heard on the deck
Mr. Jackson escaped! and she yelled "what the Heck?"
As Tim drew in a breath Mr Jackson soon darted
Pie hole got so scared she stood up, then farted

"After that Cat!" she snarled and growled
"You can't leave him out there at night on the prowel!"
Tim said "he's ok, he'll be back in the morning"
but PieHole came out with a extreme warning!

"You get out there you measely wimp!
or I will give you a permanent limp!"
"Tell you what" Tim said with a grin
"I'll make you a wager, 'cause I know I will win"

He proposed that she look for Mr Jackson the cat
"If you'd make yourself useful you wouldn't be so fat!
and if you cannot find him by early morning light
you'll give me all custody and the house with no fight!"

"I'll take that bet and you'll be sorry I did!
I know exactly where Mr. Jackson has hid!"
Though out in the yard was a red suited man
Santa stole Mr. Jackson and to his sled he ran!

PieHole in her ginormous coat and shoes
began her search by following mews
it was all she could do to walk down the street
Her big fat ass was hurting her feet!

As dawn began to break she couldn't find the cat
and Tim was granted custody, the house and all of that
Without a job Piehole had hardly any cash
She started wishing that she really had Wipe Lash!

She left the house for good, and without a fight
And you could hear Tim say as she drove out of sight
We'll have a Merry Christmas now that is true
Happy New Year to all! and Mr. Jackson too!!

Well it's Monday again, but I find myself in an extremely good mood. I am officially out of my funk people! It usually lasts a few days and then I am good. I am sure that you have noticed that pattern by reading my blog thus far. Usually Monday brings out the ARRGGH in me but not today! Perhaps I am overlooking the fact that I have this funky stomach bug (I think) where I feel sick to my stomache one minute then starving the next, no puking tho thankfully!

So no I didn't get to go out this weekend,:( I did get a few hours of shopping in but overall nothing big. Oh!!! I did beat my Buffy PS2 game!! I kicked the First's undead hiney. Totally. I know I am pathetic, But when I am bored and can't leave the house 'cause am sick that's what I do.

Could it be that I got half of my Christmas shopping done already?

Could it be that Ginny the "Receptionist Temp from Hell" no longer works here and that I played an integral part in her degredation? Well, actually she played the biggest role being a psycho, I just let the right people know about it!

Could it be that Christmas is two weeks away and I am getting into the excitement of the season?

While we ponder these questions, take this fun quiz I found:

You Are Mexican Food

Spicy yet dependable.
You pull punches, but people still love you.

Ahh mexican food. Chinese food, Japanese food, Thai food... I just love food. Not so much when my stomache is feeling yucky tho. That's when everyone knows I am sick. When I don't want to eat, you know there is a problem!

I have a busy week trying to get Christmas cards out and finish up my shopping. I am looking forward to some time off over Christmas next week too. This week will be the big finish so that I can enjoy my days off without stressing that I still have more to do. Hopefully all of you are keeping the stress levels low and getting a lot accomplished this week as well!

There are still some Christmas Carols floating around in my head that may be worthy of a BRangelina parody or perhaps another Tom Cruise Fest, so jkeep an eye out for a silly post or two this week!

Friday, December 09, 2005


Ok so I am a little obsessed. Lexmas was AWESOME!!!!! Michael Rosenbaum is sooo my favorite still!!! Sorry Clark Kent, you may be the strong hot guy but I am loving Lex more and more!! He was so adorable in this episode! At the end when he chooses to be evil, he is so cold that it just breaks your heart. Again, he gets shot, played like a puppet by his father and gets happiness he will never have dangled in front of him...I would be evil too!!!

I just cannot say enough about Michael Rosenbaum. He plays funny, he plays evil, and has such a charisma about him. I hope that he will get into more movies in the future. I would love to see him in another comedy. He is a hidden talent that I am surprised noone has tried to further. In the meantime I will enjoy watching him play the deteriorating Lex Luthor. He makes evil look like fun!

Have a Lex-tacular weekend everyone!!!

This post is brought to you by LexCorp: "Where Bald is Beautiful"

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Thursday Thoughts

As Thursday comes to a close I have a few thoughts. Firstly I wanted to post this test. I was happy with my results, tho I thought for sure I would be a hobbit with all the eating they do...


To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?

So I am training the Temp from hell. Seriously, I have never wanted to manualy remove someone's head before so badly. Well so far this week anyway. (Just kidding! I don't want anyone reading my blog to think that I am unstable or anything! Please see the disclaimer at the end!) She is a 40 something year old woman and HAS NO CLUE!! How is that possible? How does she live day to day and survive? You would have thought that with her attitude and her lack of common sense/understanding of verbal and non-verbal cues she would have gone the way of the dodo bird by now! I realiz that being trained by soemone who is younger than you is difficult, but I am a patient person and I am not condesending, at least until you have crossed the line so many times I have no other choice but to be a bit snippy. I have trained three other temps for this position in the last 8 months while the regular receptionist is out on medical leave multiple times and I haven't had difficulties with anyone else. Alas, I have been long winded and I should make my points. This is what I will eventually say to my Temp from hell:

"Hey Ginny, I have a few pointers for you

1. When in Rome do as the Romans do
2. You have 1 mouth and 2 ears, that means you should listen twice as much as you speak
3. The person who is training you is training you for a reason...You don't know how to do this job yet!!!
4. You are a Temp. That stands for Temporary. Temporary means:lasting for a limited time
5. Just because I am younger than you doesn't mean I am less intelligent and have less experience. The same is true that because you are older it doesn't mean that you are more intelligent or have had more experience.

Well I have to get out of here and get home, what am I doing starting a blog post at 4:45pm????

**DISCLAIMER: Any mention of budgoning, manually removing someone's head or any violent act towards a person (real or fictional) is purely innocent. I would never actually harm anyone. It's just fun to vent. **

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Whatever Wednesday!!!!!!!

"Oh weather outside is chilly
and I feel like bein' silly
so since you've no place to go
read my blog, read my blog, read my blog!"

So I have had a request for a Jessica and Nick Christmas song paraody: This one's for you Amy!!!

(as sung to God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen)

Take listen close ye tabloid rags
there's nothing you can say
Nick Lachey and Jessica
Broke up Thanksgiving Day
they did it all so sneakily
and lead us all astray
O Nick and Jess are over now, over now
O Nick and Jess are all over now!

They tried to hide their secret
and they were so forlorn
the taboids pegged it early
and tried to blow the horn
tho daddy Simpson tried to spin
and now we all will mourn
O Nick and Jess are over now, over now
O Nick and Jess are all over now!

Now Nick and Jess are split up
but who shall take the blame?
Jessica is loved by all
and Nick is just so lame
They pledged themselves to love and serve
tho their marriage now is mamed
O Nick and Jess are over now, over now
O Nick and Jess are all over now!

Ok so not my best work, but not too shabby either, huh?

So I am training a temp. I have nothing against temps! I was a temp a few times, but I had the sense to behave professionally ublike this reject I now have to train. Let me just say sheis older than I am and doesn't know what "Research and Development " does or what "Salesmen" do...doesn't everyone know that? Oh and the fact that she is a know-it all, a one upper AND pushy. I can read the headlines now:

"Executive Assistant Charged with Assault, Escapes"

Police attempted to arrest C.C. today at her company for bludgoning a Temp to death with a bat. Witnesses commented that a loud scream combined with a yell of "I have had ENOUGH! I've got a bat with your name on it!" followed by loud thumping. A Crime Scene cleanup crew was dispatched to the scene. C.C. was seen speaking with two of the technicians and then suddenly disappeared. The Crime scene techicians have been missing and are thought o be in league with C.C. If anyone has seen these two men, please contact your local authorities.

Ok so I went a little crazy with that last one...It's Whatever Wednesday!!!

OOHHHH!! I am so psyched about Smallville tomorrow night!!! The first new ep in a few weeks and guess what it's called??? "LEXMAS" Yippeeee!!! A Lex episode!! All Lex all the time!!!! I think it will be pretty cool and who cares if it isn't! It's LEXMAS!!!!!!!

Have a great night everyone!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

An Angry Post from an Annoyed Girl

I have not blogged in a few days. Me who blogs obsessively. My weekend was great even tho it went off nothing like I had planned. I guess when the ice and snow hits and you are forced to stay home it can be sort of therapeutic. Movies, scrabble and food, that was my weekend. I was in a fairly rotten mood anyway so I needed some veg time. Gotta get out of this mini-funk before the holidays! Sorry but this post is just a small rant from an extremely annoyed girl.

Took a "mental health" day yesterday from work. Came in for 1 hour, people were REALLY ticking me off so I ended up going home "sick" so that I wouldn't say something I would regret. I mean seriously people! Do you think before you speak? Middle aged men should ahve more manners and respect for people. I get my work done, I know everyone and I have a cheery disposition. Are you trying to break me? Has anyone ever heard of the saying "The Straw the broke the Camel's back?" Yeah, well the utterance from my boss yesterday was that. I will comment no further. Just know the wrath of Carol has been summoned.

Finally today, as I close my angry post, I have to say one thing: my straightjacket is home and I will put it on as soon as I get there!

Have a good night and let's hope I have a better tomorrow!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Holiday Sing-Along Part One

With the recent news of TomKat among others, I have come up with a song for the season. I hope you enjoy! Keep an eye out for more to follow!

My Michael Rosenbaum says:

"Carol is so talented! Come on! Sing with the Family! Don't be shy!"

The Twelve Days of Christmas (Tom Cruise Style)

On the first day of Christmas
Tom Cruise gave to me
A book on Scientology

On the second day of Christmas
Tom Cruise gave to me
Two e-meters
And a book on Scientology

On the third day of Christmas
Tom Cruise gave to me
Three MI movies
Two e-meters
And a book on Scientology

On the fourth day of Christmas
Tom Cruise gave to me
Four body guards
Three MI movies
Two e-meters
And a book on Scientology

On the fifth day of Christmas
Tom Cruise gave to me
Five Sonograms
Four body guards
Three MI movies
Two e-meters
And a book on Scientology

On the sixth day of Christmas
Tom Cruise gave to me
Six “jumping” couches
Five Sonograms
Four body guards
Three MI movies
Two e-meters
And a book on Scientology

On the seventh day of Christmas
Tom Cruise gave to me
Seven fists a’pumping
Six “jumping” couches
Five Sonograms
Four body guards
Three MI movies
Two e-meters
And a book on Scientology

On the eighth day of Christmas
Tom Cruise gave to me
Eight vitamins
Seven fists a’pumping
Six “jumping” couches
Five Sonograms
Four body guards
Three MI movies
Two e-meters
And a book on Scientology

On the Ninth day of Christmas
Tom Cruise gave to me
Nine “She’s amazing!”
Eight vitamins
Seven fists a’pumping
Six “jumping” couches
Five Sonograms
Four body guards
Three MI movies
Two e-meters
And a book on Scientology

On the tenth day of Christmas
Tom Cruise gave to me
Ten autographs
Nine “She’s amazing!”
Eight vitamins
Seven fists a’pumping
Six “jumping” couches
Five Sonograms
Four body guards
Three MI movies
Two e-meters
And a book on Scientology

On the eleventh day of Christmas
Tom Cruise gave to me
Eleven interviews
Ten autographs
Nine “She’s amazing!”
Eight vitamins
Seven fists a’pumping
Six “jumping” couches
Five Sonograms
Four body guards
Three “MI” movies
Two e-meters
And a book on Scientology

On the twelfth day of Christmas
Tom Cruise gave to me
Twelve crazy rantings
Eleven interviews
Ten autographs
Nine “She’s amazing!”
Eight vitamins
Seven fists a’pumping
Six “jumping” couches
Five Sonograms
Four body guards
Three “MI” movies
Two e-meters
And a book on Scientology

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Project Whitetail Investigation Heats Up

In an email received this morning by our Agency, Ike, President of the National Eastern Grey Squirrel Society (N.E.G.S.S), was ambushed by what experts are saying is another Rogue Agent of Whitetail. The email read as follows:

"I was attacked by a suicide deer last night at about 5PM. $3800.00 worth of damage. I think this may be a precursor to something big the red squirrels are planning. They didn't like it when Fred and I shot that big blonde squirrel and had it stuffed for Fred's display case.

Damn deers. I could have gotten wipe lash! Be careful out there.


Our Agency has been placed on a CODE RED and has sent communications to it's operatives to be on high alert. A Whitetail spokesperson could not be reached to answer to the allegations.

Agent Pinky of the Research and Counter-Terrorism Division, was not surprised by the attack last evening. "The Red Squirrels ahve been planning something for awhile. Whitetail was their easiest access to our Agency and they have corrupted them. Our intelligence had shown something like this would occur after the 'Target PiHole Incident'. We are doing everything we can to predict their next moves. Information will be forthcoming as we feel necessary to the mission at hand"

Surveillance has been working around the clock in various "Hot Spots" in the area to gather any information they can. The following are pictures taken after a decoy of a Whitetail Agent was placed in a forested area near the Harbor.

"The decoy agent was placed where meetings have been rumored to take place between Whitetail and The Red Squirrels" Agent Mallard explained. "As you can see, Agent Davinci has created a very convincing double. His artistic talents have never ceased to amaze us"

"Unfortunately Agent Davinci's hard work was for naught, a Red Squirrel spy by the name of "Jitters" was seen scoping out the area before Mallard and Davinci had finished their set-up. The mission was aborted, and Agent CakeBaker helped them load up the decoy and drove them back to base camp. Agent Pokahontas stayed behind to tail the spy.

"These Red Squirrels are well matched adversaries. I think we have learned that we are dealing with a formidable foe here. Our tactics will need to be stepped up." said Agent NightShade, who works along with Agent Pinky in Counter-Terrorism.

This photo was taken a short time later after Pokahontas had successfully followed "Jitters" to his high level contact: Big Red. "This one is a mean one." Pokahontas said about the leader of the Red Squirrels terrorist training camps in the forests of the Adirondacks. "You can tell by his face that he means business, and I say Bring it on you little Red Devil!"

Breaking News:

This just in from Ike in answer to whether the Whitetail Agent escaped or was killed:

"Yeah, I brought the asshole home and will make him into stew. I figured we
needed to make an example of this one for anyone else that gets the idea to try
anything with the President. I told the Trooper, "Here is the asshole right
here!" I also told him that I had been expecting something like this for some
time now."

Our Agency is sure that the message of "Stew" will spread throughout the Terrorist Community. In the meantime the Agency stresses vigilance and alertness in all that you do.

More on this case as it developes.

10-9-8-7...A Countdown Meme!

Ok Amy! I did it, it took me awhile, but here it is! I have been tagged by Amy at "Still Just A Me" (on my sidebar there is a link!) so here is the meme! The first one only had 9 and the second only 8 so I added one of my own to each! Also, I changed one b/c I have a few youngins reading my blog. Enjoy!


  1. First Thing You Ate Today: Oatmeal
  2. First Best Friend: Jess Carlin or Brandee Boyer
  3. First Screen Name: carolc05???? I think?
  4. First Pet: Jake, a black lab
  5. First Piercing: Ears
  6. First Crush: Scott Carmen, I was 8 maybe and he was a friend of my sisters, a Senior! I have always liked older guys I guess! HAHAHH!
  7. First CD: Pink Floyd: Dark Side of The Moon
  8. First Car I Drove: Mom and Dad's Black Buick
  9. First Stuffed Animal: I think it was a dog or something
  10. First Movie you saw in a theater: Superman or Indiana Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark (I think)


  1. Last Alchoholic Beverage: Manhattan
  2. Last Car Ride: driving to work today
  3. Last Movie Seen: Watched Slingblade last week on HBO, mmm..hmmm
  4. Last Phone Call: Conference Call last night with the siblings!
  5. Last CD Played: A mix my neice Erin made me (Wake me up before you go -go, Brickhouse, Signs (with JT), it's crazy and fun!
  6. Last Bubble Bath: years and years ago, boy does that sound relaxing tho!
  7. Last Time you Cried: Sunday night
  8. Last concert seen:????????? Sting The best concert EVER! in 2001 I think? That's too long ago!! I got to get a move on!
  9. Last time you had a good laugh: Last night, it's so much fun making fun of Tom Cruise!!!


  1. Have you ever dated one of your best friends: No not really, does 1 date count?
  2. Have you ever been arrested? nope
  3. Have you ever skinny dipped: yep (when I was little!!!)
  4. Have you ever been on TV: yes, anyone (family)remember the Holiday commercial with Kathy for her News Station?
  5. Have you ever kissed someone, and then regretted it? YEs
  6. Have you ever had a dream about someone famous? Celebrities are always in my dreams whether a main character or a walk-on role!
  7. Have you ever cheated? Nope
  8. On a test? Spelling tests in H.S. (it was too easy to get away with it) Sorry!


  1. Jess's earrings that she gave me for my birthday!
  2. black boots
  3. Black pants
  4. Purple v neck sweater
  5. my favorite cuff watch
  6. bra/underwear
  7. a smile


  1. Showered and dressed
  2. Got a few things accomplished at work
  3. blogged
  4. emailed a few people
  5. made someone laugh
  6. ate


  1. family/friends
  2. Dad's spaghetti sauce
  3. movies
  4. laughter
  5. music


  1. Sisters (Anne and Linda)
  2. The Scorpios (even if one is on the cusp!)
  3. Kim
  4. Jess R.


  1. To be or not to be
  2. What's for dinner?
  3. What to wear?


  1. Visit Egypt
  2. Live


  1. Not following my heart when it came to my education