Thursday, December 15, 2005

7 & 7 meme

This was a meme I was tagged for by my girl Amy. This looked like so much fun I had to do it right away! So sevens it is!
Hey, did you know I enjoy a Seven & Seven now and again. (Seagram's 7 and 7-UP.) YUMMY! But remember, if you don't have 7-UP, DO NOT SUBSTITUTE Ginger Ale! That's a drink I stumbled upon that we named "Dry". Not so good. hahah! Here we go!

Seven things that attract me to a partner: (in no particular order)1. Features: Smile/Eyes/hands
2. Sense of humor
3. Smart/intelligent: but not so much that he sounds like he reads the dictionary every night before bed! (You know, a showoff. Guys like that you can tell are trying too hard to impress you with their Knowledge...)
4. Is handy (fixes things, a rennaissance man of sorts)
5. Must love dogs
6. Honest, Trustworthy and loyal
7. Has common sense

Seven Things to Do Before I Die: (even if they are not possible)
1. Go to Egypt/Castle tours of Europe and Bristish Isles
2. Have some dogs and maybe some horseys too!!
3. be financially secure/be debt free
4. Skydive
5. Be on Saturday Night Live
6. Build an English Stone Tudor home for myself
7. Meet a great guy

Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Murder PieHole
2. Be on time for a job I dislike
3. Stop being obsessive about my movies
4. Share my feelings before they build up and I explode
5. Make pie crust
6. Make up my mind
7. Tolerate idiots

Seven Things I Say Most Often: for whatever reason
1. Seriously people!
2. I know, Right.
3. Shite!!
5. Right on!
6. Anything in an English Accent
7. I have a bat with your name on it!

Seven Books (or Book Series) I Love:
1. Anything on Egypt
2. Timeline
3. The Pirate Hunter
4. Broken Music, Sting's autobiography
5. Beatrix Potter: Especially Squirrel Nutkin
6. The Historian
7. Harry Potter

Seven Movies I Would Watch Over and Over Again:
1. The Goonies
2. The Lost Boys
3. THe Mummy
4. Anything Batman or Indiana Jones (ok so I cheated and put two here!)
5. Lara Croft movies
6. Serendipity
7. Jim Carey Movies Esp Ace Ventura/Bruce Almighty/Liar Liar

Seven Favorite Meals:
1. Dad's Lasagna
2. Dad's pasta and sauce
3. Thanksgiving
4. Christmas Eve
5. STEAK!!!!!!!!
6. Annie's oven baked Chicken
7. My Breakfasts

Seven People I Tag To Do Seven Sevens:
1. Ok I don't know anyone but Big Geek! and I am thinking she will not participate... so I am a loser!


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