Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Do I have a choice?

So today I have finally gotten to the end of my rope with the whole Marriage thing in our society. Too many things have been said to me in the last few weeks for me to just sit back and be treated like a second class citizen because I am not married. We have all seen Sex and the City, where 30 something women struggle to maintain careers and their dignity while treading water waiting for the right man to come along. It's bullshit. Why does the right man have to come along? I mean, if he doens't do I settle for Mr OK or Mr Marginally My Type? I don't think so. Everyone places so much pressure on people to get married and have a family! If you are not married by a certain age then either there is something wrong with you or your ideals of a mate are too high. I am pretty sick of it. Here is a list of the comments I have gotten that make me wonder why my priorities don't match up with everyone elses.

1. THE FEDEX GUY: He sees pics on te computer at reception of two children and asks me if they are mine...I say "no, I don't have children." then he says "Are you married?" I say "No" and then he says "Why not?" to which I say "Should I be married? I thought that was a choice?!". Then he shows up again today and the first thing out ofhis white trash mouth is "So, did they marry you off yet?" to which I answer "Not today". What I wanted to say was "No they didn't and WHO is THEY? And Yet? Am I a burden on my family and friends because I am not married? Are they secretly plotting to marry me off so someone else can take care of me finally?" So you can say I am Fed UP with the FedEx guy.

2. THE BOSS So a coworker got engaged over the weekend. The Boss walks through the kitchen as I am sitting at my desk (directly across the hall) and in front of the engaged coworker and three to four other people points at me and yells out "HAHA, She got a ring this weekend and YOU DIDN'T!!! HAHA!" Yeah. thanks. What was that all about? Because I am single I am automatically the loser of some contest? Here's a funny fact:Her fiance asked me out a month before he started dated her! I said no, therefore that could have been me! But again I wasn't going to settle. Perhaps if I had gotten a ring then my weekend would have been up to snuff? Right. That is one of those situations where you just want to shake your head and yell What the F#ck!!???

3. Worth According to PieHole My third and final is a wonderful email from PieHole in which she rips apart everything in my life as if to say I am a failure: "Funny when I was 30yrs old I had worked in my professional job for 9 years and was making 45,000-55,000 with bonuses and paying for my own apt and getting ready to get married. So glad you are 30 yrs old and going to school to find a career and make some money. I guess you have time to be a glorified secretary."
SO I guess that is how we are judged. How much do you make? and Are you married by 30? One thing I can say is that this fat bitch is just that, fat. She sits at home like a lazy slob. I would much rather be in my position, poor (because I do pay for my apartment, always have) and unmarried than in a horrible marriage with money and having a nickname like Jabba the Hut. Just because you are married doesn't mean your life is better!

Not that I couldn't go on for days about all the comments I have gotten as a single girl now 30, but I thought these few were by far the best and happened with in the last few months. I used to think that "How come some people get two shots and I haven't even gotten one?" Well after these and other situations I know the answer! Because I won't settle the first time! That means even if I NEVER GET MARRIED!!!

Did I just hear a collective GASP? Could it be? Carol just said she doesn't care if she gets MARRIED? Quick! Call a Doctor, a Psychiatrist, a Scientologist! She needs serious help! Every girl wants to get married!! Right?

Yeah, well those of you who know me know I am not every girl. I am not saying I won't get married, I am just saying I won't settle just so I can say I am married. there is a big difference. I joke about Michael Rosenbaum and Gerry Butler, and of course I wouldn't turn them down!! haha that was a joke! I just have other priorities that need tending. A career for instance. I have a job, but I want to be a teacher! That takes time and that's tops on my list right now. Meeting a guy ranks up there with getting a dog for me: I would like to have one but I can't really afford it right now. Not to say if I met an awesome guy I would ignore it, I'm just turned off by everything and everyone lately as you can see by the comments I have been getting.

Being single is a CHOICE. I have gotten many offers, some I have taken, some I have declined. I am who I am and I will keep plugging along until I see something I like, I can't force it or worry about it. I think dating is like shopping. I'm a window shopper not an impulse buyer. Fancy packaging will catch my eye of course, but a quality product is what I am looking for. If I find it, great, if not, I may end up asking "How much is that Doggie in the window??".


Blogger Artistic Soul said...

Hear! Hear!! I get this crap all the time. From a young age, I always told my mother I never wanted to get married or have kids. As a teacher myself, my career is important to me, and I have 100 new kids every semester!! I don't necessarily need my own. If it happens, fine, but I'm not going to stess it.

The only reason I am dating someone right now is because he IS the one - he lets me pursue all of these things and doesn't judge me for it. I was notorious for going out on one date with people and then having my mother say, "you know, you never really give people a chance." Well, I was holding out - I'm not settling.

Then, there's all the pressure that now since we've been dating a while, people are like, "when are you getting married?" We're not even really sure we WANT to get married. It's a pain in the ass and costs a lot of money. So why not just enjoy each other and not deal with the drama? Who knows.

Anyway...I appreciate your rant. Your FedEx guy has no right to make such comments to you - he's the damn FedEx guy!!! And your boss? That's boarderline harrassment. Stupid people.

12:30 PM, December 14, 2005  
Blogger Amy said...

Doncha just LOVE Wiccachicky? Always the voice of supportive reason. I say "huzzah to singletons"! This sounds like a fine day to watch Bridget Jones & drink wine till you're silly. Better yet, to read the BJ books (they're better than the movies) & drink wine till you're silly. (though I've never tried to read drunk, wonder how that would work).

Anyway...I think people just always feel the need to comment about stuff...screw them if it's about your single status. There is nothing wrong w/ being single & waiting for someone who will be so fabulous you don't want to pass him up.

And, just b/c you're in a relationship, that doesn't satisfy them either. Can't wait till I move to AZ & live w/ Justin "in sin" & what my mom's conservative family will say then. So much for progession of society, eh?

You just tell 'em to SHUT up girl! And back the f#$& off.

1:07 PM, December 14, 2005  
Blogger C.C. said...

You guys are AWESOME! You are both examples of smart women who didn't settle and I love hearing that! I always wonder waht is wrong with being a strong independent woman? Everyone says be independent but then they expect you to have a man to feel complete. I do hope I meet the one who lets me pursue all the things I want like Wiccachicky! But until then...

1:19 PM, December 14, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just a little note from the married one...sorry, now I feel like a trader! LOL!

Not to burst anyone’s bubble…but it doesn't get any better once you date and people want to know when you're going to get marry and people want to know when you're going to have a have a kid and people want to know you're going to give them a little brother or live in one house and people want to know when you’re going to move to a bigger one…blah blah blah.

I find it fascinating that (at least it seems to me) the people w/the not-so-great marriages or the screwy kids are always the one asking you when you’re going to do this or when you’re going to do that…hmmm, maybe if I don’t follow your lead, I’ll be in a better place. And funny, I waited (ok, not until I was 30, but 27 – which was ANTCENT according to my family) to get married and we’re going on –gasp- three whole years and no kids! And we seem to be doing just fine…

10:41 AM, December 15, 2005  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

OK...I'm also one of the "married"...redhead is so never ends! And it is always the most messed up people who are so concerned. So a little advice from an "Old One"...NEVER SETTLE...otherwise you may wake up one day wondering "What the hell am I doing here?"...after having sacrificed career, travel, and your own dreams...
Wow, that sounded bitter...

1:06 PM, December 15, 2005  

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