Friday, September 28, 2007

RUSH Weekend Quotes/References

This post is mainly for Kevin, Tom and Kim since they were there and know the quotes/references:

"It's not Geddy, it's Jeddy!!" (pronounced with a soft J)
Geddy Says: "Jeddy...hmmm it's hip, it's sexy, it sounds kinda French..."

Loved the "communicable disease/open sore policy" at the pool...ewwwwww! and also the "no Horse-play rules". I saw no horses playing. I don't know what they are talking about!

"Turn the music down! Border police have been known to torture people whose music is too loud when crossing the border!" (or something to that effect, right Kevin?)

"Yeah, I don't believe you Thomas..."

"Future Shop. The store of tomorrow!"

Carol: "OOH! Do you think they will play YYZ? I can't wait b/c I totally rock out on that in Guitar Hero, and I can't believe I just said that out loud, so I will keep the volume low b/c I am really embarrassed by that right now"
Tom: "Yeah, Aunt Carol, please don't say that too loud!"

Sing along with Geddy: "Awww SALESMEN!"

Aqua Pods: Orbtastic Fun making up stories and commercials with Tom:

"Especially when you throw one down to Geddy Lee b/c he has been rockin' out and he looks like he needs some hydration, but it hits him in the head and the Police arrest you for assaulting a rock legend with an Aqua Pod!!"

Hey Guys, did I miss any!??

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend! I am getting my kitty tonight and hope to post about her this weekend!!!:)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

RUSH Ottawa Concert Pics

I don't know who took these, but I am glad Kevin and Tom found them!

We were on the opposite side: 3rd section over, middle of the top section!

Notice the rubber chicken to the left of the keyboard:

Beautiful light, lazer and media show! Loved the dragon breathing fire onto the stage!!

you can barely tell, but on the amps to the left of the drums, there are little dinosaur figurines. there were also two stuffed dinos on either side of the amps peaking out. Too funny.

One of the best parts was watching Alex and Geddy come to the front and rock out!

One of the funniest parts was the South Park intro for Tom Sawyer. I know my friends Chris and lisa would have crapped their pants if they had been there!!! I know I almost did!!!

Found it on YouTube and had to post it here. Geddy sounded way better in Ottawa tho, this version is weak in comparison vocally, but a riot none the less:

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

RUSH Week Continues!

Ok, so here are the actual photos of our trip to the RUSH concert.

The Bridge to Canada. Nicely shot thru a windshield in a moving vehicle, if I do say so myself:)

OOH! Ahhh!! The Holiday Inn Select! The weary travelers gaze upon it' beauty:

A suite with a rollaway! Tom and I hanging out before dinner:

Dinner was all smiles:

Kim and I at dinner. Way to center the pic Tom!! :)

Here we are at the Scotia Bank Place, Eh?

Tom and I awaiting the start of the concert:

The view from our seats. Way high, but we could see all!

Kim wouldn't let us take any "illegal pics" during the concert (BOOOOO!!!!) so the boys found some great pics of the Ottawa concert that I will post tomorrow. Also I will post some memorable quotes from our adventure Friday...stay tuned!

Monday, September 24, 2007

RUSH Kicks Ass in Ottawa!!!

I cannot even begin to say how impressed I was with these guys. Amazing is too weak a word, actually I can't even put into words how much I enjoyed this concert. I am so glad I went (thanks again to my boys and Kim who so kindly invited me to join them). If they ever want to go again, I am there!

These guys were so fun and seemed to just enjoy being able to play their music for the crowd. Geddy kept saying "Thank you!", so I kept saying "No!!! THANK YOU!!!!" Kim thought that was pretty funny. I went surfing for some pics to express my excitement, they are not of the Ottawa concert, but are from other Snakes and Ladders...I mean Snakes and Arrows concerts on the tour. :) These capture my experience as well as any pic I could have taken...

The stage complete with 3 chicken rotisserie ovens (right behind Geddy)!!! "Wipe that Chicken off your face and get out there!"

Geddy Lee on stage multitasking: This concert didn't have the honor of the rubber chicken tho it seems. I am glad ours did!

Geddy is definately the cutest thing ever. Not looks wise obviously, but the way he plays and runs around the stage every-so-often. He is so adorable and his passion for creating music just shines thru. His voice is peak and so amazing and he rocks out on that bass as well as the keyboard. He is further proof that bass players are my favorite...

Seriously, tho, Alex plays guitar like his soul is on fire. You can feel that emotion like electicity coming thru that guitar. Neil plays drums like it's his job...wait, it is! He mixes it up, turns it around and burns the candle at both ends. They are incredibly talented and seem incredibly down to earth and happy to share their music (old and new) with the crowd. They took the stage at 7:50pm and with only a 15 minute intermission halfway thru they played until 11!!!

Outstanding musicianship, amazing laser and light effects, pyrotechnics, video screens and rotisserie chickens! What more could you want at "An Evening with RUSH???"

Thursday, September 20, 2007

RUSH in Concert, Ottawa, Canada

Well tomorrow I am off to Ottawa to see RUSH in concert with my nephews and my sister-in-law. I am looking forward to the concert Friday night and exploring this amazing capital city on Saturday. We won't have a ton of time Saturday, but we should get a few hours to hang out which will be fun.

I enjoy RUSH's music, and I have for a while. I had a "RUSH Period" Jr and Sr year of High school which is funny because my nephews are going thru that now. One is a Sr. and one is a 9th grader. I am sure I will have lots of pics to commemorate the trip to post when I get back!

If you had asked me who I would go see in concert this year, I would have guessed The Police or The Red Hot Chili Peppers...I never would have thought of RUSH. I am glad I am going because if you think about it, these guys have been rocking out since before I was born and they just put out a new album and are touring! They sound amazing (hopefully same LIVE) and still have that fire. They are making music and loving it when other bands are dying out after 2 or 3 years together. Longevity is hard to find in modern goups. I mean the Stones, Areosmith, U2, they are all still hard at work and play. I LOVE that!

Hey, I wanted to see RUSH in concert when I was in HS, but I am getting the opportunity now, so heck yeah! I am going! :) It's gonna be a riot!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

ARRRR!!!! It's International Talk Like A Pirate Day!!!

Aye! Ye heard it right Mateys!!! Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day once again! So put yer best peg...I mean LEG forward and talk like the salty dog ye arrrrr!!!!!

Pirate Pick-up lines:

"What ARRRRRRRR ye doin' Saturday night?"

"Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you"

"I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon."

"Well blow me down?"

"Wanna shiver me timbers?"

"That’s the finest pirate booty I’ve ever laid eyes on."

"Prepare to be boarded."

Saturday, September 15, 2007

DIB Successful: Diablo Crew Busted!!

Today, police efforts to shut down the illegal activities of the Diablo Crew, most noted for their high volume drug trade, came to fruition. Police sting operations had been unsucessful until recently.

"They started gettin' sloppy. They were waving it right in our faces. The photos we took undercover were enough to press us to move in. We knew it was the right time and it paid off, big time." said Detective Spike of the Squirrel Division of DIB (Drug Investigative Branch).

The following are some photos taken of the infamous Diablo Crew:

First a photo of the crew's marajuana runner "Four-Twenty":

Hookah Pipes have become all the rage. Diablo Crew members have been selling them at discount prices online and having them shipped directly to the customer's door:

A rare undercover photograph of Diablo Crew Headman "Tip Top":

"They act really tough until they are backed into a corner" Detective Spike explains while looking at this photo of him cuffing a Diablo Crew member named 'Killa B'. "This one knew we had him and there was no escape."

The DIB is happy to have put these criminals behinds bars. Members will face charges including drug trafficking, possession, and possible prostitution ring charges may also be filed by the D.A.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Whatever Wednesday: Randomness & Reviews!

Welcome to Whatever Wednesday! Let the randomness begin!

I have to say that I am a firm believer in going with your gut. I never make decisions lightly, in any arena, and I always try to go with my gut. You know that nagging tearing feeling you get deep in your soul pointing you in a particular direction? Lately I have let my gut rule, and I have been so enlightened and freed. Whether work, personal life, even simple decisions, it never leads me astray. Example: I took my gut to heart with a work issue today and met with the President. Out of our discussion he assured me I was doing a good job. Gut feelings. Trust them, even if you can't trust anything else.

Music. Randomly strewn about the page in keeping with the Theme:

Movies. I have seen a few great movies recently. I would highly recommend "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". I have been wanting to see this movie for a while, and yes I am a bit of a late bloomer as of late, but I finally watched it and really liked it a lot. I loved the use of color to create not only a visually interesting pallette, but utilized as character developement as well. The scenes of "Memory jumping to hide" were well done and was a very interesting and intelligent story that was new and refreshing. Kate Winslett impresses me the more I watch her as does Jim Carey in more varying roles. The meanings and messages for me were many and I really enjoyed this bittersweet love story.

"Pan's Labrynth" is still on my shelf to watch. I am intrigued by this flick but haven't been able to sit and watch it yet. Hopefully this weekend will be a good time to sit and watch it after all the moving! I also have "Rear Window", one of my most favorite Hitchcock movies ever, that I got from the library as well. I need to purchase it and "To Catch a Thief" to add to my DVD library soon!

Apparently this week's emerging theme for me is TRUST.

TRUST your gut
TRUST time
TRUST fate

Yeah, so the heaviness right there, was random right? If it made you think and apply to yourself, all the better, for that was my intent.

UGH! This just happened while I was sitting at my desk so I have to mention it: I love when my friend Ed tries to make love connections. "Oh CC, this is my friend J. He's a lawyer. He's a good friend of mine" then 5 minutes later he calls me and asks "What do you think of J? He's a lawyer. Isn't he a tall guy?". "Good Eddie, thanks. He was very nice." I think he's hoping one of these times that he will figure me out and who/what I am looking for. He has NO IDEA and I think it's cute. He tries tho and he's a good friend.

Anyway: Me and my cryptic. Gotta love when I get in these moods and the words start flowing (and apparently never stop! This is a HUGE post folks! Sorry!) Hey! It's Whatever Wednesday! Anything goes!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

No seriously, for real.

It's tuesday and the title for the new Indiana Jones movie is Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls. I guess that proves that I am either an evil genius and have the power to predict movie plots and synopsis OR that it was too predictable and anyone with a brain could have figured it out. I think I will take option A, since it speaks volumes for my talents... Please refer to this previous post of the Indiana Jones 4 Movie for full effect. Teotihuacan and crystal skulls is a logical link. I am so glad I am an Archaeology geek! See! It does come in handy!

Can I tell you how PSYCHED I am to be moving? I cannot wait to get into my new place and get settled and then take a deep breath. It will be really great to have my own place again! Let's hope for decent weather this Saturday. I have heard drizzle is predicted...Who's up for Weatherman target practice?

I think Lamby was disturbed by my Bat for Lashes video from her comments she left. It's OK Lamby, my posts should not surprise you by now. It's actually amazing I didn't find that video on my own. :)

Speaking of Bats, I just purchased the two disc special edition Batman movie. Yes, I admit I hadn't replaced my VHS yet, so I finally got the DVD yesterday. Weird, I know, but Batman is a nostalgia thing for me. Well, Batman and Batman Returns but none of the others b/c they SUCKED (except for Jim Carrey's Riddler which was so silly you had to laugh your ass off in the third). Sometimes you have a moment that reminds you of a movie and you just have to shake your head.

So...perhaps my next blog will be inspired by this post and the movie moments that strike a chord.


Sunday, September 09, 2007

What's a Girl to Do?

Wow. It has been an amazing couple of weeks. Some interesting things have happened, some unexpected connections were made and much was learned. I am hoping it was not all just a whim, here's to shooting at street lights with a BB Gun...

I have spent the weekend packing for the move next weekend, out eating with friends and texting like a fiend...thanks my friends! You are all so loved and I am so lucky to have you all! I appreciate your optimism:)

Sleep will come easily for me tonight, for much has been resolved. I've got to go to work tomorrow and kick some ass since I have been a bit distracted of late. More packing to do tomorrow night and two dates with Dewey this week (as usual) Tuesday and Wednesday. Love the library.

I leave you tonight with a crazy little video and addicting song a childhood friend showed me a few weeks back. Reminds me of the silly little movies my nephews and I make and I am thinking it will be the inspiration for our next project. Thanks D...