Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Coffee Adventure!

Most people complain about their job, and most of us would like a little excitement or fun during the day, especially when the day is slow. Well. I like to institute fun into my day randomly just to keep me from rotting here of boredom and the lack of a creative outlet. Hence the blog, and hence my story today.

As most of you have heard, I sit across from the kitchenette in the executive offices. I am usually the one who realizes that coffee is out and makes more, fills the creamer or sugar etc. Today I was working on a project away from my desk and decided my cofee was cold and I needed a fresh cup. The karaf gave me 1/3 of a cup and then spit at me indignantly. I had to make more coffee, but didn't want to wait for the whole pot to brew.

Everyone remembers the famous scene in "Indiana Jones and the Raider's of the Lost Ark" where Indy fills a bag with sand and swtiches it for the golden idol in the tomb.

Well, picture me with my pirate cup in one hand as the coffee is brewing into the pitcher: I quickly pulled the container out and putt my cup under the stream of caffinated heaven. I was very impressed that I didn't even spill a drop! A few minutes of coffee from the machine straight into my cup and I had what I needed. I then repeated the process putting the container back and pulling my cup out: again not spilling a drop! I could tell you that my movements were flawless and ballet like, but you would be ready to spit darts in me! I think Indy would be proud!

Ok so this pic made me laugh. I need a photo editing program to make the quality better! Hopefully this brings a smile to your face and encourages you to put a little "adventure" into your day!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Since nothing of note is happening today I wanted to share a recipe with everyone b/c anyone who tries it loves it. It is quick easy and really delicious. It's great for large groups or to eat as leftovers during the week.

EASY CHILI (Vegetarian)

You will need:

2 cans Kidney beans

2 cans white Canellini Beans

1 can corn

2 cans whole tomatoes

1 pepper (green, red or yellow) chopped

1 medium onion chopped

1 chili seasoning packet

Sour Cream

Shredded Cheddar Cheese

Begin by opening whole tomatoes and dumping into a large pot. Crush them up and then add rest of ingredients and seasoning packet. Stir ingredients well and bring to a boil. Stir and continue boiling for 5-10 minutes, simmer for 1/2 hour or so, stirring as needed. Serve in bowls with cheddar cheese sprinkled on top and a spoonful of sour cream to top it off! Serves 10-12.

Other tips to try:

* Add ground beef

* Slow cook in Crock pot.

* Serve over rice

* Serve with hot sauce for an extra kick

* For smaller batch: use 1 can of each, a small onion, a smaller pepper and keep corn the same. Use half of seasoning packet.

If you try this recipe let me know what you think! This is a first for lifeorsomethinglikeit! I have never posted a recipe before!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Farewell Pa Kent

Today the fans of Smallville honor the memory of an important character lost to the 100th Episode which aired last night on the WB. Pa Kent died of a heart attack after winning the race for Senate against Lex Luthor. We all knew it was coming but it didn't make it any easier to swallow. Played by John Schneider,and one of my favorite characters on the show, Pa Kent was kind, gentle, ethical and down to earth. I enjoyed the dynamic he had with all the characters, but especially the relationship between he and his wife Martha. It is a sad day in Smallville. We will miss you Jonathan Kent!

In an interview with Kryptonsite (link found on my sidebar), John Schneider talks about his experience and if he will ever return to Smallville in some capacity. I have posted part of the interview here:

He felt Jonathan Kent went out like a hero. "It was like John Wayne and the cowboys. An empowering death. Which is so important, because if Jonathan Kent had just died, it would have been terrible. It would have been meaningless."

If there is anything about Smallville that Mr. Schneider would miss more than anything else, it would be his working relationship with Tom Welling. "I miss working with Tom. We have a really remarkable relationship with regard to the father and son bit. We're fun, and we're both big guys and all that sort of thing, but when you really get right down to it, the relationship you see on Smallville is very like the relationship we have. My son is 14, and I'll have that relationship in a couple of years. But I don't have that, really, yet," he said. Schneider's last scene filmed with Welling for "Reckoning" was holding Clark back after Lana's fatal crash. The words "there's nothing you could have done" are effective for not only that situation, but Jonathan's passing as well.

John Schneider is aware of the support his character has received from fans online since the first rumors of Jonathan's demise surfaced prior to Season 5. "I do honestly believe that the fans had a lot to do with Jonathan Kent lasting as long as he did," he said.

Schneider wouldn't rule out the possibility of returning to Smallville as a director again at some point. His Smallville directorial debut, "Talisman," was well received by fans. "I'd love to, but that's up to the Powers That Be. In that realm, I'm like the vampire. I must be invited in."

Could this be the last time we see Jonathan on the series? "There's one little thing in the 13th episode. It's like Old Yeller. It's heart-wrenching. It's fantastic," he tells us, though we're not sure if he's talking about an appearance of Jonathan or just the quality of the script.

My guess for the 13th episode which airs next week? I think we will find out what Lionel had on Jonathan. Perhaps he will be back as a flashback to let us in on what the photograph was. Any thoughts?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Stange Days

Today reminds me of the Doors tune Strange Days:

Strange days have found us
Strange days have tracked us down
They’re going to destroy
Our casual joys
We shall go on playing
Or find a new town


Anywho, it has been a strange day so far. Driving to work I am stopped at a stoplight and a van is turning left accross me from the right oncoming traffic lane. The guy keeps looking at me and finally when he gets next to me I look at him. Within seconds we recognize each other, his jaw drops slightly in surprise and I flash the evil eye.(well two actually :) It was Ron, of the infamous Valentine's Day Ditch of 2005. Last time I saw him was when I went to see Batman Begins in the theater this summer. Of all the theater times he could have gone to, he went to the show I was at. I was very stealthy tho and escaped without having to speak to him. He saw me, and it was a narrow escape. It didn't bother me b/c I was over him before February was over last year. This morning's story did expell a squeal of delight from me when I told coworkers who remember the tale. We all had a great laugh this am which always starts the day out on a good note!

I did manage to work out last night. I got about 40 minutes of cardio kickboxing in without the help of Billy Blanks. After a while he gets boring so I decided to mix it up a bit, remember my Kickboxing classes from last year (and previous years) and do my own. I put on the electronica music station on the tv and kicked and punched my way to a great workout. I really like electronica and trance music to work out to. It pumps me up and is repititious enough to keep me going. Now all I need is a room devoted to kickboxing with one of those huge cylindrical body bag things! Yeah, maybe in the next life I can afford that. :0)

I stole this little quiz from Wiccachicky! I think it is eerie how well this pegged me. "Strengths they may seem but herein lie my faults."

You Are a Peacemaker Soul

You strive to please others and compromise anyway you can.
War or conflict bothers you, and you would do anything to keep the peace.
You are a good mediator and a true negotiator.
Sometimes you do too much, trying so hard to make people happy.

While you keep the peace, you tend to be secretly judgmental.
You lose respect for people who don't like to both give and take.
On the flip side, you've got a great sense of humor and wit.
You're always dimplomatic and able to give good advice.

Souls you are most compatible with: Warrior Soul, Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Whatever Wednesday!

Hey! It's Whatever Wednesday again! Lots of random stuff, but first a thank you to a great friend who drew me a cartoon this am. I look forward to projects to come and hopefully posting them here on lifeorsomethinglikeit!!

Hey Mr. Smith!! "I like where your head's at!"

Anywho, in other news, UPN and WB are merging. Amy, Chris and Red Head sent me the info this am. Thanks guys! We are all very interested in how this will pan out. If they end up dissing and dropping any of our favorite shows (for me Smallville and Superatural) Chris is ready to go to battle. I told him he can count on me! We'll keep a close watch on things tho, so be ready if there is a call to action!:)

On the cold front, I think I am still fighting off that chest cold. I will not give in until after the weekend! I will not surrender! Goonies never say die!!

It's been pretty busy here at work. But I still have time for email and blogging! It's like the saying "There's always room for dessert!". Well, I try anyway!

How about a joke?

Q: What did the Atheist's tombstone say?

A: "All dressed up and no place to go"

I am sooo tired right now. I had chinese for lunch and I am so full I think I need a cat nap. Maybe I should curl up under my mammoth desk and catch a few winks. Think anyone will notice?

I am looking forward to a vegging night. I missed out on my Tai Bo tape workout last night so I have a date with Billy Blanks tonight, if I can make it! Hopefully I can reserve some energy to workout tonight! Oh! I found this awesome Rock climbing place in Rochester (not too far from Syracuse, just a little over an hour's drive). They have begginner courses and maybe once I get myself together financially this spring I will give it a Whirl! How exciting!!

I will end with a message from my beautiful Scotsman:

Gerry Butler says: "Thanks for visiting Carol's blog and have a wonderful 'Whatever Wednesday'!!!"

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A spot of tea with Spike and Giles. I love this pic and have been wanting to post it so here it is. Those of you who are Buffy fans will appreciate it I am sure!

So it's Tuesday and I am moving forward with another class. Yes, I got an A in my English Lit and now I am moving on to a Financial Math course. I don't have my textbook yet until the weekend so I am hoping they won't jump right in today! I am a bit scared but I do math all day (GASP!)and I am hoping that this will not be too intimidating for me being Arithmaphobic. HA! I wonder if there really is a a fear of Math? I am sure it would be cooler sounding that what I came up with!

In other news, have you ever had one of those days where you just wonder what will happen next b/c it's been so bizaar already? The receptionist was having phone system troubles this am and they call me, two copiers out of 4 have gone down and they call me, and then I run into icky married guy (who I briefly mentioned in a post on 10/19/05)who insists that he will get me to go out with he and his crew again eventually (ewwww!! Not on his life!!!). God I feel like I need to take a shower now and cleanse myself of that encounter. The story in short is: He asked me to come out with his wife and their friends/family about 6 months after I started working here (last April or so). Carolyn came with b/c I didn't want to go alone and the atmosphere was weird. He ignored his wife and was sitting so close to me that he might as well have been on my lap! His brother in law called me "Hot Girl" in front of his wife among other odd things that were said and done. I finally excused myself (and Carolyn) to go to the Ladies room where we decided that some weird swingers thing was going on and we bolted. It was creepy and weird, hence me not wanting to ever speak to him again!

So what will happen next today? Well, the copier guy got here and was flirting up a storm with me. He needs to stop. It's getting as old as he is! Just fix the damn copiers and get out! I have work to do! I guess I am definately in for a strange day.

My roomate has a head cold and a bunch of people at work are sick including my boss and I am starting to feel like I am getting something but I am fighting it like there is no tomorrow. I have a great weekend planned and being sick is NOT an option! My brother is coming in from San Fran. on Friday and if all goes well, all of my brothers and sisters will be together in one place at the same time over the weekend! That is a huge feat for 7 siblings especially since lately it's hard to get everyone together even once a year for our 4th of July Party. I am hoping my 3 brothers will all be at my parent's house Friday for dinner b/c I don't get to see them as much as my sisters! Having a big family has it's headaches, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

And now for something completly random:

A movie quote from Ocean's Twelve

"Look, it's not in my nature to be mysterious. But I can't talk about it and I can't talk about why."

[walks off]

Monday, January 23, 2006


Happy Monday. I can't believe the weekend went so fast!! I went to see Chronicles of Narnia and it was great. Some of the CGI wasn't up to par, but other parts were phenomenal!! I cried like a baby in parts just like I did in jr High when we saw the BBC movie...yeah I didn't read the books, but I will now!

I saw a longer trailer for POTC :Dead Man's Chest and I am so psyched for that! I know I have a few months but how cool does that look! I mean as sequels go they are never great but can Johnny Depp be bad to watch for two hours even if he does the same stuff all over again? I don't think so! I also saw the trailer for The Lady in The Water again. M Night Shyamalan is cool with his twists and turns so I am looking forward to that too!

I also saw War of the Worlds too finally. It was pretty scary and filmed well. I could swear I saw Tom Cruise actnig a few times too! I love that Dakota Fanning. She is quite the little actress. I hope Tom learned something from her!!! HAH!

Anywho! We've had sevens, now here are fours! A Meme from Big Geek!

  1. 4 jobs you have had in your life: Games Supervisor at Enchanted Forest Water Safari (a Water Theme Park in Adidrondack Mountains) for 3 summers during HS; So much fun and met so many amazing people! Marketing Associate for Capitol District Off-Track Betting: very interesting and lots of Horseys!, Employment Counselor/Branch Manager of a temp agency, Retail Guru of a Music Store (selling, renting, repairing musical instruments and related things).
  2. 4 movies you could watch over & over: Only 4??? The Goonies, The Lost Boys, Tomb Raider Series, and Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
  3. 4 places you have lived: Plattsburgh for college, West Palm Beach for 2 seconds, Schenectady and Syracuse
  4. 4 TV shows you love to watch: On air right now I would say Smallville, CSI (the original!), Desperate Housewives and currently The Bachelor!
  5. 4 places you have been on vacation: Various places in Florida, Myrtle Beach South Carolina, San Ramone/San Francisco CA, and Burlington/Jess's Camp (West Addison) Vermont.
  6. 4 websites you visit daily: MSN b/c it's my homepage, My Blog to see if anyone has commented :(, Other peoples blogs that I read daily, and IMDB b/c I am a movie freak
  7. 4 of your favorite foods: I will not include my Dad's sauce etc since that is a gimme so I'd have to say Thanksgiving Dinner, Chicken of any kind, Steak of any kind and Dessert of any kind!!!
  8. 4 places you would rather be right now: in Egypt sightseeing, in my Castle walkling the grounds or reading in my ginormous library!, Rock Climbing or doing something else I have never tried before or collecting my winnings form the lottery!
  9. 4 bloggers you are tagging: Well since Amy and Wiccachicky are the only ones I know besides Beth who tagged me I guess I have to go with only 2!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Vampire to run for Govenor

So I saw this yesterday and didn't have a chance to read the entire article until just now. This has got to be the funniest thing I have ever heard in politics!

There is a guy who is a practicing Vampire who wants to run for Govenor of Minnesota. NO KIDDING!! On his website he introduces himself as: "My name is Jonathon “The Impaler” Sharkey, Ph.D., L.D.D.D. I am a Satanic Dark Priest, Sanguinarian Vampyre and a Hecate Witch. My Magikal Path name is: Lord Ares."


What is it with Minni? First Jesse "The Body" now Jonathan "The Impaler"? He thinks he will become Govenor and eventually President of the United States with his wacko platform!!!

What is his wacko platform you ask? Well, one of his main ideas is that he will IMPALE terrorists, rapists, murderers etc on the lawn of the capitol building!!!! And he will do it by his own hand, isn't that nice?

You should check out his website if you want a good laugh. He actually has a section devoted to Impalement which was very interesting. The pictures are incredibly hysterical as well: jonathonforgovernor.us/Home_page.html Cut and paste...I didn't want to link for obvious reasons!! Another section was how he has thrown out wife after wife and finally turned to "The Dark Side". Just think if he were actually elected? There would be a lot at STAKE. Let me know what you think!

Just to make things clear, I am not laughing at his religious beliefs, everyone can do his/her own thing, I just find him to be overly pop-culture referencing and silly. I think he actually gives a bad name to those who are trying to dispell cultural beliefs about Pagans, Witches etc.

Just think, now we all have a great conversation for happy hour tonight thanks to Jonathan "The Impaler"!!!

Have a great weekend everyone! (ie: I hope your weekend doesn't SUCK)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Celebrity Lookey Like Part 2

Remember a few months ago when I posted about people telling me I look like a celebrity? Well I have added to that list and now can add a few nationalities to it as well. I think it is a really interesting study on how everyone views people so differently. Noone sees one person the same as someone else sees them and it's intereting how varied the opinions can be.

For a recap:I have been compared to Rachel Ray, Natalie Merchant, Liv Tyler, Janeane Garafalo, a brunette Hillary Duff, and Angelina Jolie previously. It's funny how different each of these celebrities look with the exception of Brown hair... perhaps that is their deciding factor. Obviously it's not always about looking similar because people tell me I remind them of a celebrity in attitude/demeanor, facial expressions or personality. What one person sees, another may not. It's a funny thing.

So today I had a customer blurt out that she didn't realize that Phoebe Cates worked here. That's a new one! Remember "Gremlins" and "Drop Dead Fred?" If not, hop on over to the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) on my links to the left!

This morning, before the Phoebe Cates incident, a coworker of mine Siam told me I look like his cousin from Taiwan. I thought that was quite interesting and I told him I have always wanted to visit Taiwan. Prior to this, I have been asked if I am of Latino decent, Samoan decent, Irish and now Taiwanese. Hmmmmm...I think my theory is gaining truth! How can I look like all these nationalities simultaneously? I haven't gotten Italian or Welsh yet, and that is my heritage!

Have you ever been compared to a celebrity or had someone tell you you look like a certain nationality? Tell me about it (again)!

"This Book Will Change Your Life": Today is PRETEND TO BE A SECRET AGENT day!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'll tell you no lies

So here are the questions I have received and my answers:

Anonymous said...
Is is true that you are actually jealous of piehole because she is prettier and more popular than you?

You caught me! Am I that transparant? I mean, how am I supposed to compete with this?

Wiccachicky said...

What is your dream vacation?
A Two week vacation to Egypt complete with a cruise down the Nile from Cairo, stopping at all the landmarks: Karnak, Valley of the Kings, Luxor etc. A close second (and probably much safer) would be a Castle Tour of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

What's the best book you've ever read and why?
I don't have a favorite book really, I have actually just begun to enjoy reading over the past 7 years, but I love historical fiction and classics. It's strange b/c I am a late bloomer in this area! Any suggestions would be great!

Who was your favorite mutant freak on Smallville?
Oh! Oh! Lex Luthor is technically a meteor freak b/c he is super intelligent and bald since the accident! But I will be nice and pick another: I think I liked Tina Greer. She was a shapeshifter and that is cool. Grossest would be that Bug Boy one who was molting! That was disgusting!

Amy said...
Your celeb dream boyfriend/date?

Gerry Butler is the one. He was the first to come to mind and once I thought of him I could hardly think of anyone else!!

The two back ups I finally came up with (after pondering for a long time) would be: Michael Rosenbaum (he's fun and hot!) or Pierce Brosnan (He is sooo sexy).

# of guys you've kissed?

Hmmm...I am a selective kisser. Not many have had the chance. Ice Queen? No. I am elusive... tee-hee:)

Dream job (education, etc, not a factor)?
The Curator or Egyptian Antiquities at the Metropolitan Museum, NY, NY. Yeah, that would be AMAZING!

Big Geek Said...

do you have big boobs?


Anonymous said...
Who is your favorite pirate? Fictional and nonfictional? Best out of both?

Calico Jack, (John Rackham), the pirate Captain of the ship Adventure around 1717-1720. He was a crazy colorful man and also a harbinger of the famous female pirates: Anne Bonney and Mary Read! He was hanged for his crimes of piracy at Gallows Point, Port Royal.
Favorite Fictional: One Eyed Willie from The Goonies of course!! But Captain Jack Sparrow has got to be the best pirate I have ever seen! Well, the hottest anyway. "But you cheated!!" "PIRATE!!!"
Best out of both: Well there is nothing like a real Pirate I guess, and truth is stranger than fiction. AARRGGHH!

So I guess that's that. I will take more questions if any others spring to mind. This was fun and I got some great questions. I hope you all enjoyed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Movie Lines Knowledge: The Sequel: Answers!

OK folks! Let's see how you did! The folowing are the answers from the movie quiz from last week along with the quotes and a few comments from the peanut gallery!

  1. “Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.” Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean, 2003, ARRGGHH!!!
  2. “I think she's the saddest girl to ever to hold a martini.” Sophia (Penelope Cruz), Vanilla Sky, 2001, Open your Eyes...
  3. “Who am I? You sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. If somebody said it was a happy little tale... if somebody told you I was just your average ordinary guy, not a care in the world... somebody lied.” Peter Parker narrating, Spiderman, 2002. He's the only arachnid I like!
  4. “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.” Willie Wonka, 1971, You can even eat the dishes!!
  5. “I'm only laughing on the outside / My smile is just skin deep / If you could see inside I'm really crying / You might join me for a weep." The Joker, Batman, 1989, Have you ever heard of the healing power of laughter?
  6. “Here goes: I sped. I followed too closely. I ran a stop sign. I almost hit a Chevy. I sped some more. I failed to yield at a crosswalk. I changed lanes at the intersection. I changed lanes without signaling while running a red light and *speeding*!” Jim Carey, Liar Liar, 1997. One of my personal favorites!
  7. “I realize that when I met you at the turkey curry buffet, I was unforgivably rude, and wearing a reindeer jumper. “ Mark Darcey, Bridget Jones' s Diary, 2001. He's such a wanker!
  8. “Spiders... the spiders... they want me to tap-dance. And I don't want to tap-dance!” Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 2004 Gotta love that Ron Weasely!
  9. “Mom! We're on high alert here. I almost killed you! Right then! You don't even know!” Vince Vaughn as Eddie, Mr and Mrs. Smith, 2005. Vince Vaughn = Fast talking GENIUS!
  10. “Laugh it up, fuzzball” Han Solo, Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, 1980. CHEWY!!!!!!
  11. “No harm ever came from opening a chest " ”Yeah, no harm ever came from reading a book either. Remember how that one went?”Evy and Rick, The Mummy Returns, 2001. Come on! we have to have a Mummy Quote!!!
  12. “I'm what they call "nouveau riche," but then, it's only the "riche" that counts.” Kevin Spacey as Jim Williams, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, 1997. Flavis!!! I hope I get to visit Jim's House in Savannah someday!
  13. “You're beautiful to me because you're human. Your frailty. Your short years. Your heart. All that suddenly seems more precious than anything I've ever known.” Stewart Townsend as Lestat, Queen of the Damned, 2002. Ahhhh...Stewart Townsend...*sigh*
  14. “Nature is about balance. All the world comes in pairs. Yin and Yang. Right and Wrong. Men and Women. What's pleasure without pain. “ Angelina Jolie, Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, 2003. ABSOLUTELY!! Gotta love Angie!
  15. [singing] “You've got to grind, grind, grind, at that grindstone / Though childhood slips like sand through a sieve / And all too soon they've up and grown / And then they've flown / And it's too late for you to give.” Dick Van Dyke as Bert, Mary Poppins, 1964. My Favorite Disney film. Dick Van Dyke is THE BEST!

BONUS: “It's called a sense of humor - you should get one - they're nice.” Duckie, Pretty in Pink, 1986. Do I offend? You can't beat this flick. By far one of my favorite featuring members of the Brat pack!

I was impressed Amy and Wiccachicky! You guys did awesome!! Thanks for playing! For anyone who didn't comment on answers tell me how you did and how you think I did by posting a comment now!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Magnificently Mundane Monday

Hello. It's Monday and I love alliteration! That Book I got for Christmas: "This Book Will Change Your Life", says today you have to give the finger discretely. I will give you a count tomorrow of my successful gestures! This week will be great b/c there are some awesomely fun stuff coming up. Wednesday is Kill Something Day (watch out Spiders!!!)and Thursday is Pretend to be a Secret Agent Day!!! Feel free to play along!

My Friday Happy Hour was definately a step up in the class department. I actually had fun and will be going again this Friday. At the Blue Tusk. I like it!

So today I think I am in great shape to finish up that class I am taking. I thought it ended on the 27th, but it ends on the 20th! Yeah, so I looked at the calendar wrong! BITE ME!! I am very excited since it looks like I have an A! Yipee!! I think next week the Spring semester begins and I will be taking a Math course...perhaps it will jive now that I am a bit older.


So I have only gotten one question from my "Ask me a question" post so far. Please ask a question or two! I know many of you are not worrying about it b/c you are on holiday today. LUCKY!! I have heard of some people who reportedly read my blog fairly often, but I have never gotten a comment from them. Well, now is your chance! Sign in as Anonymous, it's free it's easy and it's fun! You know who you are! (and maybe I do too!) Just do it!

Before I go I wanted to say that I got something cool in the mail Saturday. I received a mini-poster (approx 9 x 12 or so)of this pic from my friend Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith knows I am a bat freak and he's OK with it.

Ooh! The Bachelor is on tonight! That show cracks me up! Especially when they have already had a psycho girl on! Check it out tonight, they are playign the first ep again! If you have already seen it tell me what you thought!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Ask me a Question, I'll tell you no lies...

I got this from Amy's Blog and it was really fun to read all the responses she gave to her questions, so here goes:

The problem with blogs: we all think we are so close, but we really don't know as much as we'd like to think we do about each other. So I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about: childhood particulars? physical traits? relationship stuff? education? Ask away!!

Me? Whoring for comments???? Maybe.

Your Eyes Should Be Green

Your eyes reflect: Striking attractiveness and danger

What's hidden behind your eyes: A vivid inner world

I thought that was an interesting little quiz. I think Brown eyes are great b/c that's what I have! Well they are light brown. I do have flecks of green in my eyes that are more noticable some days than others which is kind of cool. I actually didn't notice it until someone told me.

So you've guessed thus far I am random today, right? Then this next thing won't really throw you for a loop.

Does anyone else get addicted to one or two CD's and you listen to them all the time for like 2-3 weeks straight? Well, my recent obsession is listening to the Mr. and Mrs. Smith Score firstly because I enjoy scores and this one is cool. Secondly because it helps you drive fast when you are late and trying to get to work. haha. yeah, that's a chronic problem for me here...and I'm really not doing anything to stop it. :) My other CD obsession is with a mix I had my neice Erin make me with songs like "Rock the Casbah", "Glamerous Life", and "March of the Swivelheads" (the song that Ferris runs home to on Ferris Bueller's Day off) Yeah that one makes me drive fast too.

So today is Friday. I am tired this week. Next week I get to train a new temp for reception starting Monday to add to the craziness! Our regular receptionist I had mentioned before was supposed to come in but is back in the hospital. I feel so bad for her, she can't seem to catch a break. But back to Friday. I have decided that I don't want to go out anymore, in the traditional sense, at least for awhile. My friends and I are meeting out for drinks after work tonight. I convinced them that the bar scene is obnoxious and we need to step up the class. So we decided to do a little happy hour downtown and grab a bite to eat while we are there. I am looking forward to having a few drinks and chilling out. God knows I need that after the past few weeks!

Anywho, I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Stay out of trouble, be good and have fun!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Movie Lines: Test your Knowledge: The Sequel

Once again it's time for a little Movie Madness! I thought it was time for another movie line quiz so I tried to come up with varied movies from last time. Keep in mind some are older, some are fairly new releases.

  1. “Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.”
  2. “I think she's the saddest girl to ever to hold a martini.”
  3. “Who am I? You sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. If somebody said it was a happy little tale... if somebody told you I was just your average ordinary guy, not a care in the world... somebody lied.”
  4. “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.”
  5. “I'm only laughing on the outside / My smile is just skin deep / If you could see inside I'm really crying / You might join me for a weep.”
  6. “Here goes: I sped. I followed too closely. I ran a stop sign. I almost hit a Chevy. I sped some more. I failed to yield at a crosswalk. I changed lanes at the intersection. I changed lanes without signaling while running a red light and *speeding*!”
  7. “I realize that when I met you at the turkey curry buffet, I was unforgivably rude, and wearing a reindeer jumper. “
  8. “Spiders... the spiders... they want me to tap-dance. And I don't want to tap-dance!”
  9. “Mom! We're on high alert here. I almost killed you! Right then! You don't even know!”
  10. “Laugh it up, fuzzball”
  11. “No harm ever came from opening a chest " ”Yeah, no harm ever came from reading a book either. Remember how that one went?”
  12. “I'm what they call "nouveau riche," but then, it's only the "riche" that counts.”
  13. “You're beautiful to me because you're human. Your frailty. Your short years. Your heart. All that suddenly seems more precious than anything I've ever known.”
  14. “Nature is about balance. All the world comes in pairs. Yin and Yang. Right and Wrong. Men and Women. What's pleasure without pain. “
  15. [singing] “You've got to grind, grind, grind, at that grindstone / Though childhood slips like sand through a sieve / And all too soon they've up and grown / And then they've flown / And it's too late for you to give.”

BONUS: “It's called a sense of humor - you should get one - they're nice.”

Ok! There they are! Thankfully I had worked on this one a few weeks ago so it was all ready to go! Feel free to post in the comments any answers you come up with. I will post the answers next week! Good Luck!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Make you Smile

It's Tuesday and all I have to say (and have time for) is that if this pic doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will!

Thanks to my friend Nate who made my day by sending me this! Have a great one!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Unique gifts for Christmas etc

And now for the post you have all been waiting for!! (or maybe not): Here a a couple interesting things I got for Christmas this year. One is silly, one is cool but they all say that my family knows me too well! Mind you all my gifts were great and I mean no disrespect, but some stand out as outrageously funny or just plain unique. SO here they are!

Firstly, my new Monty Python T-shirt. Obviously with Spamalot on Broadway and makigna huge splash, these silly things all all over the place. I have been into Monty Python since High School and I never tire of "The Holy Grail"! This t-shirt was a gift from my Brother, Sister-in-law and three nephews. I will wear this in public, tho I will warn whoever is with me first!

My next Christmas gift was also from my Brother, Sister-in-law and three nephews.

A book with 365 different things to do each day to make your life more enjoyable and exciting...I wonder if they think I need a more exciting life? Oh well, it is quite enjoyable so far! I have colored a world map of places I want to go and don't ever want to go, I have cut out addictive substances like coffee and soda for a day, I have written the first sentence to my first novel. I look forward to the next assignments like "Giving the finger to everyone discretely during the day" and "Kill something day".There are some nice things to do too, but I thought of the evil first! (insert maniacal laugh here)

My third and final cool gift of the season was a mask my brother Mark (the world traveler) brought home from his trip to China. He told me it is to chase away evil spirits and bring prosperity. He may have made that up, but I will take it! I plan on trying to research it a bit when I have time and I will update at that point. He couldn't have picked a better mask for me! Vampire fangs in Chinese folk lore? Very intersting and definately a unique and awesome gift!

In other news, the receptionist is back in the hospital. So she called in to say she would not be coming back to work this am. So I am back in the saddle again doing the same old same old. Funny thing is that I was asking for a sign this am. A sign that I am going in the right direction, or a sign of what else I need to be doing. Could this be that I am being told to keep on this path for now and enjoy the freedom to take some classes and get some work done during the day because my job is not challenging? Patience is a virtue? (not right now it isn't).Hmmm, how come signs always perplex you more???

Friday, January 06, 2006

Yippeee!!! Friday!!!

So here it is, Friday again and how glad am I to not be traveling this weekend!! I am looking forward to this weekend and I am glad it is finally almost here!

A small change in my schedule thus far tho. Sarah is sick so we are postponing our "Memoirs of a Geisha" dinner and a movie night until she is better. This sickness just keeps hitting people without warning. Many folks here at work have been ill and Christine, Carolyn and Becca have all had it over the holidays! So far so good for me (knock on wood!) I have remained immune!

Saturday night has changed a bit too. Before we were just going to go out to a few bars and hang out but now we have been invited to a house party by Liz's new boyfriend and his friends. I have not met him yet but I am sure knowing Liz it will be a fun night and a chance to meet some new people! Oh yeah, and going someplace other than our usual haunts will be fun for a change!

This week was crazy with that class I am taking! I actually had to DVR CSI last night because I had too much work to do!!! That is a huge thing because I NEVER miss my Warrick and Nick!! It was a two hour thing last night so I taped it and will watch it this weekend at some point. I also DVR'd "Alexander" off of HBO so I will be watching that as well at some point. But back to my workload...HELLO!!! It's a lot but it is fun. Ok, I will say it! I LOVE READING!! I know it may come as a shock to some of you who knew me as the "Huh? read the book? No way! there's a movie out!" girl in High School, but things have changed my friends! It is a lot of reading but I love it, especially since I get to read Hawthorne and Poe and Shakepeare among others!!!!

Anywho...I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Hopefully I will have some better posts up next week?!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Spike-tacular Thursday

In honor of Spike, my favorite Buffy bad-boy, I am rebeling against the system in his fashion today. You should try it too! It could be fun!

Today, like Spike, I will do as I want, not as I'm told, plus maybe a few other things that sound like rebelious fun.

I will do the minimum today (which probably is more than other people's minimum...haha)

I will raise my eyebrow at people menacingly throughout the day to see their reaction.

I will speak in my english accent whenever the mood strikes me.

I will laugh maniacally without warning.

I will formulate an elaborate evil plan to take out my enemies.

I will utilize British slang such as "Wanker", "Shite", "Crikey" and "Bloody" among others, in my communications.

I will nickname myself in the spirit of "William The Bloody" (and I will be taking suggestions for a good moniker in the comments section)

I will play my music loudly and proudly (especially my Billy Idol's Greatest Hits! Yeah!!!)

And if you don't like it, you can sod off!!

What will you do to rebel today?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Whatever Wednesday!

Yep, it's Wednesday again and along with it a random photo for the day. Here's a quick update for y'all of what'e been going on in CCLand lately:

Back to work Tuesday this week and it's a bit hectic! Lots to do after the holiday hoo-ha but some good news on the work front. Our receptionist is FINALLY coming back from a 4 1/2 month medical leave! She's a great lady who has had a really rough time and we are all glad she is coming back. I spoke with her yesterday and she said that she is cleared to come back 4-6 hrs per day starting next week. That means I will be freed up from helping out with the phones and will give me more time to get into other projects or to blog. HAHA!

Seriously tho, I think any time I have free I will be using to get my work done in this winter mini course I am taking. It's an English lit class. Many of the readings I have already read which is good and I enjoy writing, although there is a lot of work (an entire semester crammed into a three week session for 3 credits!!). I will definately have stuff to do here and at home with that workload!

For those of you who do not know, I am taking a few classes I didn't need for my BA in 1997. There are certain classes I need to be eligible to apply to grad school, so I am taking them via internet in hopes that I can eventually get into an MST program for Elementary Education Teacher. Yep, the decision has been made, and I am psyched about it!!

Last night I did some readings and could have done more except that I saw that Queen of the Damned was starting on SciFi and I cannot resist that deliciously mysterious Stewart Townsend. *sigh* But since I am free tonight I will dig into getting some assignments done and get a bit ahead so that this weekend I can go see Memoirs of a Geisha on Friday, go out on the town with my friends Saturday and do some skiing on sunday of possible (snow damn it!!)

So as it is, I may not be blogging as often, unless it fits my schedule. Of course maybe it will be better for you, gentle reader, if I am shorter and not so long winded with my posts! I will try to post my two favorite gifts from this season this week if possible for your enjoyment. Until then, give me some ideas of what you would like to see on the blog in the weeks and months to come!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Year in Review

Well, I stole this from Amy's blog, she had gotten it from a friend via email and I thought it looked like fun. So here is my trip down memory lane from the year 2005.

1. Did you have a new year's resolution this year (for 2005)? Continue to to be positive, focused and optimistic
2.Who kissed you at midnight? No one, I was at a family party
3. Does it snow where you live? For about 7 months out of the year!
4. Do you like hot chocolate? Yes but especially when it's in coffee! CHoCHo!
5. Have you ever been to times square to watch the ball drop? No and I never plan on it! YUCK!

1. Who was your valentine in 2005? Ron...for about 3 hours
2. What did your valentine get you? A teddy bear, chocolates, a balloon, a rose, a card and a headache...
3. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class? We were only allowed to do valentines if you gave one to everyone so yes it was kinda expected.

1. Are you Irish? A pinch after the Italian, Welsh and English
2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day? Yes, my Green turtleneck sweater
3.What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2005? Went out to a bar noted for St. Patty's Day Craziness and it was fairly lame.

1. Do you like the rain? yes when I am going to sleep
2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year? No, ususally the ones I think of are to mean and I chicken out at the last minute because of that!
3. Do you get tons of candy on easter? No, but Dad always finds a way to give me Reese's peanut butter cups of some sort!

1. What's your favorite kind of flower? Ah, I don't have a favorite flowere but I like Lilacs, Orchids and lillies
2. Do you like the spring? Mud Season? Hell no!
3. Finish the phrase: April showers bring may flowers, what do may flowers bring? A new beginning with endless possibilities!
4. What would you think of as a spring color? green

1. What year did you graduate from school? HS: 1993 & College: 1997
2. Did you go on any vacations last June? No but I went to San Fran in April and Jess's Wedding in June!

1. What did you do on the 4th of July? We had our Annual Family party of course, with food and fireworks and fun!!
2. Did you go on any vacations during this month? No vacation time available at work until October so nope.

1. Did you do anything special to end off your summer? Went to camp for one weekend!
2. What was your favorite summer memory of '05? The 4th of July party
3. Do you go swimming a lot in the summer? Yep, pool at the parent's place and pool at my apartment complex, swimming in the lake at Camp with GLOW STICKS!!!
4. Do you go to the beach a lot? Nope but I went once to a local lake here, it was kind of cool

1. Did you attend school/college in '05? Yes! Took an online class in genetics, preparing for grad school and needed some xtra credits!
2. Who is/was your favorite teacher? Mr. Biviano, Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Pross from High School and Dr. Robbins and Dr. Gustainis at college
3. Do you like fall better than summer? Yes, Fall is great, and I look forward to it.

1. What was your favorite halloween costume ever? Catwoman: in 1991 (from the 60's tv show) and 1993 (from Batman Returns)
2. What's your favorite candy? Reese's Peanut Butter BIG cups, Symphony bar with Toffee chips or butterfinger
3. What did you dress up like this year? I was THE DEVIL!

1. Whose house do you usually go to for thanksgiving? My parents house
2. Do you love stuffing? YES! I love it! Especially Dad's with the apple in it!
3. What are you thankful for? My family, friends, my health and my life

1. Do you celebrate Christmas? Yes I do
2. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe? yes...
3. What do you want this year for Christmas? I just want to chill and have fun with my family
4. What's the best present you ever got for Christmas? A dollhouse and a puppet theater my Dad, Mom, brothers and sisters made me when I was little.
5. Do you like cold weather? Freezing Cold weather no, snowy weather YES!

SO That is my 2005 year in review. 2006 will prove to be even better I believe!

Upcoming blogs of note: exerpts from a book I got from my Nephews, a brand new movie line knowledge quiz and much more! It's going to be a great year!