Unique gifts for Christmas etc
And now for the post you have all been waiting for!! (or maybe not): Here a a couple interesting things I got for Christmas this year. One is silly, one is cool but they all say that my family knows me too well! Mind you all my gifts were great and I mean no disrespect, but some stand out as outrageously funny or just plain unique. SO here they are!
Firstly, my new Monty Python T-shirt. Obviously with Spamalot on Broadway and makigna huge splash, these silly things all all over the place. I have been into Monty Python since High School and I never tire of "The Holy Grail"! This t-shirt was a gift from my Brother, Sister-in-law and three nephews. I will wear this in public, tho I will warn whoever is with me first!
My next Christmas gift was also from my Brother, Sister-in-law and three nephews. A book with 365 different things to do each day to make your life more enjoyable and exciting...I wonder if they think I need a more exciting life? Oh well, it is quite enjoyable so far! I have colored a world map of places I want to go and don't ever want to go, I have cut out addictive substances like coffee and soda for a day, I have written the first sentence to my first novel. I look forward to the next assignments like "Giving the finger to everyone discretely during the day" and "Kill something day".There are some nice things to do too, but I thought of the evil first! (insert maniacal laugh here)
My third and final cool gift of the season was a mask my brother Mark (the world traveler) brought home from his trip to China. He told me it is to chase away evil spirits and bring prosperity. He may have made that up, but I will take it! I plan on trying to research it a bit when I have time and I will update at that point. He couldn't have picked a better mask for me! Vampire fangs in Chinese folk lore? Very intersting and definately a unique and awesome gift!
In other news, the receptionist is back in the hospital. So she called in to say she would not be coming back to work this am. So I am back in the saddle again doing the same old same old. Funny thing is that I was asking for a sign this am. A sign that I am going in the right direction, or a sign of what else I need to be doing. Could this be that I am being told to keep on this path for now and enjoy the freedom to take some classes and get some work done during the day because my job is not challenging? Patience is a virtue? (not right now it isn't).Hmmm, how come signs always perplex you more???
Keep on keeping on my friend. you're on the right path.
On a different subject: I found a card (love Hallmark) you'd LOVE. But, have no address to send it to...email me at akatt478@yahoo.com if you'd like & then eagerly check your mailbox. Tee hee.
I want to see that book! Sounds cool! God knows I need some excitement!
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