Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mail for Batman!!

Found this in my mailbox this morning:


Cyndi, our receptionist received this in yesterday's mail, and for obvious reasons, put it in my mailbox...Cyndi ROCKS.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

*(THUD)* CC Has Officially Fainted From Anticipation and Excitement!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Nostalgia Rules

This past weekend I was at a local new and used cd/dvd store and came across a blast from the past. Does anyone remember the 1984 movie "Breakin' " ??

My brother and his high school girlfriend took me to see this in the theater and I became obsessed with the music. The soundtrack was the first Vinyl album Soundtrack that I ever purchased (hence the nostalgia). I was 8 or 9 years old.

As corny and dated as some of the electronic hip-hop was, the music to this day still makes me want to dance! Hello??!!! Chaka Khan!!!! I bought the movie on Saturday and took a trip down memory lane on Sunday afternoon. Terrible acting, dumb splintered story, but it seemed to capture the excitement of Break-dancing culture in the early 80's. It made me wish that people would have dance wars instead of using guns to solve their problems. :)

It also made me think about two high school guys that lived down the road from me Their parents let them get that cardboard out and the boom box and they would mess around for hours on their driveway. We used to go and watch them break dance. I wonder what "Shabba Doo" and "Bugaloo Shrimp" would have thought to see country white boys trying to be street dancers...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Here There Be Pirate Ship Cakes! ARRRR!!!

My Nephew (and Godson) Evan turns 8 this upcoming Wednesday and we had a birthday party for him this past Sunday. When asked what kind of party he wanted he replied "Cars" (you know, the movie with Lightning McQueen?), then he went to visit Aunt Kathy's house and Erin took Henry the Cockatiel out of his cage and placed him on Evan's shoulder. "Evan the Pirate" got a great idea for his birthday part theme...A PIRATE PAARRRRRTY!!!!

I brought the pirate napkins, cake plates and pirate tattoos! Annie brought the booty, the spy glasses and the "Piece de Resistance!" : A PIRATE SHIP BIRTHDAY CAKE!

All done by hand and through her own creativity, Annie created an awesome Birthday cake. Root beer barrels and Hershey chocolate bars finished off the deck, while a Reeses peanut butter cup served as the "Crow's Nest" on the center Mast. The Captain is at the helm, navigating through a sea of blue rasberrry Jello and swedish fish! She really out-did herself!

Great pics from Lamby!! It was a great day and fun was had by all. And yes, I have already put in my order for a "Pyramid in the desert" themed Birthday cake for November!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Obviously from the title of this post, you realize you are in for a hella rant right?

Good. Here goes:

My company is having a 35th anniversary party at this great clam bake place with a band etc next month. How nice, right? On the top of the invite it says that (unlike most company things lately) spouses and significant others are invited. OK. That's nice for those who have spouses or significant others, for those of us that don't, well tough shit. I get that, no big deal, my issue became apparent when I was joking around that I should bring a random hottie and the tongues would wag. Tongues wag when nothing is happening at my company, so that was the joke.

So then my friend Cyndi says: "Tongues would really wag if you brought a girl" which we laughed about because people's heads would probably explode. I went upstairs and proceeded to tell my friend Beth (big geek) who laughed as well and then I told my friend Sam, who looked at me and says "Well, I have heard rumors about you". Seeing as tho he is joker, I laughed and then said "Wait! You're kidding right?" and he began to tell me that "someone" he would not name, jokingly said that maybe I was gay because I hang out with this one girl Tammy, (who apparently there have been rumors about). Firstly, Tammy is a good friend of mine, and she can do whatever the hell she wants, althought my experience of hanging out with her has not shown me anything other than she is hetero, but I don't care! She is wild and crazy BUT that is not the point of the story.


Especially when it is about me!

Sam said that this person who said this to him is someone who if he hits on you and you don't respond, will assume you are not interested because you are gay, not because you are not interested in him!! Nice. I have rejected a lot of those assholes since I have been working there, and the rule is I don't date anyone at work (especially because of the tongue wagging, even tho apparently if you try to remain a mystery they make shit up about you anyway.)AND! Hello I never asked Sam if he came to my rescue and said "um, no, CC is not gay!" I will be asking him tomorrow. I don't thing I let on to Sam how much it bothered me...

Whether the piece of shit who said that was mad because I rejected him at some point or because he was joking, I am not laughing. What a short sighted stupid ass reject! Does he know ANYTHING about my personal life? Um no. All they see is what I want them to see and I guess they have to talk about something so they might as well make something up. A joke, turns into a rumor and rumors are BAD.


Look, there is nothing wrong with being gay, It's just wrong if someone is misrepresenting me as a person. I hate it when people judge you when they don't know you, or think you are something that you are not. Reputation is important to me, and reputation is identity. I work hard to present myself in a certain way and when one stupid FUCK can jeopardize that it just makes me so ANGRY!

I realize I am dealing with uneducated, narrow-minded people, but it still really bothers me. The rumor mill is like the telephone game we played when we were younger. By next week I could be a Vampire because I like to wear black, I wear sunglasses a lot and my nails are long. I mean seriously!


Yes, I came home did some housework and had a few beers and then blogged. I am sure in the morning I will have chilled out and figured WHO GIVES A SHIT WHAT THOSE ASSHOLES THINK? But for now I needed to rant!

SO ANYWAY, I need a really hot guy to come to this party with me. Game on.

And I WILL find out who was "joking' about that...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hey! That Looks Familiar!

In regards to my earlier post about visiting filming locations, my nephew Kevin got some great pictures recently while spending a few days in NYC. Those of you who are familiar with Flight of the Conchords might recognize these locations:

You may recognize this as the "New Zealand Consulate" where Murray and the guys have their band meetings. "Present!"

This is the stoop of the Bret and Jemaine's apartment in the show. It makes me laugh because I picture Mel lurking around waiting for them to come out... The great thing about this picture is the architectural details that you never pay attention to when watching the show.

A message from Bret and Jemaine:

J: "We just want to say that Kevin did an amazing job on those photos."
B: "Sorry we missed him while he was in New York, but we don't actually live there."
J: "Yeah, that's just for the show. Someone else must live there, but we don't actually know who that is"
B: "I think they might be of asian decent because of the sign on the building"
J: "Maybe we should introduce ourselves when we begin filming season two...bring them a biscuit or something because they are the real people living in our flat."
B: "But it's not our flat, it's's for the show"
J: "Right. That might be a nice idea though. A biscuit..."

B: "Oh, and the blog looks great Carol. We should go out sometime... if that's what your into."

J: "Yeah, the blog is really great and tell Beth and Rob we said 'Hello' and thanks for spreading the word about the Conchords! ...Bret, maybe we should bring Beth and Rob some biscuits..."

Monday, April 14, 2008

Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Life...

Well, my exercise and diet program anyway...Yep, I am starting TODAY!

I put on a few pounds over the winter, and probably everyone does. It's those cold nights and bulky sweaters that hide those extra pounds until spring. Then when you think you can go swim suit shopping, you are rudely awakened at the site in the mirror!

Living by myself has been a blessing but also a temptation to eat like a pig whenever I want. I love food, but my portion size is too big. I could blame that on my Italian "Eat! Eat!" upbringing where food is always the center of everything including any social and family event, but I need to be accountable for my actions.

By Diet, I mean I am cutting down portion sizes, cutting some carbs, and drinking more water. I eat a well balanced diet anyway, so this adjustment should be realitively easy.

By Exercise, I mean just that. I am going to start walking after work 3 to 4 times a week. My complex is a beautiful place to walk or ride my bike, so I might as well take advantage of it, especially because the weather is getting nicer. It's like a free gym membership. I have always preferred getting my exercise from actual activities (outdoors is best), rather than being inside a gym. Fresh air is a real mood enhancer! On days that it rains, I have a plan for weight and flexibility training I can do in my apartment.

I have a weight loss goal in mind (20 lbs), but since I am an athletic build I tend to tone and build muscle quickly meaning numbers don't reflect the reality. I may loose the fat, but gain the muscle making the scale seem like I haven't lost much, tho I have actually gained a much healthier physique. In other words, I will not be a slave to numbers for that reason. If my clothes are fitting better or I drop a size, then I know I have reached my goal!

The hardest thing is sticking to a schedule. For me, at the end of the day, I am usually so tired that the thought of changing into sweats and sneaks to go back outside and walk seems ridiculous. For this, I am attempting a simple mantra "Bikini Body". I think that will be sufficient motivation. Perhaps as added motivation, whenever I am craving Ben and Jerry's Phish Food Ice cream or chips and queso, I will start singing the Baywatch Theme. Watching that show always made me motivated to work out! :)

Did you begin a fitness routine in January, or did you wait until now like me?

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Whatever Wednesday!

It's the Week of Surprises! The Week of "Where they HECK did THAT come from ?"

You know, those things that creep up on you when you least expect it?

  • Understanding that EVERYONE thinks the BLOW's Managing style is obnoxious and makes people that work for or with him want to quit. (because it came out of the President's mouth and EVERYONE laughed...)
  • The compliment from someone who never gives compliments
  • The other shoe dropping (thinking maybe you were right and you CAN'T handle this job)
  • Being contacted out of the blue (AGAIN!)
  • Your hair looking amazing (no matter if it is filthy dirty or freshly washed) and you have to do NOTHING to it to make it that way!
  • The Soundtrack you found that was a limited release and it is now on the way to your hot little hands.
  • The realization that your boss is actually behind you 100%, and that you are handeling this job FINE.
  • Looking at the clock and seeing that it is 4:57 p.m. and wondering where the heck did the time go?


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Had it with Hollywood

I am a movie lover, but things are out of control. I have combined Movies, TV and music together because Hollywood encompasses all these things, they all seem to bleed together lately.


10. Socialites that become celebrities: Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie and Kim Kardashian (who the heck is that?) They do nothing but pull down the IQ of the society. No wonder Americans are so hated, look at the face of our nation.

9. Magazines who harp on celebrity pegnancies, babies and children. Who cares!!!

8. Reality shows that exploit human conflict as entertainment, or try to glamourize the lifestyles of the Playboy Mansion and the porn industry.

7. Girls behaving badly: Brittany, Lindsay etc. Tabloid whores who enjoy any attention they can get, good or bad.

6. Actors who want to be singers, Singers who want to be actors, Actor's and Rocker's kids who think they are entitled to success because of genes. Watch "Rock the Cradle" on MTV, you will laugh your ASS off.

5. The writer's strike. I get it, but at this point I have a new routine and have lost interest in your shows. I am not all excited that they are back, and the networks seem to be portraying themselves as our saviors because now we can stop staring at an empty screen and watch our shows again. Contrary to network belief, I actually don't give a shit. I haven't been drooling in front of my tv waiting for the mothership to give me the next directive. I have better things to do than watch television.

4. Gerry and Cameron. Dating. WTF? Gerry has finally fallen from grace. I was waiting for him to do something skanky, and this is it.

3. Celebrities campaigning for presidential candidates. Who are they to try and influence my vote? If Hollywood is behind a candidate, you can bet your actor's guild statue that I won't be.

2. New music that is not worth my time (or yours). Cookie cutter bands and meaningless lyrics. I have seen a few light still flickering, but the good ones are few and far between.


1. Remakes, Sequels and more remakes. What creativity was in Hollywood to begin with, has now officially flown the coop. I have to believe that creative inventive souls are still out there. Perhaps they are the writers, filmmakers, actors and musicians who have the talent but are being snubbed because they have no connections?

The ideas of a chosen few have guided Hollywood creativity to this place of gray, recycled, media. Creativity is not GREEN. It is NOT a renewable resource. It is a raw, independent, free-flowing explosion of ideas that sparks emotion.

Oh and just an aside on this beautiful Tuesday:

Heard a song on my digital cable music station last night: "Birth, School, Work, Death"

Please let this not be true!

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Thursday, April 03, 2008

I Believe...

I believe in Viral Marketing too!!This is genius! (and my new obsession if you hadn't noticed!)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Making a Mountain Out of a Mole Hill???!!!

Whilst perusing the latest Gotham Times, I found some more websites and in searching for them I came across

Holy Crap! There are TONs of sites and an actual "game" to be followed and played! Where the HELL have I been? Missing out on all of the fun obviously!!!

Anywho: This is FREAKING AWESOME!!!! Hello? Why don't more movies do elaborate game tie-ins like this?

Love it. Love it!!!

As for the answers to the Movie Pilgrimage post:

  1. The Goonies (I have been to Cannon Beach and YES! It was a Religious Experience!)

  2. Tomb Raider

  3. The Lost Boys

  4. Pirates of the Caribbean

  5. These three amazing Castles/Manors have been used in many of my favorite films including: Batman, Batman Begins, Tomb Raider and The Great Muppet Caper!!!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008
