Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Making a Mountain Out of a Mole Hill???!!!

Whilst perusing the latest Gotham Times, I found some more websites and in searching for them I came across

Holy Crap! There are TONs of sites and an actual "game" to be followed and played! Where the HELL have I been? Missing out on all of the fun obviously!!!

Anywho: This is FREAKING AWESOME!!!! Hello? Why don't more movies do elaborate game tie-ins like this?

Love it. Love it!!!

As for the answers to the Movie Pilgrimage post:

  1. The Goonies (I have been to Cannon Beach and YES! It was a Religious Experience!)

  2. Tomb Raider

  3. The Lost Boys

  4. Pirates of the Caribbean

  5. These three amazing Castles/Manors have been used in many of my favorite films including: Batman, Batman Begins, Tomb Raider and The Great Muppet Caper!!!


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