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Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Grusome, yes, but I have the first poster as my desktop this week. Every time I get too "serious" about this job I take a moment and look at it and it helps to bring perspective back. Sometimes it even makes me laugh, because when I think about it, it's all as important (or pointless) as you make it.
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Ok. I'm not a Batman Fan. But that first poster really creeps me out...but I can't stop looking at it!
That's the beauty of The Joker. He is one of the BEST villans EVER for that reason. He is creepy and insane but you can't stop looking.
i think "why so serious?" is one of the greatest taglines ever!! and i really like your insight that "it's all as important (or pointless) as you make it".... very, very true!!
very cool with the sites too! i know you have had this up for a while but i jut finally got around to looking at all of them. that site with all those pics of people painted up to be the joke is so cool! also did you ever get to some of the stuff is very funny!
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