Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just When I Thought My Week Couldn't Get Any Worse...

About 3 months ago I had read some disturbing things at about plans for the DREADED "The Lost Boys" and "The Goonies" sequels. I wanted no part of either of these as too much time has passed and talent for writing and acting is non-existant to do either any justice. What is more disturbing is that they are both mentioned in Warner Bros "Straight to DVD Marketing Extravaganza"...and in the immortal words of Chunk: "I think I lost my appetite".

Not only does straight to DVD tell me that someone greenlighted a poorly written script and idea just to try and cash in on nostalgic fans of these cult classics, but also tells me that they have NO respect for the fans of these films. We only wanted them done 15 years ago, and done right or not at all.

So Tabbi sends me the link where The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe is being discussed (and the trailer, yay.)at a blog called "Mollygood". Yea, I watched the trailer, curiosity killed this cat. And Yes, I posted a comment...I couldn't resist.

IMDB lists this crap as starring the Coreys and including the other Frog Brother. Way to sell out for a few bucks assholes. Oh, and how cute! The director also plays none other than a Garlic Salesman!!! How witty!!! WTF people? Is someone TRYING to make my head spontaneously combust??? How low can they go? Apparently very.

Tabbi, if I worked closer, we would have gone to lunch today and commiserated!! :)


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