Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Where Do We Go From Here?

Some good comments from that last post.

Wiccachicky made so many excellent points:

"But I also have come to learn that no job I have is going to be TOTALLY fulfilling" Definately. Everyone has parts of their job that they hate. I enjoy most parts of my job. My issue is that the few that I hate are realy starting to bother me and are weighing heavily on me at the moment.

"If you can find some things with your job that you enjoy, focus on those and don't sweat the other stuff." Unfortunately I am sweating the other stuff recently. This one Coworker who thinks he is the ONLY division I market (I have 3 others that require my attention and time as well) is really affecting me. I think I am stressed out because he is on me so much. For instance: I had 4 emails waiting for me this morning from him, on 4 different subjects! My sleep pattern is off, I am tired because I am constantly running to put out fires he creates (and most aren't even fires, he just blows them out of proportion. I am exhausted and frustrated.

"I think the important part is to make time for things you are actually interested in...You should do that stuff because it might open the door to where you actually want to be!" I had entertained volunteering at a local museum because of my love of museums, but I seem to be so tired by the end of the day that I just want to go home and eat and veg. I know, I need to want to do it, but for now I am happy taking baby steps and buying some books on subjects that interest me to see if any hobbies come out of that. I do have a guitar teacher waiting to give me lessons, I just need a guitar. I guess I just need to Flamingo Up..."Get off my Ass!" and just go buy one.

Lamby says:

"We all need other things in our lives that bring us joy." Right on. The hard part is finding those things. I love to hike and mountain bike, but those are not things you can do alone. My current groups of friends are not into those things and I am not the type who will join a group on my own not knowing anyone. Maybe I should get over that. Maybe I rely on other people too much.

"Maybe I’m at a point in my life where I just don’t want to add stress to my life. But am I then missing out on fun and excitement?" Sorry Lamby, I had to steal this from an email you wrote me today! I think it speaks perfectly to how I feel right now. I am stressed from work situations and don't wish for anymore so I want to go home and get comfy and watch La Femme Nikita every night because right now that is my comfort zone.

So Where do we go from here?

Comfort Zone. That is the thing. We all like to sit back in our comfort zones like turtles hiding in their shells. Change. Stress. It's all outside, and that's all we can focus on. There are other things outside as well. Excitement. Adventure. We just focus on the fact that stepping outside into the cold world is going to be painful. It doesn't have to be.

I am just as guilty for feeling that way. Getting out of your comfort zone and daily routine is hard. It shouldn't be stressful to plan a trip, it should be EXCITING and FUN. I think a change in Vocabulary is in order! Hey, I realize the reasoning from Lamby is different than me, she has a family, I have only myself to plan for and hence the stress. Maybe I should plan her next vacation for her and her family, take care of everything.? I get to come along tho, expecially if you are going someplace like Atlantis or Disney... Just sayin'!

Focusing on what's important. I need to keep reminding myself of that. I tend to get carried away with my impatience and blow things up larger than they should be. Like this BLOW at work. I let my boss know today that this person has been a bit needy lately. My boss is cool, he knows this guy and he said he would take care of it. Hey, I don't want to be known as running to my Boss everytime, but I tried to deal and my plan didn't work, so I guess this was the next step.

The BLOW doesn't matter. My health, mental state, sleep patterns and happiness do. I am one person, I do more than anyone I know around here, and I do my best in the time alloted. I have to stop being an overachiever and stop trying to do everything to prove to this asshole that I am worthy and can do whatever he throws at me. I have to be realistic, because I KNOW I can do anything he comes up with, who cares if he knows? He would just continue to pile it on because he would never admit that a woman can run (and think) circles around him.

I bring it on myself and I have to take it off of myself as well. I don't have to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. None of us do. We just feel like if we don't noone else will. Therein lies the rub.

Tomorrow I have some silly posts...Gotta get the karma running the right way around here.


Blogger C.C. said...

I hate people who use PMS as a crutch and explaination for bad behavior. But DAMN! I have to say that PMS is playing a role in my impatience the past week. Seriously folks. Yesterday and today I have that PMS "Don't F with me!" Attitude. I have legit concerns here, but the hormones do play a role. Just sayin'

4:15 PM, March 11, 2008  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

If PMS plays a role for us...What is the excuse for the men around us? I'm thinking it's not homones...but maybe biorhythmns?

10:15 AM, March 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand how having an incompetent coworker can be stressful (just read the stories about ARC!) and the neediness (read my senior students right now) does weigh on me, especially when I feel like they should be capable of doing it themselves. But I've mentally allowed myself to blow ARC off, and I tell the needy students that I have a life and many other things to do, so they will just have to wait until I am able to respond to their problems. Maybe setting some boundaries with BLOW would help the situation.

Second, I have been feeling the exact same way about getting out and finding hobbies! Partner doesn't like to do anything that I like to do, and I've had a hard time making friends here, so if I want to do something, I have to go do it myself. At my age, I feel weird sometimes going out to a bar or a club by myself, but I'm starting to appreciate it more. In the past few weeks, I've found some little niches that are my own and I feel comfortable going there alone. Maybe you can start with one or two things and try it out. If you feel comfortable in the setting, then the socializing follows. Like, I just started going to this karaoke show by myself because I really like it, and now there are a whole bunch of regulars that are there every week who know me and have adopted me as part of their group. It's been really nice to make some new friends, even if they are just surface level friends for the time being.

11:14 AM, March 12, 2008  

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