Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Obviously from the title of this post, you realize you are in for a hella rant right?

Good. Here goes:

My company is having a 35th anniversary party at this great clam bake place with a band etc next month. How nice, right? On the top of the invite it says that (unlike most company things lately) spouses and significant others are invited. OK. That's nice for those who have spouses or significant others, for those of us that don't, well tough shit. I get that, no big deal, my issue became apparent when I was joking around that I should bring a random hottie and the tongues would wag. Tongues wag when nothing is happening at my company, so that was the joke.

So then my friend Cyndi says: "Tongues would really wag if you brought a girl" which we laughed about because people's heads would probably explode. I went upstairs and proceeded to tell my friend Beth (big geek) who laughed as well and then I told my friend Sam, who looked at me and says "Well, I have heard rumors about you". Seeing as tho he is joker, I laughed and then said "Wait! You're kidding right?" and he began to tell me that "someone" he would not name, jokingly said that maybe I was gay because I hang out with this one girl Tammy, (who apparently there have been rumors about). Firstly, Tammy is a good friend of mine, and she can do whatever the hell she wants, althought my experience of hanging out with her has not shown me anything other than she is hetero, but I don't care! She is wild and crazy BUT that is not the point of the story.


Especially when it is about me!

Sam said that this person who said this to him is someone who if he hits on you and you don't respond, will assume you are not interested because you are gay, not because you are not interested in him!! Nice. I have rejected a lot of those assholes since I have been working there, and the rule is I don't date anyone at work (especially because of the tongue wagging, even tho apparently if you try to remain a mystery they make shit up about you anyway.)AND! Hello I never asked Sam if he came to my rescue and said "um, no, CC is not gay!" I will be asking him tomorrow. I don't thing I let on to Sam how much it bothered me...

Whether the piece of shit who said that was mad because I rejected him at some point or because he was joking, I am not laughing. What a short sighted stupid ass reject! Does he know ANYTHING about my personal life? Um no. All they see is what I want them to see and I guess they have to talk about something so they might as well make something up. A joke, turns into a rumor and rumors are BAD.


Look, there is nothing wrong with being gay, It's just wrong if someone is misrepresenting me as a person. I hate it when people judge you when they don't know you, or think you are something that you are not. Reputation is important to me, and reputation is identity. I work hard to present myself in a certain way and when one stupid FUCK can jeopardize that it just makes me so ANGRY!

I realize I am dealing with uneducated, narrow-minded people, but it still really bothers me. The rumor mill is like the telephone game we played when we were younger. By next week I could be a Vampire because I like to wear black, I wear sunglasses a lot and my nails are long. I mean seriously!


Yes, I came home did some housework and had a few beers and then blogged. I am sure in the morning I will have chilled out and figured WHO GIVES A SHIT WHAT THOSE ASSHOLES THINK? But for now I needed to rant!

SO ANYWAY, I need a really hot guy to come to this party with me. Game on.

And I WILL find out who was "joking' about that...


Blogger C.C. said...

HA! Two possibilities already!!!

9:01 PM, April 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry about it. People are just ignorant - like you said. Plus, as someone who legitimately deals with these kind of sexuality questions ALL the time, I can tell you the more you fight it and complain about it, the more those idiots will think that it is true. It's better to say, "hey, I am who I am and if you want to know me, then get to know me -- don't just sit there and gossip about me".

10:12 PM, April 23, 2008  
Blogger C.C. said...

Wicca is right. I need to not worry so much about what other people think and just do my thing. I can't control what people say or make up or do so why worry about it? I better get used to it because being a "never been married girl" people tend to think you are either mental or gay and I am most certainly not gay. :)

I knew when I woke up this morning I would be over it, and I guess I am, I just have a little more attitude today.

Whatever. Life goes on.

8:44 AM, April 24, 2008  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

I think that "never been married girl" is just plain smart.

Only miserable people waste time speculating (and making up stuff) about someone else's personal life. Perhaps you are targeted becasue they know so little about you...then they feel the need to make stuff up!

People suck.

12:52 PM, April 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Geek Beth here:

I always consider the source when dealing with some of the idoits Carol and I work with. I could explain, but then I would be stooping to their level and being judgemental. So instead I choose not to hang out with most of the people I work with.

3:35 PM, April 24, 2008  
Blogger C.C. said...

Beth is right. Consider the source.

Beth is one of only three people I hang with outside of work and she is my favorito!


3:56 PM, April 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



3:59 PM, April 24, 2008  

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