Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Had it with Hollywood

I am a movie lover, but things are out of control. I have combined Movies, TV and music together because Hollywood encompasses all these things, they all seem to bleed together lately.


10. Socialites that become celebrities: Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie and Kim Kardashian (who the heck is that?) They do nothing but pull down the IQ of the society. No wonder Americans are so hated, look at the face of our nation.

9. Magazines who harp on celebrity pegnancies, babies and children. Who cares!!!

8. Reality shows that exploit human conflict as entertainment, or try to glamourize the lifestyles of the Playboy Mansion and the porn industry.

7. Girls behaving badly: Brittany, Lindsay etc. Tabloid whores who enjoy any attention they can get, good or bad.

6. Actors who want to be singers, Singers who want to be actors, Actor's and Rocker's kids who think they are entitled to success because of genes. Watch "Rock the Cradle" on MTV, you will laugh your ASS off.

5. The writer's strike. I get it, but at this point I have a new routine and have lost interest in your shows. I am not all excited that they are back, and the networks seem to be portraying themselves as our saviors because now we can stop staring at an empty screen and watch our shows again. Contrary to network belief, I actually don't give a shit. I haven't been drooling in front of my tv waiting for the mothership to give me the next directive. I have better things to do than watch television.

4. Gerry and Cameron. Dating. WTF? Gerry has finally fallen from grace. I was waiting for him to do something skanky, and this is it.

3. Celebrities campaigning for presidential candidates. Who are they to try and influence my vote? If Hollywood is behind a candidate, you can bet your actor's guild statue that I won't be.

2. New music that is not worth my time (or yours). Cookie cutter bands and meaningless lyrics. I have seen a few light still flickering, but the good ones are few and far between.


1. Remakes, Sequels and more remakes. What creativity was in Hollywood to begin with, has now officially flown the coop. I have to believe that creative inventive souls are still out there. Perhaps they are the writers, filmmakers, actors and musicians who have the talent but are being snubbed because they have no connections?

The ideas of a chosen few have guided Hollywood creativity to this place of gray, recycled, media. Creativity is not GREEN. It is NOT a renewable resource. It is a raw, independent, free-flowing explosion of ideas that sparks emotion.

Oh and just an aside on this beautiful Tuesday:

Heard a song on my digital cable music station last night: "Birth, School, Work, Death"

Please let this not be true!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with everything you said! Good thing there is HBO and "Flight of the Concords" for fine entertainment and high quality music!

We did just get REM's new CD and it is good. But, they are an older band maybe that is why it is so good.

10:38 PM, April 08, 2008  
Blogger Sparkles said...

very well put!!.. and your gerry is dating cameron?!!!

1:18 AM, April 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:42 AM, April 09, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with most of what you said BUT there is still MEDIUM on Mondays and Gerry and Cameron won't last. Rent the movies Paris Je t'aime and Waitress-or do like I did and watch all four seasons of THE WIRE. Our shows will be back and spring is almost here except in SYR where it is always late!

10:43 AM, April 12, 2008  

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