Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fun with Photos!!!

Just playin' around with pics today and made a B-day card for a friend at work. It actually said "Uh-oh! I guess I shouldn't have put all those candles on her cake!" Tee-hee!

The critics have spoken:
(for real!)

"You have great legs, Angelina, er, CC..."

"This is one of the best you've done yet!"

"You guys are HOT!"

Yep, I'm back! A great weekend, a little sun and I am happy to be back in the swing of things! Keep an eye out (MY EYE!!) for picture of Pinky's Party from this past weekend and other goodies this week here on CCLIFEORSOMETHINGLIKEIT!!! :)

Friday, July 27, 2007

Ban the Sequel. Remember a Classic.

I know I just posted this morning, but I HAD to post about this:

I have just read that Warner Bros. has OK'd the plans for a sequel to The Lost Boys called "The Lost Boys: The Tribe". Not only is it a sequel 20 years after the original cult classic, but it will be a DIRECT TO DVD release.


This is a total slap in the face to every fan of this 80's classic!! it basically says "Hey, we know a lot of you have been chanting for a sequel, so we'll give it to you...in all it's low budget, bad casting, copy-cat glory". Everyone knows that straight to DVD means CRAP. It will BLOW Big time and they will figure that it will tame the sequel beast once and for all and get everyone off their backs. Thanks. FOR NOTHING.

I am a firm believer that it should be left alone. It is a stand along movie and a sequel would have to be PERFECT, to live up to the original. It was funny, scary, and such an awesome film that was ahead of it's time visually. Oh, and a kick-ass sountrack too! No one can capture that fire again, especially after 20 years. I cannot believe they are even going to try. What a bunch of dried up hacks.


Corey and Corey! A Blast from the Past!!!

OH MY GOD! I feel like I am 13 again because Corey Haim and Corey Feldman are reuniting to cash in on the reality show game! Can I tell you how obsessed I was with Corey Haim? I shudder to remember the days. Corey Haim is finally sober, Corey Feldman snagged a hot wife and they will all be living together under one roof in "The Two Coreys" on A & E beginning this Sunday at 10pm. I CANNOT Wait to see this. It's ridiculous, but will be a riot anyhow. Here is a short preview:

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Whatever Wednesday!

GOD! Can I just tell you how annoying people are? It's very frustrating when you are the organized one and everyone around you seems to be, well, NOT!!! So you have to pick up all the pieces for it not to fall apart and save face, even tho you have done your part and are the only one who knows what the hell and how the hell to get things done.

Ok so that was my random rant. A little background: The Sales meeting starts tonight with the arrivals of the sales reps and tomorrow the Anschluss begins! Morning meeting, Afternoon luncheon with dept heads etc, dinner cruise at night, ending meeting on Friday morning with closing lunch... I have made all the arrangements from flight and hotel to dinner reservation and transportation and I cannot wait until the lunch on Friday!! (b/c then my work is done and I can head home early for a very special party this weekend, which I will elaborate on in a moment)

Got a bottle of Wine out of the deal tho. Red Newt Cellars: Dry Riesling. it's a Finger Lakes region Wine...I think I have had another Red Newt before, Lamby I am sure knows this one.

Anywho, the big weekend is a party in honor of Pinky. It's her 50th birthday celebration Saturday and I hope the weather holds out. I am VERY excited about this and I know everyone will have a great time. I will post pics next week for all to see the Tomfoolery that was had!

So I am the proud owner of Tomb Raider: Anniversary for PS2!! Yippee!! I haven't even started the actual game yet, I am just running amuck in Croft Manor solving little puzzles and getting my "feet wet" . Just the escape I needed this week. The movements are fairly similar to the last game "Legend", but with a few new things so it has been relatively easy to move Lara around. Tammi is picking me up Guitar Hero 80's edition tonight! Yippee!! Again!! I probably won't get a chance to play it before the weekend with everything I must do, but the wait will be worth getting some new songs to play. I lvoe being a Geek that way!!

I think today is truly a WHATEVER WEDNESDAY. I think I have said "Whatever" to many things today whilst preparing for the commencement of the Sales Meeting. What is done is done. In accordance with the prophecy...WHATEVER!!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Yipee!!! I'm going to see RUSH in Concert!!!

Ottowa, September 21st, 2007 !!!!

"He's noble enough to know what's right
But weak enough not to choose it
He's wise enough to win the world
But fool enough to lose it
He's a New World Man..."
- New World Man, Rush: Signals 1982

"Summers going fast --
Nights growing colder
Children growing up --
Old friends growing older
Experience slips away..."
-Time Stand Still, Rush: Hold your Fire 1987

"When we are young
Wandering the face of the earth
Wondering what our dreams might be worth
Learning that we’re only immortal --
For a limited time"
-Dreamline, RUSH: Roll The Bones, 1991

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday Thoughts...and College Alumni Receptions.

Ahhhh...Thursday. The day after Wednesday and before Friday. The day of planning and packing and getting ready for the weekend for me. Thursday is the YAHOOO!!! before my YIPEEE!!!

WORK WOES: I am sitting here at work listening to some music (RUSH: Roll the Bones) and wishing I had something more productive and exciting to do. I have buttoned up all of my important projects and have done everything else possible to clean, organize and get ahead. They just cannot fill my plate with enough to keep me busy around here. I am sticking to my guns and not volunteering anymore unless I see a decent raise at my review in October. I have an entire list of projects and duties I have been successful at and gained for the company that I will be requesting a meeting with my supervisor to discuss in August.

MUSICAL HOPES: A note on my music selection: Roll the Bones was my soundtrack for the summer of 1991. I was going to be a Junior in HS, and the world was full of possibilities. This album still gives me hope that there is more to life than this. Music is my mood setter, it can mellow or motivate me. Life would be so dull without it.
I am (hopefully) going to see RUSH in concert this fall with my Sister-in-Law and 2 of my nephews. I hope they can get tickets! I am looking forward to it. RUSH in concert is a must see and will be very cool.

IN THE KITCHEN WITH CC: OOHH!! I made my very first (small) batch of guacamole this week! It came out really good. I have some ideas for next time, but still excellent for a first try and it was sooo yummy! Thanks to my Sister-in-law Cullin, I have enjoyed avacado in my salads and sandwhiches many times since I cam back from my last visit to Cali. Until i went out there, Guacamole was the only way I had eaten it, and I had never made it myself!!

ALUMNI NEWS: Back in June I attended a college alumni reception in my area for anyone who attended my college. Only about 30 people showed but it was fun b/c the smaller group allowed me to meet and chat with everyone. It was held at a local restaurant/bar downtown. They had some finger foods and cash bar. The highlight for me was when the Director of Alumni Relations recognized me from working my work-study job in College Relations/Alumni Accociation 11 years prior! What a great memory she has!...then again I often feel I am unforgetable...haha! Little joke. Anyway, Here is the pic that was sent with the thank you note for attending:

I am the third from the right 9or 4th form the left if you prefer) in the front row wearing a black sleeveless top. We are holding the College Banner but I cropped it out ('cause I like to be mysterious:)) Thanks to Big Geek for scanning it for me so I could post it today.

Family 4th Party Pics

A little late, but here are some highlights of our 4th of July Party!

I think David Bowie meant to sing "Pinky played Guitar!" instead of Ziggy. Here Pinky rocks out on Guitar Hero for the first time!!! Great job!!!

This is the motel we stay at on the harbor. My brother's place is only about a mile away. We get to hang on the porch and enjoy the lake a bit. It's really nice.

The day of the party we had a bocce tournament. Here is our favorite scorekeeper, his Mom and Erin.

Uncle Jigger insights pool wars! Chaos insued!

It's the Silly String Gang:

Dad takes a shot in the bocce tournament.

Erin, CC and Katie chillin' after dinner. Lookout behind you! Evan's on his way!!

Here is a pic of the Contino Crew! We had about 2/3 of the family represented.

Here is the Whole Gang! Some of Kim's family joined us this year and we had a great time!

Saturday night after the party we went to the motel to watch Flare Night on the harbor and enjoy some fireworks. Here we are on the dock, you can see the flares in the background:

For those of us still left standing on Sunday, a boat ride was our prize...only we got caught in the rain on the way back. It was fun tho and I dried pretty quickly.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hey! They are black!!!

Your Toes Should Be Black

A total rulebreaker (and heartbreaker), you're always a little punk rock.

Your flirting style: Wacky and a bit shocking

Your ideal guy: An accomplished artist, musician, or writer

Stay away from: Preppy guys looking for a quick bad girl fling

Wait a minute...Bad girl? This is totally not me, except for the wacky part...but hey...my toenails are painted black right now!

Friday, July 13, 2007


Some quick randomness for Friday I thought you would all appreciate:


Check out the new word list to be added to the Dictionary!!!!!


Since it's Friday, I say we all do a little dance!!!

Have a fantabulous weekend everyone!!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

PieHole Revisited!

Dear Gentle Blog Reader,

Have you been missing stories of PieHole? Have you wondered what the Evil Spawn of Satan has been up to lately? Well, saddle up kimosabes! I've got the latest right here:

I think it is obvious at this point that I am completely protective of my family and friends. When I heard this latest atrocity, I was foaming at the mouth and ready to go for the juggular. Here's the scoop and my subsequent plan of action:

My sister Pinky was invited to accompany my brother and the three girls on a two week vacation. They will fly out tomorrow morning to visit the newest member of the clan in San Francisco at my brother Mark's place. After a week visiting the west coast they will fly to Idaho and spend a week at Mark's cabin on a lake.

Obviously Pinky was invited b/c Jim and PieHole are in the midst of a separation/divorce, selling the house etc, and Jim needed a female to accompany he and the girls (11, 13 and 17). The girls are excited that Aunt Pinky is coming along, and Jim and Annie are happy to get away and spend some time catching up. Aye, and there's the rub, with PieHole anyway.

PieHole would not allow Pinky to stay over at the house to catch the 6:30am flight Friday morning, so Jim made arrangements for her to stay at the house of his old High School friend and wife that live nearby. Once PieHole caught wind of that, she threw a fit and Gale and John told Jim that they wouldn't be able to host Pinky (event tho they have known Pinky longer than PieHole has known them). I don't know the exact reason, but I am sure she layed into them that they were interfering and most likely threatened them in some way. She is a psycho you know!

What was Pinky to do? She lives 2 1/2 hours away from Jim and the airport they are leaving from. She decided she would get up and leave her house by 2am to pick up Jim and the girls at their house by 4:30 to make their flight. Many of us have offered to drive her and pick her up so she wouldn't have to do it alone, but she didn't want to put any of us out. She also felt that having her car at the airport would be best so she can drop them off an continue home when they return. (Jim was afraid for her to leave her car at his house b/c PieHole would do something to it). Yeah, she's THAT bad

So Pinky, being the selfless, patient, non-imposer that she is, is rearranging her schedule to drive in the middle of the night to accompany my brother on his vacation and PieHole is up to her old tricks. Pinky of all people, should not be treated like that. She does everything to accomodate others. Anyone who would be that mean to her deserves whatever comes their way...

Speaking of comeuppance...

If anyone who lives out of state would like to send an unmarked package of animal feces (or something of equal or greater gross factor) to PieHole, I have her address and would be happy to share it with you. Email me at: cclifeblog@hotmailcom

As for me, I am waiting to get the address of the house that she will be moving into. Once everything is final, she WILL be getting her due.

Think I am not serious? Oh believe me I am. I am tempted to drive out to her house next week while Jim and the girls are out of town and mess with her. You know, dress in all black, wear a scary mask, tap on her windows, make weird noises and watch her FLIP OUT!!!

But alas, Revenge is a dish best served cold and I shall wait for the opportune moment. I need to wait until I calm from this newest annoyance. Until the thoughts of me bashing her head in and not feeling guilty about it leave me completely.

I realize she's a nutjob but that's a chance I am willing to take. Yeah, I'm crazy enough to take on PieHole...CRAZY LIKE A FOX!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Movie Quiz Answers!

Yeah, this was a tough one. Hey, if it makes you feel any better I would have crashed and burned on this one as well. IMDB is a great resource!!!!!!!

I didn't get many comments, so either noone is reading or noone wanted to play. Regardless, here are the answers...You Party Poopers!!!

  1. Dazed and Confused
  2. Pirates 3
  3. Shawn of the Dead
  4. You, Me & Dupree
  5. Zoolander
  6. Working Girl
  7. Ocean's 12
  8. Girl Interupted
  9. Frank Miller's "300"
  10. The Muppet Movie
  11. Batman Begins

Bonus: To Catch a Thief

Thursday, July 05, 2007

CC's Movie Quote Quiz!!!!

I have decided that it is about time I did another movie quote quiz! Since some time has passed, I am sure that I will be able to come up with some new quotes, mostly from movies I have watched recently. This might be a challenging one!! Let me know what you think!

Here we go! Good Luck - unless you are one of those IMDB researchers - then Happy Hunting!!

  1. "I'd like to quit thinking of the present, like right now, as some minor, insignificant preamble to somethin' else. "

  2. "We must fight, to run away!"

  3. "You've got red on you. "

  4. "I'm throwing seven different kinds of smoke!"

  5. "Let me show you Derelicte. It is a fashion, a way of life inspired by the very homeless, the vagrants, the crack whores that make this wonderful city so unique. "
  6. "Can I get ya anything? Coffee? Tea? Me?"
  7. "Look, it's not in my nature to be mysterious. But I can't talk about it and I can't talk about why. "
  8. "Razors pain you, rivers are damp, acid stains you, drugs cause cramps, guns aren't lawful, nooses give, gas smells awful, you might as well live."
  9. "The world will know that freemen stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and that before this battle is done, that even a god king can bleed. "
  10. "Crazy Harry gets to play with electricity! AH-HA-HA-HA-HA! "
  11. "People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can't do that as (insert name here) as a man I'm flesh and blood. I can be ignored. I can be destroyed, but as a symbol, as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting."

BONUS QUESTION: "Why did I take up stealing? To live better, to own things I couldn't afford, to acquire this good taste that you now enjoy and which I should be very reluctant to give up. "

Oh! People I hope this one will be challenging and fun for you! Answers next week!

I am out of here today and heading to my family annual 4th party! So psyched for a long weekend! Yippee!!