Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fun in the Sun!

Well, today was the thirds day in a row that we had Pirate Picnic! The weather was hot and sunny and beautiful and we took full advantage by heading outside at lunch! That little time away really helps a lot, although today I was sparsely productive no matter what.

I am looking forward to my weekend. Friday night I have to myself and will take a jaunt to the mall and peruse a few items. Saturday I work at the library and then I am invited to a party that night. Sunday afternoon I am heading to the movies to catch a little Captain Jack Sparrow on the big screen. I am happy to have a good mix of alone time, work time for some extra cashola and also time with friends. It makes me happy to know that my life is finally balancing out a bit. Now if I could just find a nice, fun guy, that would be the icing on the cake. :)

OHHH!! I just realized that I can record sounds and use them as ringers on my phone...So now when my phone tells me I have a message, Johhny Depp (as Captain Jack) sings "I've got a jar of dirt, I've got a jar of dirt!" LOVE IT!!!

Craziness...I need more spontaneous craziness in my life, not stressful craziness! Like getting a bunch of people to meet in Vegas for a 2 night 3 day excursion just to have fun and be silly. Yeah, that might not be too much of a pipe dream, y'all. I am feeling ambitious and adventurous and maybe by this time next year I will be spearheading a little excursion for any who want to attend! Yeah, that would be cool. Maybe in the near future, you never can tell...

Can you tell I am bored at work but erally don't have any time to delve into anything serious or make an funny pics? Oh well! Tomorrow is another day!:)

Enjoy your evening!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Random Stressors and Such

Nope, I have not seen Pirates 3 yet. Yep, I am currently in negotiations to view it Sunday since it is my only free day this week/weekend. I hope those of you who have seen it liked it, but ssshhh... keep the details under your hats please! I am excited to get to see it (of course). I can't wait!

I interupt this blog for a little rant. Thank you in advance for your patience:

Ever had a friendship that was so suffocating and stressful that you are constantly walking on eggshells? Afraid if you ever came out and said what you REALLY feel, it would get ugly and that friendship might not survive? You don't want it to get messy, You just want to do your own thing, live your own life and make your own decisions!!!

Work is work. I am here, doing my thing, filling in and doing fine. Ha Ha. I am glad it's a short week but unfortunately the short weeks seem longer sometimes. I am filling in for the receptionist on the phones this afternoon so I am getting a little blog time. :)

Ahh, the joys of apartment hunting. That place I was hoping for? MUCH MORE a month that I was anticipating!!! I will be checking out my current complex this weekend because it is MUCH cheaper, a bit smaller but just as nice and there is more greenspace. I have lived there for 3 years and I know it is safe as well as I will still be only a mile from the library that I work at in the evenings. There are pros and cons to every complex/location, I am just looking for something affordable, nice and safe. The goal is to live comfortably, save some money and eventually not have to rent anymore!

On with your day you Scallywags!!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

At World's End There be Pirates!!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Thursday Thoughts: Everything's Coming up Roses!

Wow. This has been a busy week! Lots of exciting things have been happening. Here's the scoop:

  • At the beginning of the week my hopes for financial independence were realized and the hunt for an apartment of my own is on. Today I check out that great floorplan I posted the other day! My roommate and I are looking in the same complex, which is great b/c we hang out a lot as it is and it's convenient that way. It's nice to have friends in close proximity!

    Yes, my friends in blogland, it seems that CC has finally gotten her shit together and can reap the benefits. I am happy to work a second job and continue to get extra hours so that I can remain living comfortably and independently. I finally feel as though I am fitting in here and making some great friends while staying close to the old and dear. Not to get ahead of myself, but I think that when I am able to have friends and family over to see my new apartment this fall and celebrate my efforts, that will be a wonderful thing. I have been truely blessed by their love and support and it is because of them that I am able to do this!!!

  • Next is the most exciting news! My brother the world traveler and his wife just had their first child Tuesday, May 22nd!! It's a girl and she and Mom are doing great! Her name is Caitlin Renee and she is adorable of course! I came in second in the baby pool, but thats OK b/c I am Crazy Fun Aunt CC and I hope to continue that title with this little peanut! Congrats to the happy parents! Let the fun begin!!!!

  • Ahoy! and Avast ye! Pirates 3 opens today for a special showing at 8pm, but drops wide tomorrow. I am not attending, nor am I attending this weekend b/c of the craziness of it all and the crowds, SAVVY? I plan to go next weekend and will probably see it twice in the theater (Aye, Nate?) before it's run ends this summer. Yippee!!! I mean Arrr!!!!!

  • Memorial Day Weekend is upon the horizon and it will be well received by me! I have worked 5 days at the library this week, plus a full week at my normal job. A three day weekend is looking REALLY GOOD right now!! Family picnics, a parade and time away from the hustle and bustle of my small city will be a welcome mini-vacation. Yay for summer!!!!

  • Tuesday, May 22, 2007

    Movin' Right Along...

    "Movin' right along, foot-loose and fancy free.
    Gettin' there is half the fun; come share it with me."

    Ahhh, the Muppet Movie! I love that song, and I felt it a good beginning to this post which announces that I am ready to get my own apartment!!!!(applause and cheering)

    I am very excited because I have benn waiting to announce this since for months now! I had finally gotten a chance to speak with my roommate this past weekend to let her know my plan. She was very cool about it and we talked about looking to get our own places in the same complex since we are such close friends and would visit alot anyway. There are a few places I am looking at, but one is a front runner. Not only is is a great floorplan, but it is a great neighborhood and more centrally located to civilization than my current apartment on the hill. It is close to groceries/drug stores/stores like target etc, restaurants and they are building up so much that a theater is going in in the next 6 months nearby! Oh and did I mention Big Geek's house is only about 3 minutes away????!!!!

    Here is the floor is HUGE for a one bedroom and has lots of closet space and even a pantry closet in the kitchen! Click pic to enlarge and check it out:

    My roommate actually lived there before sharing a townhouse with me so I had been to the apartments already and they were really nice. I am going to see and talk with the complex Thursday to see what is avaible etc. The same company owns this new place as owns our current complex so I could move whenever places are available and I wouldn't have to break a lease if it is before the end of September.

    So wish me luck with the tour on Thursday!

    Oh! BTW, Today is a Pirate Picnic Day!!! Arr!!!

    Thursday, May 17, 2007

    Friday Flashback!

    OK Everyone, since I have been addicted to YouTube, I decided to look up some long lost Bugs Bunny Cartoons that were my favorites.

    The first I tried to locate was called "Hillbilly Hare". Made in 1950, it was later edited for content because it was deemed "too violent" for children. Bugs Bunny finds himself in the south and ends up having a Hoe Down/Squaredance with two hillbillys and it is a riot. Since I could not find the cartoon itself to post here, I thought I would post the lyrics to the squaredance which is a favorite with my family. (Right Lamby?)

    "Promenade across the floor, sashay right on out the door; out the door and into the glade, and everybody promenade.

    Step right up you're doin' fine, I'll pull your beard you pull mine; yank it again like you did before, break it up with a tug of war.

    Now into the creek and fish for the trout, dive right in and splash about; trout trout pretty little trout, one more splash and come right out.

    Shake like a hound dog shake again, wallow around in the old pig pen; wallow some more you all know how, roll around like an old fat sow.

    Allemande left with your left hand, follow through with a right and left grand; now lead your partner the dirty old thing, follow through with an elbow swing.

    Grab a fencepost hold it tight, whomp your partner with all your might; hit him in the shin hit him in the head, hit him again the critter ain't dead.

    Whop him low and whop him high, stick your finger in his eye; purty little rhythm purty little sound, bang your heads against the ground.

    Promenade all around the room, promenade like a bride and groom; open up the door and step right in, close the door and into a spin.

    Whirl whirl twist and twirl, jump all around like a flying squirrel; now don't you cuss and don't you swear, just come right out and form a square.

    Now right hand over and left hand under, both join hands and run like thunder; over the hill and over the dale, duck your head and lift your tail.

    Don't you stray and don't you roam, turn around and promenade home; corn in the crib and wheat in the sack, turn your partner promenade back.

    And now you're home; bow to your partner, bow to the gent across the hall, and that is all."

    My other favorite I was fortunate enough to find on YouTube. It's Called "Transylvania 6-5000", and Bugs finds himself needing a place to stay on his travels but ends up in Count Blood Count's creepy castle!! The video runs about 7 minutes, so turn up your volume, sit back and enjoy!!! :)

    Speaking of Abracadabra and Hocus Pokus...

    Criss Angel's MINDFREAK will return with all new episodes on June 5th on A&E @ 10pm!! Yippeee!!!

    Carol's Cafe Grand Opening a Success!

    Yesterday was the grand opening of the new "Carol's Cafe" situated in the picturesque office space of yours truly. Here is a small rendering of what my office space looks like, with seating to my left for "patrons of the cafe".

    What better way to spend your lunch 1/2 hour when the weather outside is not suitable for a Pirate Picnic?? I filled the couch with 3 friends today and noticed other colleagues who walked by would have joined in if more seating was available. I shy away from offering reservations or priority seating due to the fact that is undermines the spontaneous mood the Cafe was founded on.

    I have also made up the following sign (because that is what I do lately!:)for the Cafe:

    Yep. We've been having lots of fun here lately...THANK GOD!!!!

    Wednesday, May 16, 2007

    I am "The High Priestess of Tomfoolery"!!!!

    Sometimes from silliness comes crazy ideas that actually stick. This post is about one such silly time. Mary had decided that she was going to be the King of Billing, not the Queen, b/c we all know the King has the most power. Since she had crowned herself she decide that she also needed some loyal subjects to truly be considered King. Carla would be the "Princess", Patti liked the ring to "Loyal Minion" and Linda would be "The Gate Keeper".

    I was commissioned to make signs for each person's desk area along with one for myself. I was given the Titles for everyone and had free reign to work my magic around them. I had so much fun doing these and everyone loved them. I feel it makes our realm a stronger kingdom indeed, and of course (subtle)silliness ALWAYS brings up morale in the workplace making it more enjoyable. Below are the signs I have made for my friends in Accounting, as well as my own.

    Guitar Hero Parties, Pirate Picnics and now personal signs? What's next I wonder??

    Wednesday, May 09, 2007

    Picnic in the Parking Lot!

    My friend Mary and I have instigated a new lunchtime activity. Most people here remain chained to their desk during their lunch break (which is only a 1/2 hour and is unpaid) and they are constantly interupted so they end up working half of it anyway. Mary and I decided that this was just a travesty, and since the sun is shining and the weather is warm we should buck the system and get outside for that measely 30 minutes.

    The plan is that everyone who wants to join in brings a folding chair and we meet in the parking lot at Noon. We set up and catch some sun and some good conversation and really escape from the confines of the cubicle universe. Today was our first outing and it was great. Those who saw us were interested in hanging out and inquired about our "tailgate party". I made sure everyone knew it's open invite, bring a chair and hang out for your lunch, the more the merrier.

    You know me, getting people together, having fun and enjoying every minute of it! It's also becomming a little Corporate Anthropological study for me and it's generating some interesting data already. I know I am a geek but this was really needed by a lot of people on many different levels. I am sure this will be a constant blog theme as the days go on. Unfortunately it looks like rain for the rest of this week and beginning of next week. :(

    In honor of this day I made a little poster for Mary, myself and also Big Geek to remind us what this is all about: Pirates! No, wait, it's not about pirates! It's about injecting some positivity into your day!!...and exposing the East India Trading Company and it's practices...No, sorry! It's about getting some fresh air and not wasting a moment of the beautiful Spring weather! Arg!!:)

    Tuesday, May 08, 2007

    Ahoy! It's Summer Blockbuster Season!!!!

    The big summer movie season has officially begun with the premier of Spiderman 3 this past weekend!! Here is a list of the movies that have me all a twitter:

    These are movies I will definately see on the big screen:

    "Blades of Glory": Saw it this past weekend, it was hysterical. Lugh out loud ridiculousness!

    "Spiderman 3": I cannot wait to see this!!! Spiderman ROCKS!!!

    "Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End": No explaination needed, Savvy??

    "Ocean's 13": 11 was great and 12 sucked (except for the Nighfox burglar scene near the end) but the boys are back in Vegas and I am in!

    "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix": Hey, these are good movies and the books are great, that's why I am looking forward to the 7th and finale book to drop this July as well!

    Other movies that look good, but might end up being renters:

    "Disturbia": 'Cause it just looks like it might be a good scare.

    "The Invisible": I am intrigued by the plot of this movie.

    "Live Free or Die Hard":
    I am hoping to catcha glimpse of the Bruce Willis we all know and love but haven't seen in a while. One with a sense of humor.

    "The Bourne Ultimatum": Okay, so I haven't even seen The Bourne Supremacy yet, but iloved the first movie and I might just wait and make a movie marathon out of it. :)

    "I Now pronounce you Chuck and Larry": Its about the only comedy that I want to see but not badly enough to shell out the bucks for a theater seat. Even tho Jessica Biel is in it (excuse me while I vomit) How can you resist the comedy of Adam Sandler and that funny guy from Hitch?!?!?

    Did I miss any you think should be on my list? I am open for suggestions!!!

    Friday, May 04, 2007

    Happy Friday!

    Yippeee!!! It's Friday!

    Can I just tell you how happy that makes me?

    Tonight it's a Birthday Party for Big Geek! Tomorrow it's a gaggle of friends for a showing of "Blades of Glory" at the local mall theater. Sunday will be a lay low and veg kinda day. I am loving this laptop of mine and so excited about burning a TON of mises I have had rolling around in my head forever!:) (And also checking out that movie making software as well.)

    What? Why am I not seeing Spidey 3 you ask? Well, I have it on good authority (thank you Nate!) that it is AWESOME. But I think I will wait a few days and go possibly Monday night b/c we all know EVERYONE and their brother will be out to see our Friendly neighborhood Spiderman. We all know how I enjoy a movie better when it is not crowded to the gills!! Not that Monday will not be crowded, but it might be more managable! I can't wait to see it tho!

    So have a great weekend y'all and enjoy this beautiful spring weather!!!

    Tuesday, May 01, 2007

    Spinal Tap Reunites for Live Earth!!!

    Here is part of the short film (about 5 minutes of the original 15)of SpinalTap's reunion.

    It's bloody brilliant!!! Enjoy!