Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Picnic in the Parking Lot!

My friend Mary and I have instigated a new lunchtime activity. Most people here remain chained to their desk during their lunch break (which is only a 1/2 hour and is unpaid) and they are constantly interupted so they end up working half of it anyway. Mary and I decided that this was just a travesty, and since the sun is shining and the weather is warm we should buck the system and get outside for that measely 30 minutes.

The plan is that everyone who wants to join in brings a folding chair and we meet in the parking lot at Noon. We set up and catch some sun and some good conversation and really escape from the confines of the cubicle universe. Today was our first outing and it was great. Those who saw us were interested in hanging out and inquired about our "tailgate party". I made sure everyone knew it's open invite, bring a chair and hang out for your lunch, the more the merrier.

You know me, getting people together, having fun and enjoying every minute of it! It's also becomming a little Corporate Anthropological study for me and it's generating some interesting data already. I know I am a geek but this was really needed by a lot of people on many different levels. I am sure this will be a constant blog theme as the days go on. Unfortunately it looks like rain for the rest of this week and beginning of next week. :(

In honor of this day I made a little poster for Mary, myself and also Big Geek to remind us what this is all about: Pirates! No, wait, it's not about pirates! It's about injecting some positivity into your day!!...and exposing the East India Trading Company and it's practices...No, sorry! It's about getting some fresh air and not wasting a moment of the beautiful Spring weather! Arg!!:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought of you at work yesterday, I was on the playground at the child dev center where my nurse's office is, and 4 girls came up to me and said "We're Pirates!". They were so cute. Then I saw 4 boys who told me they were Pokemon. They are all 4 and 5 year olds. I was proud of those girls!(but the boys were pretty cute too!)

8:35 PM, May 10, 2007  
Blogger Sparkles said...

you showed me the poster the other day but i never read the post until just now. you are hilarious!!! you guys sound like you had a lot of fun with your picnic in the parking lot. can i come sometime? j/k :) anyways i will see ya tonight.

10:43 AM, May 11, 2007  

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