Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A New Discovery???

For the last few days I have been following a story from Egypt in which the remains of a famous Queen of Ancient times (15th century BC) were being tested to prove her identity. This is so exciting for anyone who loves Egyptology because Hatshepsut was such an interesting part of Ancient Egyptian history.

NPR had a great article about the announcment from Zahi Hawass and his scientist's findings. Still, other Egyptologists are still not certain that the mummy is that of Queen Hatshepsut, which makes the debate of the mummy's identity even more interesting. Love him or hate him (and his debaters like Salima Ikram: She is cool!!) they all want the best for Egyptian antiquities and the fact that they can disagree keeps them all honest. They are all extremely intelligent scientists in my opionion.

Below the article is an excellent historical review of Queen Ratshepsut, her life and her reign. One of the earliest feminists??? Read the article here

Hatshepsut's Temple at Deir el Bahri:

A statue of Hatshepsut in full Pharonic dress...including a (false) beard!

While searching for some pics for this post I stumbled upon a young girl's website which chronicled her journey through egypt. Not only were parts very educational (cultural insights and travel hints) but her pictures were amazing. I haven't read the entire account, but marked it as a favorite so I can go back and read it all b/c what I had read was great. Chek it out here.

Well I was excited to post this but couldn't until late b/c our internet has been down for a day and a half at work. Frustrating from a work perspective and also from a slacking perspective too! (tho I haven't been slacking lately since I have been kicking ass on my projects!!! :) But here I am, 11:40pm spreading my passion for Ancient Egypt.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Alive and Kickin'

Well folks, it's been a crazy week here in CCland.

Lots of stress at the beginning of the week. I was getting ready for an audit in which my company was applying for two certifications. I was the lead and even tho I knew the audit process, I had never been personally involved with the information gathering, much less the lead on the project. It was definately a great experience and I learned a lot from it, mostly that I am a smart girl and I am capable anything I set my mind to. I need to stop second guessing my abilities especially when it comes to new territory!

Anywho, the audit was Wednesday and Thursday, and I had been working my butt off for a few months preparing etc. The first day I was thinking "Oh shit." but by the morning of the second day I was thinking "Hey, I think we're set!". Thankfully I was on the ball and well prepared because at the end of the Audit, it was announced that we were approved for BOTH certifications! I was so psyched and everyone was really happy and congratulatory. I think that definately "put a large feather in my cap" since it was the President's pet project and he put me in charge.

What a relief that all that hard work paid off and now I am back to my normal schedule and a few smaller projects here and there. I am definately doing more work than I am being paid to do here, and with the current raise cap at 3%, I hope that I will be the exception. If not, I am still looking for a great job that pays me for my hard work...

Which reminds me, I just sent my resume out to a great place yesterday...right after the audit actually. We'll see what happens. I really hope I get an interview. It would be a BIG change, and sounds really neat and exactly what I SHOULD be doing. More details to follow as they become available...

Tonight I am happy to report that I can go home after work and not do a damn thing! I am looking forward to vegging at the homestead and watching tv or reading. Tomorrow I work at the library and at some point this weekend I will need to clean the apartment and get ready for the Annual Family 4th of July Party. Much the same as last year, fun food and games galore! It's always my favorite party of the summer!! Since I have been traveling so much lately and busy at work during the week putting in extra hours, this weekend will be my much needed catch up weekend (clean, organize, sleep, birthday present wrapping, grocery shopping etc etc etc)

Speaking of working at the library, I want to leave you with a silly pic that my friend Chantal took. I spotted this book coming across the desk because the spine was labeled in such a way that the full title of the book was obscured:

It was supposed to read "The President's Assasin" but whoever processed the book covered up the "asin" and it became a completely different book altogether! Too funny!

Enjoy your weekend and Be good!!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

It's a Barn Dance Y'all!

This past weekend I went to visit one of my dearest friends and her husband in Massachusets. I arrived Friday late afternoon to their new home and we had a great visit. Chad cooked us steaks on the grill and we played the Wii! (yeah, uh-oh, I think I am hooked!) We also went to get some yummy ice cream for dessert!

The next day, after a huge breakfast at the local diner, we got ready to travel to Jess's Aunt and Uncle's place for a Barn Dance with her Mom and Dad and brother John. We stopped for a bite to eat at this great little drive-in and were on our way. Can I just say "Homemade Onions Rings!!!" YUMMY!!!!

We arrived at the beautiful farm nestled in the Birkshire Mountains around 6:30pm to a warm welcome from everyone. I love Jess's family. I have spent many summers with them at their camp on Lake Champlain, and I always feel like a member of the family. They are good people. :)

The band had arrived and everyone was pitching in to help set up. The barn had been transformed into a festive dance hall upstairs and picnic tables and food were plenty on the ground level. Tiki torches lit the long driveway leading to the party. I was able to visit the new goats (GOAT!!) in the barn and with one of the horseys named "Onyx". It was a beautiful night for a party!

Here are a few pictures from the event. I am hoping others will be coming from Jess's Aunt, as she was taking lots of pictures too.

A shot from the ground of the steps leading to the band and "dance hall" upstairs:

Here is the inside of the "Dance Hall" in the upstairs of the barn complete with haybales to sit on!

Awww! It's me and Jess, together again and having a blast! We've known each other longer than we can remember!!!

Here's trouble. Nate and I are too much alike. I'm not as Think as you Drunk I am!!!

This little guy is a family joke. The boys would always scare Jess with it, and so i have to join in on the fun! Good placement huh? Think Corey Haim in The Lost Boys: "You're history buddy!"

It was a wonderful weekend. I had so much fun with everyone, and no I really wasn't that drunk, we just get a little wound up!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

At Week's End!

Arr! Today be Friday, me hearties! I be lookin' for the horizon called "The Weekend" so as to take some shore leave!

Arr! Pirate talk. I just can't shake it lately.

Anywho, Happy Friday, Welcome to the Weekend and all that jazz. Summer is here!!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Whatever Wednesday!

Oh it's Wednesday isn't it? What random tidbits can I share with you today?

I went to see POTC3 this past weekend. I really enjoyed it, it was fun and they tied up the loose ends, but I have to say one plotline I was disappointed with how they left it. If you have seen it, you probably concur. Johnny Depp was great as usual, Barbossa was a scene stealer, Elizabeth was as annoying as ever and Will Turner was looking extremely hot in this movie. I have always thought Orlando was a cutie, but my goodness! I remember when my nephews were little and the first LOTR movie came out, they had decided that I could marry Legolas, b/c he would be cool to have as an uncle...how cute are they right? I bet they would say the same thing about Will Turner too! hahah!

Speaking of hotness, I was in a bookstore the other day perusing when I came upon a book on Cary Grant. He is my FAVORITE from older movies. So handsome, well dressed, intellegent and funny. *SIGH* They don't make then like they used to!

I was waiting for this story to pop up. It happened the Sunday before Memorial Day. We don't usually get celebrity sightings around here except the occaisional Baldwin brother, so it was a big deal here.

"And finally, in a palate-cleansing story of star civility, Leonardo DiCaprio distinguished himself as a gentleman during a pit stop in upstate New York.

The Syracuse Post-Standard reports the A-lister popped into a local Johnny Rockets outpost last week and ended up being served by the only person in the place who recognized him.

Waitress Erika DeSocio described DiCaprio as "very polite" and "friendly," so much so that she picked up the $9 tab for his chicken club, fries and diet soda.

Leo, who was reportedly in the area to visit girlfriend Bar Refaeli on the set of her movie "Session," insisted on paying, but the waitress held firm.

She was rewarded with a $20 tip and a photo taken with the obliging actor."
Msn Entertainment

Wow, that's exciting. I saw the picture actually, but couldn't find it again to post it here. Leo definately packs on the pounds between flicks...and yes, they were filming a movie n downtown Syracuse and no I wasn't in it...or filming it...or directing it...:)

I leave you with a really cool little movie tidbit I had never heard before. Here is my "The Interesting Story of the Day":

"A coat purchased at a used-clothing store for Professor Marvel's costume in The Wizard of Oz turned out to have originally belonged to L. Frank Baum, the author of the story.

This amazing coincidence has raised many a skeptical eyebrow, but it was confirmed by several members of the Wizard of Oz crew. Frank Morgan, the actor who portrayed Professor Marvel (as well as several other roles, including the Great and Powerful Oz himself), discovered Baum's name sewn into one of the coat pockets. The tailor and Baum's widow were contacted, and both identified the coat as having once belonged to the late author." MSN Encarta Movie Myths Quiz

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Criss Angel: MindFreak Season Premier!!

Tonight is the start of the 3rd season of mindfreak on A&E at 10pm!

Even tho Criss Angel has been linked with Paris Hilton, Minnie Driver and lately Cameron Diaz, I am still a fan of his "illusions". Even after the previously stated hurl factors, the fact that his look is a bit ridiculous and overdone lately, and that he seems to have an overly inflated ego (more than the usual) I just can't stop watching him! Yeah, He's got tons of issues, he dresses like a goth fashion victim, his hair is all girly and covering his beautiful eyes and he looks kinda evil at times, but I still love the show. Call me crazy but he is a talented illusionist.


Monday, June 04, 2007

Criss Angel Mindfreak Stunt in Times Square LIVE!

Want to watch Criss Angel hang out in a box suspended 4 stories in the air in NYC? Sounds exciting right? Well, it isn't really, but it is strangely addictive:

Cement Block Drop WebCam @ A&E TV

I have had this on in the back ground all day at work. No I am not getting much work done, the minimum today, so thankfully it is not hectice here.

Basically the bottom of the large plexiglass/steel block was filled with cement then the smaller plexiglass/steel block that would contain Criss once he was placed inside. Then they had people beinging buckets to cement and pouring it in the space between the two blocks. They have the first 6 inches or so done and will add the next layer etc until the space between the boxes is filled to the top. Criss just hangs out inside, waves to the crowd and to us on watching on the web from time to time. It's just a big stunt for his 3rd ceason of MINDFREAK starting tomorrow at 10pm on A&E.

It all ends tomorrow around 7:30am when Criss Angel escapes from the block. We all know he will do it, but to make it exciting the block will drop and after a few seconds of people thinking the trick didn't work then he will appear as if out of nowhere. It's called misdirection, but I LOVE IT!

It is now 3:51pm and they are starting to fill up the rest of the cement! Check it out!

Friday, June 01, 2007

UGG! Can this work day go any s l o w e r ? ? ?

It is onyl 3:15pm, meaning I have a whole hour and 45 minutes left before I am freeee!!!! Arr!

A positive is that I have to fill in for the receptionist for teh last hour who is leaving at 4pm today. This means that I can sit and play games on the computer whilst answering the phones...It also could mean that after 15 minutes of that I will be bored stiff and that hour will creep along like an inch worm. hmmm...

Anywho have a wonderful weekend. It's the first weekend in June!!! Do with it what you will!:)