Whatever Wednesday!
Oh it's Wednesday isn't it? What random tidbits can I share with you today?
I went to see POTC3 this past weekend. I really enjoyed it, it was fun and they tied up the loose ends, but I have to say one plotline I was disappointed with how they left it. If you have seen it, you probably concur. Johnny Depp was great as usual, Barbossa was a scene stealer, Elizabeth was as annoying as ever and Will Turner was looking extremely hot in this movie. I have always thought Orlando was a cutie, but my goodness! I remember when my nephews were little and the first LOTR movie came out, they had decided that I could marry Legolas, b/c he would be cool to have as an uncle...how cute are they right? I bet they would say the same thing about Will Turner too! hahah!

Speaking of hotness, I was in a bookstore the other day perusing when I came upon a book on Cary Grant. He is my FAVORITE from older movies. So handsome, well dressed, intellegent and funny. *SIGH* They don't make then like they used to!

I was waiting for this story to pop up. It happened the Sunday before Memorial Day. We don't usually get celebrity sightings around here except the occaisional Baldwin brother, so it was a big deal here.
"And finally, in a palate-cleansing story of star civility, Leonardo DiCaprio distinguished himself as a gentleman during a pit stop in upstate New York.
The Syracuse Post-Standard reports the A-lister popped into a local Johnny Rockets outpost last week and ended up being served by the only person in the place who recognized him.
Waitress Erika DeSocio described DiCaprio as "very polite" and "friendly," so much so that she picked up the $9 tab for his chicken club, fries and diet soda.
Leo, who was reportedly in the area to visit girlfriend Bar Refaeli on the set of her movie "Session," insisted on paying, but the waitress held firm.
She was rewarded with a $20 tip and a photo taken with the obliging actor." Msn Entertainment
Wow, that's exciting. I saw the picture actually, but couldn't find it again to post it here. Leo definately packs on the pounds between flicks...and yes, they were filming a movie n downtown Syracuse and no I wasn't in it...or filming it...or directing it...:)
I leave you with a really cool little movie tidbit I had never heard before. Here is my "The Interesting Story of the Day":
"A coat purchased at a used-clothing store for Professor Marvel's costume in The Wizard of Oz turned out to have originally belonged to L. Frank Baum, the author of the story.
This amazing coincidence has raised many a skeptical eyebrow, but it was confirmed by several members of the Wizard of Oz crew. Frank Morgan, the actor who portrayed Professor Marvel (as well as several other roles, including the Great and Powerful Oz himself), discovered Baum's name sewn into one of the coat pockets. The tailor and Baum's widow were contacted, and both identified the coat as having once belonged to the late author." MSN Encarta Movie Myths Quiz
i love how you added the leo dicaprio story. that is just so not a typical thing for the old cuse :) still can't wait to see pirates. hopefully i will borrow the 2nd one from sarah tonight and then i will watch that one before going into see the 3rd. anyways c u tomorrow
Very interesting posting today. Too bad you didn't marry Legolas, he would have been a fun brother in law (and uncle)!
Ahh Henlib, never fear! There is still time!!! I may find my Legolas, Will Turner, Cary Grant or Gerry Butler yet! :)
That's cool about Leo -- I like when stars are gracious and nice. I figure if you make as much money as they do, sure the fans can get annoying, but that's your job! I hate celebs who whine and complain.
I don't care if they are a celebrity or not...I wouldn't pick up a celebrity's tab. They got the bucks to pay for $9. I guess that's my Ebenezzer Scrooge side speaking out.
POTC 3 was good and fun movie fun! However, the plot was confusing and a little slow in the middle. I heard there is going to be a fourth one in the works. I really liked the monkey and Geoffrey Rush's character in this movie.
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