Wow. This has been a busy week! Lots of exciting things have been happening. Here's the scoop:
At the beginning of the week my hopes for financial independence were realized and the hunt for an apartment of my own is on. Today I check out that great floorplan I posted the other day! My roommate and I are looking in the same complex, which is great b/c we hang out a lot as it is and it's convenient that way. It's nice to have friends in close proximity!
Yes, my friends in blogland, it seems that CC has finally gotten her shit together and can reap the benefits. I am happy to work a second job and continue to get extra hours so that I can remain living comfortably and independently. I finally feel as though I am fitting in here and making some great friends while staying close to the old and dear. Not to get ahead of myself, but I think that when I am able to have friends and family over to see my new apartment this fall and celebrate my efforts, that will be a wonderful thing. I have been truely blessed by their love and support and it is because of them that I am able to do this!!!
Next is the most exciting news! My brother the world traveler and his wife just had their first child Tuesday, May 22nd!! It's a girl and she and Mom are doing great! Her name is Caitlin Renee and she is adorable of course! I came in second in the baby pool, but thats OK b/c I am Crazy Fun Aunt CC and I hope to continue that title with this little peanut! Congrats to the happy parents! Let the fun begin!!!!
Ahoy! and Avast ye! Pirates 3 opens today for a special showing at 8pm, but drops wide tomorrow. I am not attending, nor am I attending this weekend b/c of the craziness of it all and the crowds, SAVVY? I plan to go next weekend and will probably see it twice in the theater (Aye, Nate?) before it's run ends this summer. Yippee!!! I mean Arrr!!!!!

Memorial Day Weekend is upon the horizon and it will be well received by me! I have worked 5 days at the library this week, plus a full week at my normal job. A three day weekend is looking REALLY GOOD right now!! Family picnics, a parade and time away from the hustle and bustle of my small city will be a welcome mini-vacation. Yay for summer!!!!
Saw Pirates w/ the folks & the bro yesterday. Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a pirate's life for me!
What's the scoop on the new place?
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