Friday, April 08, 2011

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

I got up way too early today. I have an interview at 2 pm today, so I wanted to have a well paced morning. That didn't exactly work out. Up at 6:30am, coffee, email, last minute fact finding for my interview, breakfast, and the next lesson module of my class and then it was 9am. Yea, 9am.

Some surfing, a few phone calls and some more facts for my interview. 10am. UG !

Shower, situated, 2nd breakfast (I am not eating lunch to stave off the inevitable pre-interview anxious stomach) and some conversation with my nephew. Now it's 11:30am.

A little blog post, and then I will be getting ready and leaving by 12:45ish.I have a 45 minute drive to my interview, so I will be early, but hey, a little more waiting won't hurt!

Wish me employment!


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