Friday, June 22, 2007

Alive and Kickin'

Well folks, it's been a crazy week here in CCland.

Lots of stress at the beginning of the week. I was getting ready for an audit in which my company was applying for two certifications. I was the lead and even tho I knew the audit process, I had never been personally involved with the information gathering, much less the lead on the project. It was definately a great experience and I learned a lot from it, mostly that I am a smart girl and I am capable anything I set my mind to. I need to stop second guessing my abilities especially when it comes to new territory!

Anywho, the audit was Wednesday and Thursday, and I had been working my butt off for a few months preparing etc. The first day I was thinking "Oh shit." but by the morning of the second day I was thinking "Hey, I think we're set!". Thankfully I was on the ball and well prepared because at the end of the Audit, it was announced that we were approved for BOTH certifications! I was so psyched and everyone was really happy and congratulatory. I think that definately "put a large feather in my cap" since it was the President's pet project and he put me in charge.

What a relief that all that hard work paid off and now I am back to my normal schedule and a few smaller projects here and there. I am definately doing more work than I am being paid to do here, and with the current raise cap at 3%, I hope that I will be the exception. If not, I am still looking for a great job that pays me for my hard work...

Which reminds me, I just sent my resume out to a great place yesterday...right after the audit actually. We'll see what happens. I really hope I get an interview. It would be a BIG change, and sounds really neat and exactly what I SHOULD be doing. More details to follow as they become available...

Tonight I am happy to report that I can go home after work and not do a damn thing! I am looking forward to vegging at the homestead and watching tv or reading. Tomorrow I work at the library and at some point this weekend I will need to clean the apartment and get ready for the Annual Family 4th of July Party. Much the same as last year, fun food and games galore! It's always my favorite party of the summer!! Since I have been traveling so much lately and busy at work during the week putting in extra hours, this weekend will be my much needed catch up weekend (clean, organize, sleep, birthday present wrapping, grocery shopping etc etc etc)

Speaking of working at the library, I want to leave you with a silly pic that my friend Chantal took. I spotted this book coming across the desk because the spine was labeled in such a way that the full title of the book was obscured:

It was supposed to read "The President's Assasin" but whoever processed the book covered up the "asin" and it became a completely different book altogether! Too funny!

Enjoy your weekend and Be good!!!


Blogger Artistic Soul said...

LOL - that's awesome!! Who doesn't want to read a book about the president's ass?

4:26 PM, June 22, 2007  
Blogger Sparkles said...

i do, i do!!!!

5:08 PM, June 23, 2007  

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