Friday, September 22, 2006

Adventure Friday!

Well, since I didn't get the part in the continuation of "Wonderfalls" I had to make the most of my week. I took pics along the way to share with you all.

Saturday I crashed a wedding with these two jokers. Can I just say that the crabcakes were Phenomenal!!!

Tuesday nights are "Live Band Kareoke Nights" at this bar. Michael rosenbaum and I got a little carried away...

Thursday I was invited to go on a boat trip that turned a little crazy. The boys said something about "pulling a Panama" and then all hell broke loose!

This morning I told everyone at the office my exciting week, and they couldn't believe it! This whole week has just been a blur! "Couldn't you just die?"

Sometimes during the work day, you need a little break from reality to get a little silly in order to save what's left of your sanity. tee-hee! Hope these made you laugh!Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Act 1: Scene 1: Library Madness!!

Last night at the library a silly thing happened to me. I arrived and got to work waiting on patrons, checking books in and shelving as usual. It was even quiet enough for me to look for and take out a few things of my own! A patron asked what was going on in the community room and my coworker said that the local community theater group was holding ayditions for their Spring play. I laughed and told my friend that I shoudl go inthere and try out! We joked about it and then went back to what we were each doing.

A little while later an older lady came out for the community room and told me that a young woman was coming in to audition but that she wasn't there yet. She hoped she could find the library Ok and I assured her I would keep an eye out for someone who looked "Lost" and let her know where to go. She smiled and said she would wait a few minutes for her.

As she waited she watched me wait on a few patrons and approached the desk again. She asked me if I would like to try out. I told her that I had't done theater in quite awhile (HS was 12 years ago people!) and she said that didn't matter. She thought I would be good and I should come read for them. I told her I wasn't sure since I was working if I could get away or not. She smiled and waited a few more minutes for the young girl who never did show.

About a half hour passed and the lady came out again, this time with a man following behind. He was her husband and he told me he would like me to come and read as well. He was so cute but I explained to him that I couldn't leave the desk unattended, even tho the library was empty. He went over to my coworker and asked if she could man the desk for a few minutes so I could come in and read! She was fine with that and thought it was funny that he was so adament about getting me in there because we had joked earlier aboutme "trying out".

Sooo, I went in and I read. It was really fun and the people were great. They were all ages which is nice. At the end they said they would call and let us know if we got a part. I really don't care if I get one, it was just fun to read and I said I would like to help out in other ways if I did not get a part. Rehearsals start in January and the play is in March. Who knows, maybe I will meet some new people by getting involved in this group in some way. It was just weird and funny how it all happened.

Have a great night!

PS) Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Humor me please...

So I took a survey the other day and after the survey it took me to the website where the survey was created. I thought this was interesting so I decided to make up a survey about my blog and see what everyone thinks. If you have a few minutes (I think I only made about 10 questions)fill it out and give me some feedback. I am curious to see how the stats work and what everyone thinks of the blog.

So humor me and Click here to take survey

It's Wednesday!! Have a great day everybody!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Today be International Talk like a Pirate Day!

In celebration I have collected some fun websites as well as some of me favorite pirate pictures!

The First thing ye must do is visit the official Talk like a Pirate Day Website! Learn Pirate Lingo, play pirate games and have a little fun Matey!

Another fun site with some silly pirate games is The Pirate's Realm. The Lego Treasure Hunt be hard, but fun!

Looking to host a Pirate Themed party? Sail on over to Dead men tell No Tales and Billy Bones will take care of ya!

How about heading over to The for some info on the movie, a bit of nostalgia and some new stuff that has been happening down at the Goondocks! One of me favorites is the movie locations section!!

Of course there is always Pirates of the Caribbean. Even tho the market is saturated and the horrific renderings of tie in merchandise (in my opinion) has tainted the franchise, Noone can resist a little Jack Sparrow!

"Now, bring me that horizon!!...Drink up me Hearties, Yo Ho!"

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Clive Cussler, You're my Hero!!

Author Clive Cussler is also one of my heros. Here's how I stumbled upon him and why he seems like such a great person.

Does anyone rember a movie called Saraha that came out in April of 2005? It starred Matthew Mconaughey, Penelope Cruz, Steve Zahn (he is a freaking riot!) and the talented William H. Macy. For some details, visit IMDB for a summary of SAHARA and other tidbits.

Well, I loved the movie and then realized that it was based on a Clive Cussler Novel. Working in the library, I searched thru our collection and picked out a few books to start on. I began with Flood Tide (which I am finishing today) and I have Sahara waiting for me. They are exciting fast reads with everything I love mixed in. You have espionage, government undercover activity, really bad guys, illegal activities, big action sequences and fights, underwater archaeology and quick witted quips between the main characters Dirk and Al. It's funny, it's exciting, it's adventure!

Clive Cussler basically lives the life of his main Character Dirk Pitt without the bullets and mahem. "Cussler is the founder the National Underwater & Marine Agency, (NUMA) a 501C3 non-profit organization that dedicates itself to American maritime and naval history. Cussler and his crew of marine experts and NUMA volunteers have discovered over 60 historically significant underwater wreck sites. After verifying their finds, NUMA turns the rights to the artifacts over to non-profits, universities, or government entities all over the world." (Photos and excerpt from the NUMA Site)

Clive Cussler is living the dream. He is writing fantastic stories and living fantastic adventures of his own while making major contributions to the historical preservation of martime artifacts. Talk about living life to the fullest!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Similarities are Striking!

PieHole and Usama?* Can it be? The personalities are definately a match, but the features must have some link if this match came up.

Are these similarities too good to be true or is there some sinister plan forming between these two terrorists!!!!???!!!

*Hey, people, I just let the face recognition thingie do it's magic here! I have no control over who is chosen as a match or why...but could this be any more perfect???

Monday, September 11, 2006

But Seriously...

This blog is my outlet for things, whether it is the silly, the strange, or the annoyances that anger me. You, the reader, can gain information on my sense of humor, my mood swings and perhaps my true nature as a family oriented individual. What you may not be able to understand is the complexity, or at times simpleness that is CC. Let me explain:

For the last few years I have been floating along here at my current job, trying to see if their promises of growth potential were in fact truth. Within 6 months the president offered me the position of his Executive Assistant and assuming this would be a gateway to more involved work and opportunities to advance and make more money, I took the position. Unfortunately, a year and a half later I am still floating around. My pay is still low, my time is not filled, the tasks are too easy and the new responsibilities not very exciting.

I have been trying to figure out my next move.

How about upping my job search? A few months ago I updated my resume for Monster and Careerbuilder, I have started to buy local and regional newspapers on Sundays for the job sections and I have even had the opportunity to submit my resume thru some networking my sister had unknowingly done thru friends of hers on my behalf.Sounds like I am headed in the right direction right? Well, seems as tho this proactive attitude should be doing me some good, however when there are no jobs in the papers and hardly any worthwhile onine, it's very discouraging. Yeah, yeah, I know the drill. It usually takes a solid 6 months of being proactive to find and land a job. The problem is, I am finding one or two jobs a month to apply to and those odds aren't good!

Using the "TRY BEFORE YOU BUY" idealology, I took a job at the local Library thinking that might be a good fit career-wise. I enjoy it, but the money I would spend on an education at an acredited school would cost more that I would be compensated at a job when I got out. I am no mathmatician, but that doesn't seem to balance at the end of the equation. But hey, at least I tried it, andI have a second job with a little extra coming in, so all is not lost.

The economy is crap here so what is my next move? Do I look out of state? Maybe it's the same economic outlook everywhere. Do I go back to school for a Masters and if so in what shall I get a masters degree in? Probably good to get that degree but I have no idea in what. Do I compromise and find a job just for the sake of getting out of my current situation? NO! That would be like going from the frying pan into the fire and it would hurt my resume more than help it.

I have to say that I know what I want in my life. A house, and a dog or two. It's really that simple. Having a job that allows me to afford this lifestyle and go on a few vacations a year is what I want. The husband/companion thing might be in there someplace but is not my concern right now, b/c I just want to find a career that I enjoy and can grow with. Something that makes me feel like I am accomplishing something and something that I like or believe in would be it. Maybe that is a pipe dream and that attitude will only see me failing as I am now b/c my ideals are too lofty. I have always had the feeling that I am destined to do something interesting with my life. I just wish I knew what that was so I could start working towards it.

I guess I don't know what I am doing wrong, or what I am doing right for that matter. I feel like I am stuck in a sort of "Career Limbo" right now and "my options are decreasing mostly rapidly..." Is there some path that I have not given enough consideration to? Possibly. Is there someplace else I should be looking? Probably. Should I have more gumption and faith in myself to try something new whether it be a new city or state or career path? Most definately.

Unfortunately, noone can tell me what I should do and where I should go. I have to do that on my own, tho therein lies the rub...I feel like a puppy chasing it's tail many days. I keep hoping that mixed in with all my good intentions something will pop up and I will have an epiphany and Viola! I will know exactly what I need to do! Somehow, I don't think that is how I will find my niche, so I keep re-evaluating myself and my situation.

What I am interested in is how did you find your niche? Or have you yet? Hearing other people's stories of success (or failure preceeding their successes) seems to help me keep the faith and keep plugging along. For those of us who didn't have the calling since we were 10 years old and had to figure it out as we wet along, it is interesting to see how people got to where they are today. Where were you when the lightbulb went on? What advice can you give me on my journey?

Friday, September 08, 2006

PieHole Beware: Celebrities Speak Out, Comics and Songs

Recently PieHole T-shirts have flooded the hills of Hollywood. Many of the hottest celebrities are sporting Anti-PieHole shirts this fall.

Kirsten Dunst of "Spiderman" fame shows off her recent purchase: A "Target Piehole" T-shirt!

It's a family affair for this famous brood, dressed in their matching "Shut Your PieHole" T's! A source close to Brad and Angelina said Zahara and Shiloh also have their own t-shirts as well!

It is well known that Johnny Depp only speaks out when he feels it is essential. Here he poses for a photo that will accompany an in depth article about PieHole and her menacing ways.

Comics have also caught to the PieHole craze: (click to enlarge and read)

AC/DC has offered to headline a benefit for "Uncle Jigger", the soon to be ex-husband of Piehole, and offered to donate half of the proceeds of ticket sales to Uncle Jigger and the other half to the "Stop PieHole Now" campaign.

No word on whether this benefit will actually take place, but we will keep you posted on any new information. For now, I am sure we all know what song they would open with:

Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap)Lyrics (partial)

...Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap, oohh
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
Whoa yeah

If you got a lady and you want her gone / huh, huh, huh, huh
But you ain't got the guts / huh, huh, huh, huh
She keeps naggin' at you night 'n' day / huh, huh, huh, huh
Enough to drive you nuts / huh, huh, huh, huh
Pick up the phone, leave her alone / huh, huh, huh, huh
It's time you made a stand / huh, huh, huh, huh
For a fee, I'm happy to be
Your backdoor man, hey

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap, yeah
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap

Concrete shoes
Done dirt cheap
Ooh! Neckties
High voltage
Done dirt cheap, aeh

Dirty deeds, do anything you want me to, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, dirty deeds, dirty deeds, done dirt cheap


Viggo, Horseys and Love

Aragorn (Viggo) and Brego in "Lord of the Rings"

Viggo with TJ in "Hidalgo". Viggo bought TJ after filming wrapped because he had such a connection with this beautiful horse.

I have had some amazing connections/bonds with dogs, but I have yet to befriend a Horsey. I love them, but it is so expensive to take riding lessons (I have checked into it many times) and I don't know anyone who has horses. While I admire horses from afar(parades, fairs, etc) they seem to react well to me as Lamby and other family members have witnessed.:) Someday I hope to take riding lessons and learn more about these amazing companions.

And some great quotes about Horses:

A woman needs two animals: The horse of her dreams and a jackass to pay for it.

The love for a horse is just as complicated as the love for another human being...If you never love a horse, you will never understand.

No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle. ~Winston Churchill

There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse. ~Robert Smith

God forbid that I should go to any Heaven in which there are no horses. ~R.B. Cunninghame Graham, letter to Theodore Roosevelt, 1917

Four things greater than all things are, -
Women and Horses and Power and War.
~Rudyard Kipling, "The Ballad of the King's Jest"

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Whatever Wednesday!

Hello all and welcome to Wednesday! Thankfully it is a short week due to the Monday holiday. I have a few things plus a new face recognition celebrity that I got yesterday while playing around.

  • Firstly, Amy wanted me to place the face recognition link on my sidebar. You can find it underneath Wiccachicky's blog link. Have fun! And don't forget to share your results!!! Speaking of's the latest. I must say that my nephews will appreciate this one!
  • This September and October I REALLY want to get out there and do some hiking in these wonderful Adirondack mountains. I used to go alot, but as time goes on you fill your time with other things or the people you now hang with aren't into real hiking. I need new hiking boots too. I laughed at this one Sports store near me b/c they had about 7 pair of hiking shoes to choose from where the men had about 25 ...6 were sneaker type hikers and only one pair was a hiking boot. BOOT is the key people. I do not intend to be walking along a flat well groomed trail, I am talking REAL hiking, following markers, sweating your ass off, hard work climbing hiking! I am hoping that ntoher store I have in mind will be able to accomodate me. Girls can be bad ass hikers too ya know!!
  • I guess I can't win. I have stress dreams about my day job and now I am having stress dreams about my evening job! Yea the library! Here I was happy that it was NOT stressful, but last night I had a dream where I would check in and shelve books and within a second of me turning around the stack had grown three times the size it had been. It kept doing that. It was just crazy and I don't know what I had that dream. I kept waking up and trying to shake myself out of it, but the dream kept continuing and the same things kept happening! Why can't I have that dream that I had the other night where Anthony Keidis let me use his cell phone, bought me dinner and then gave me two tickets to that night's Chili Pepper Concert??
  • This weekend will hopefully be the weekend to organize my closets. I was supposed to do that when I did the major cleaning but I was so thorough with the cleaning I didn't have time to do my closets. It's a good thing that I have a TON of clothes to get rid of b/c simplifying is my deal lately. I have way too much crap I never wear/can't wear/don't wanna wear. Going from a size 10 to a size 8 within the last year is exciting, although I am afraid I will have nothing to wear! Literally! I can't get rid of everything at once b/c I can't afford to replace everything all at once. I am beginning to look like the bag lady b/c my clothes are a size too big and just hang off me. I need shoes too...but who doesn't right? I actually need a new pair of boots (like combat but not as butchy, think more along the lines of The Avengers)... and shoes for work and hiking boots and...ARGH! Where is a Sugar Daddy when you need one!!! hahhaha!
  • I updated My 2006 List a few weeks ago and I think I need to reassess and add/delete again. That list seems to keep me focused on doing little things for myself right now so that those long term goals of mine (whatever they may be today) don't seem so daunting.

Well, that's all from here for Whatever Wednesday. I hope you are all having a good week!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Celebrity Look-a-Likes!

I stumbled upon this site and had a riot with it on Friday afternoon! You sign up for a free account and give your email address and then upload any pic to the celebrity look -alike page and it will bring up who you resemble. After uploading many photos of myself and others, I realized it could be something as simple as the glasses you wear that will give you celebrity matches, so don't get too upset if you get matched up with the Dahli Llama!

As you look thru the matches you can see what features picked them. It could be your facial expression, smile, eyebrows or even the shape of your forehead. Just for a test I uploaded a pic of Angelina Jolie and she came up as a 97% match to herself so something must be working right! Baisically, you look like very few of the celebrities you get, although some seem to be a good match for certain features you have in that particular photo of you compared to that particular photo of them. (Huh? what did she just say?) Many times I came up with the same people (Lacy Chabert, Kelly Clarkson, Cheryl Crow, Jennifer Anniston and Emmy Rossum were my top multiples)Oh and BTW, I only got Janeane Girafalo once!!! hahahah! No Hilary Duff either!

Anywho, here are some of the collages you can make after uploading and seeing who you've gotten. I highly reccommend going to the My Heritage site and trying out the "Find the Celebrity in You" Demo on the left hand side of the page below the female cartoon head. Try it and you will get what I am tryign to say! Be WARNED tho! It is HIGHLY ADDICTIVE!!!Let me know what you think and who you got!

Friday, September 01, 2006

**News Flash!! N.E.G.S.S. Still Vigilant

The National Eastern Grey Squirrel Society, although maintaining radio silence for the past few months, leaked photos this week to remind us they are still on task when it comes to PieHole.

Communication is Key: Two agents, seen in the photo below, crowd together to discuss their next move. PieHole activity is recorded on a daily basis and agents try their best to blend into their surroundings to gather information.

The N.E.G.S.S is constantly varying their surveillance techniques from the simple to the technologically advanced. Here "Agent Clicker" can be seen taking 35mm reconnaissance photos deep undercover in Red Squirrel territory.

The final photo shows how adaptable the N.E.G.S.S. can be when their assignments take them around the world. They are experts of disguise and can blend in with any culture.

Any news concerning the N.E.G.S.S. will be made available as it is received by this blog.


The "PH Factor" Advisory System has issued warnings in association with the Anti-Terrorism Alert System. A photo has been issued to make positive identifications easier. Please see below for the Airport Alert and Safety update.

Disclaimer: I did not in any way manipulate or change any of the squirrel photos I found while searchinhg the web. They were just too perfect to ignore! The camel thing was an email I received from Deidre and I just had to share!

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend everyone! I know I can sure use a long weekend right about now! I am headed to see my boys again and since Kevin has a new video camera, I am sure I will return Tuesday with news of another film production!