The PH Factor
This week at the bottom of my posts, I will include the "PH Factor" Advisory System. This handy tool will tell you if PieHole is on our radar and to what extent her outbursts are being rated. Much like the governments Terrorist Advisory System, color coding will be important.
Disclaimer: Excuse the poor resolution in portions of the Advisory, it was put together on short notice today.
This afternoon the PH FACTOR is:

Love the advisory (but you spelled it wrong!)
Funny how I spelled it right when naming the pic and throughout the entire post tho!
I fixed it.
It would be a "piehole lover" who would point out someone's spelling errors....
piehole lover's translation:
"Wow, that was great(BUT let me point out something wrong with it so that I can feel superior!)"
Nothing like a backhanded compliment, huh?
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