Thursday, September 21, 2006

Act 1: Scene 1: Library Madness!!

Last night at the library a silly thing happened to me. I arrived and got to work waiting on patrons, checking books in and shelving as usual. It was even quiet enough for me to look for and take out a few things of my own! A patron asked what was going on in the community room and my coworker said that the local community theater group was holding ayditions for their Spring play. I laughed and told my friend that I shoudl go inthere and try out! We joked about it and then went back to what we were each doing.

A little while later an older lady came out for the community room and told me that a young woman was coming in to audition but that she wasn't there yet. She hoped she could find the library Ok and I assured her I would keep an eye out for someone who looked "Lost" and let her know where to go. She smiled and said she would wait a few minutes for her.

As she waited she watched me wait on a few patrons and approached the desk again. She asked me if I would like to try out. I told her that I had't done theater in quite awhile (HS was 12 years ago people!) and she said that didn't matter. She thought I would be good and I should come read for them. I told her I wasn't sure since I was working if I could get away or not. She smiled and waited a few more minutes for the young girl who never did show.

About a half hour passed and the lady came out again, this time with a man following behind. He was her husband and he told me he would like me to come and read as well. He was so cute but I explained to him that I couldn't leave the desk unattended, even tho the library was empty. He went over to my coworker and asked if she could man the desk for a few minutes so I could come in and read! She was fine with that and thought it was funny that he was so adament about getting me in there because we had joked earlier aboutme "trying out".

Sooo, I went in and I read. It was really fun and the people were great. They were all ages which is nice. At the end they said they would call and let us know if we got a part. I really don't care if I get one, it was just fun to read and I said I would like to help out in other ways if I did not get a part. Rehearsals start in January and the play is in March. Who knows, maybe I will meet some new people by getting involved in this group in some way. It was just weird and funny how it all happened.

Have a great night!

PS) Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!


Blogger Amy said...

Dude, I'm sure you did AWESOME. They seemed pretty gung-ho about it, which means they already liked you. Maybe something about you fits what they had in mind for one of the characters. What's the show? DO let us know dahling, ok?

3:22 PM, September 21, 2006  
Blogger C.C. said...

The play is by Fred Carmichael and is called "Hey, Naked Lady".

Yeah I know what you're thinking but there is no naked Lady in it! It's a Community theater production and very small. (they are even taking out references to Smoking!)

The Synopsis:
"Four people sharing a Greenwich village apartment with post hippie culture causing problems for the older man"

It's a comedy for 3 men and 3 women.

3:45 PM, September 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! This is great! I can't wait to hear if you got a call back!!

I was w/Amy...I am reading & reading and thinking what's the play!!??!

5:25 PM, September 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure you did great! (Did you do your great British accent?) What a great opportunity for you to meet some new people.
And you have acted recently, remember Poop in the Tree?

10:11 PM, September 21, 2006  
Blogger C.C. said...

Henlib: Oh yes, "Poop in the Tree". Movies and plays are different beasts tho. I mean there is nothing like a live audience when you are doing theatre! :)

By the way, I was VERY upset that the production companies editors lost the ENTIRE middle of the Movie!!! Yes, the two best parts were saved (the beginning and the end) but come on!! That was gross incompetance! I hope the guilty parties were sacked!

Also, my agent was wondering if the horrow movie is still set for filming in October...Spook Hill etc would be a great time to do that. I would actually like to Produce and Direct that one if possible, but we can discuss options later on.

Ok, well I am off to film my first music video from my Debut Album. My publuc awaits!(haha, get it? all the hollywood people act, then produce or direct adn then they get an album deal! I crack myself up!)

Redhead and Amy: I am sure that I will not get a part, it would be cool if I did but I don't care. Just auditioning was fun and there aer other things I can do withthe production to help out.:)

8:54 AM, September 22, 2006  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

That is too cool! I'm sure you did well. I think it is wild that they were so persistent!

If you get the part and have to give them a synopsis of your experience for the playbill, you can always mention your latest work in "Poop in a Tree"-

8:57 AM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The production company editors have been sacked, what a bunch of losers! We would love to have you come up and produce the horror movie, should it take place in the cornfield? Let us know the weekend.

7:11 PM, September 22, 2006  

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