Monday, September 11, 2006

But Seriously...

This blog is my outlet for things, whether it is the silly, the strange, or the annoyances that anger me. You, the reader, can gain information on my sense of humor, my mood swings and perhaps my true nature as a family oriented individual. What you may not be able to understand is the complexity, or at times simpleness that is CC. Let me explain:

For the last few years I have been floating along here at my current job, trying to see if their promises of growth potential were in fact truth. Within 6 months the president offered me the position of his Executive Assistant and assuming this would be a gateway to more involved work and opportunities to advance and make more money, I took the position. Unfortunately, a year and a half later I am still floating around. My pay is still low, my time is not filled, the tasks are too easy and the new responsibilities not very exciting.

I have been trying to figure out my next move.

How about upping my job search? A few months ago I updated my resume for Monster and Careerbuilder, I have started to buy local and regional newspapers on Sundays for the job sections and I have even had the opportunity to submit my resume thru some networking my sister had unknowingly done thru friends of hers on my behalf.Sounds like I am headed in the right direction right? Well, seems as tho this proactive attitude should be doing me some good, however when there are no jobs in the papers and hardly any worthwhile onine, it's very discouraging. Yeah, yeah, I know the drill. It usually takes a solid 6 months of being proactive to find and land a job. The problem is, I am finding one or two jobs a month to apply to and those odds aren't good!

Using the "TRY BEFORE YOU BUY" idealology, I took a job at the local Library thinking that might be a good fit career-wise. I enjoy it, but the money I would spend on an education at an acredited school would cost more that I would be compensated at a job when I got out. I am no mathmatician, but that doesn't seem to balance at the end of the equation. But hey, at least I tried it, andI have a second job with a little extra coming in, so all is not lost.

The economy is crap here so what is my next move? Do I look out of state? Maybe it's the same economic outlook everywhere. Do I go back to school for a Masters and if so in what shall I get a masters degree in? Probably good to get that degree but I have no idea in what. Do I compromise and find a job just for the sake of getting out of my current situation? NO! That would be like going from the frying pan into the fire and it would hurt my resume more than help it.

I have to say that I know what I want in my life. A house, and a dog or two. It's really that simple. Having a job that allows me to afford this lifestyle and go on a few vacations a year is what I want. The husband/companion thing might be in there someplace but is not my concern right now, b/c I just want to find a career that I enjoy and can grow with. Something that makes me feel like I am accomplishing something and something that I like or believe in would be it. Maybe that is a pipe dream and that attitude will only see me failing as I am now b/c my ideals are too lofty. I have always had the feeling that I am destined to do something interesting with my life. I just wish I knew what that was so I could start working towards it.

I guess I don't know what I am doing wrong, or what I am doing right for that matter. I feel like I am stuck in a sort of "Career Limbo" right now and "my options are decreasing mostly rapidly..." Is there some path that I have not given enough consideration to? Possibly. Is there someplace else I should be looking? Probably. Should I have more gumption and faith in myself to try something new whether it be a new city or state or career path? Most definately.

Unfortunately, noone can tell me what I should do and where I should go. I have to do that on my own, tho therein lies the rub...I feel like a puppy chasing it's tail many days. I keep hoping that mixed in with all my good intentions something will pop up and I will have an epiphany and Viola! I will know exactly what I need to do! Somehow, I don't think that is how I will find my niche, so I keep re-evaluating myself and my situation.

What I am interested in is how did you find your niche? Or have you yet? Hearing other people's stories of success (or failure preceeding their successes) seems to help me keep the faith and keep plugging along. For those of us who didn't have the calling since we were 10 years old and had to figure it out as we wet along, it is interesting to see how people got to where they are today. Where were you when the lightbulb went on? What advice can you give me on my journey?


Blogger Amy said...

I guess I'll just have to blog about it,b/c it's too long to put into a comment box. But, I definitely know how you feel. Justin & I talked about this last night.

2:46 PM, September 11, 2006  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

I'm feeling very "unsettled" lately as well...perhaps it's last week's full moon....or the change in weather reminding us we'll be facing winter again soon!!! Waht a depressing thought!!

3:00 PM, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad about your life. I know jobs are hard to come by and the economy sucks. If I were you, I would continue to work at the library, quit your other job, and get your master's degree. I think you would be good at Philosophy or Archeaology/Anthropology. Since you already received a BA in Anthropology-it will be alot easier to get a master's degree in that subject. I just started my master's and it's alot of work and alot of papers, but if you have a passion for something you will do it no matter what. Keep striving for your goals=)

5:08 PM, September 12, 2006  
Blogger Artistic Soul said...

I sort of just fell into my gig - and I think a lot of people do! The trick is to be open to whatever opportunities present themselves. If you think you need a change of scene, go for a move. If you think you just need a different job, keep at it. I think all of us gen-Xers are having a hard time finding a place in an economy that is filled with baby-boomers who aren't retiring because of the economy, thus, we are stuck in limbo until they do.

11:03 AM, September 13, 2006  

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