Monday, January 23, 2006


Happy Monday. I can't believe the weekend went so fast!! I went to see Chronicles of Narnia and it was great. Some of the CGI wasn't up to par, but other parts were phenomenal!! I cried like a baby in parts just like I did in jr High when we saw the BBC movie...yeah I didn't read the books, but I will now!

I saw a longer trailer for POTC :Dead Man's Chest and I am so psyched for that! I know I have a few months but how cool does that look! I mean as sequels go they are never great but can Johnny Depp be bad to watch for two hours even if he does the same stuff all over again? I don't think so! I also saw the trailer for The Lady in The Water again. M Night Shyamalan is cool with his twists and turns so I am looking forward to that too!

I also saw War of the Worlds too finally. It was pretty scary and filmed well. I could swear I saw Tom Cruise actnig a few times too! I love that Dakota Fanning. She is quite the little actress. I hope Tom learned something from her!!! HAH!

Anywho! We've had sevens, now here are fours! A Meme from Big Geek!

  1. 4 jobs you have had in your life: Games Supervisor at Enchanted Forest Water Safari (a Water Theme Park in Adidrondack Mountains) for 3 summers during HS; So much fun and met so many amazing people! Marketing Associate for Capitol District Off-Track Betting: very interesting and lots of Horseys!, Employment Counselor/Branch Manager of a temp agency, Retail Guru of a Music Store (selling, renting, repairing musical instruments and related things).
  2. 4 movies you could watch over & over: Only 4??? The Goonies, The Lost Boys, Tomb Raider Series, and Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
  3. 4 places you have lived: Plattsburgh for college, West Palm Beach for 2 seconds, Schenectady and Syracuse
  4. 4 TV shows you love to watch: On air right now I would say Smallville, CSI (the original!), Desperate Housewives and currently The Bachelor!
  5. 4 places you have been on vacation: Various places in Florida, Myrtle Beach South Carolina, San Ramone/San Francisco CA, and Burlington/Jess's Camp (West Addison) Vermont.
  6. 4 websites you visit daily: MSN b/c it's my homepage, My Blog to see if anyone has commented :(, Other peoples blogs that I read daily, and IMDB b/c I am a movie freak
  7. 4 of your favorite foods: I will not include my Dad's sauce etc since that is a gimme so I'd have to say Thanksgiving Dinner, Chicken of any kind, Steak of any kind and Dessert of any kind!!!
  8. 4 places you would rather be right now: in Egypt sightseeing, in my Castle walkling the grounds or reading in my ginormous library!, Rock Climbing or doing something else I have never tried before or collecting my winnings form the lottery!
  9. 4 bloggers you are tagging: Well since Amy and Wiccachicky are the only ones I know besides Beth who tagged me I guess I have to go with only 2!


Blogger Artistic Soul said...

Aw, shit! This will be a hard week for me...I'll try though! If I don't get to it this week, next week for sure.

10:46 PM, January 23, 2006  

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