Friday, May 26, 2006

It's Memorial Day Weekend!

I am so glad it is Friday! A three Day weekend! My first paid holiday since...could it be? Yep, New Year's Day!!! Isn't that crazy?

My friend Ariane is FINALLY coming to vist me this weekend. I am so excited to see her! It's been too long since we had gotten together last. We are only about 4 1/2 hours away, but everytime one of us had a free weekend, the other was busy. That's how it goes I guess! We always have a blast wherever we go and I am sure some college memories will be brought up. I just hope it's not the story about Ty and the subliminal messages or the time I puked on the Troll who lived in our suite... It was an accident! Well, I told her to move, she just wasn't fast enough! ahhahaha!

Speaking of Katie the troll: (and watch for a few posts on crazy buttons and bumper stickers next week!)
Anywho looking forward to the annual picnic after the parade at Pinky's house on Monday. Family, food and fun! Oh and I bet the Beer God will come out of hiding and grace us with his presence!!! It's supposed to be in the 80's here this weekend too! Yippeeee!!!!

Silliness aside, let's all remember why we have Monday off. Please take a moment at some point over the weekend to remember those men and women who have served us and our freedom. Whether they have or are doing so now, regardless of your political views, they have put their lives on the line for us, and for that they deserve our gratitude and respect.

Have a wonderful (and safe) weekend everyone!

PS) I have deleted some added a few new links on mt sidebar. Adventure Girl ol b/c this girl has been all voer the world. I don't know what she does but it looked kind of cool to read (and live vicariously thru!. This Fish needs a Bicycle is just kinda funny for all us singles out there! Enjoy and tell me what you think!


Blogger Artistic Soul said...

Hope you have a great weekend! Expect a little package sometime soon from AmyHCalum - we saw something that screamed CC this weekend!

2:08 PM, May 29, 2006  

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