Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It's Monday!...No! It's Tuesday!!!

Getting up and getting myself to work today was extremely difficult. After an awesome holiday weekend with my friend Ari and my family I was not ready to get back to work today. I am a little sunburned, but still thankful for what color I got (tho incredibly uneven!) Think Phantom of the Opera but sunburn on the portion of my face that should be covered with a mask! hahah! It is going to be another scorcher here in the 90's today. Not that I am complaining (much) b/c we get 6 months of winter, 4 months of inbetween and only 2 months of summer here usually!

Many funny things happened this weekend: like seeing a "Taxidermy Turkey"(that was gross but we made it funny), doing the "Scientific Twist" which was inspired by lyrics from a song by non-other than the Red Hot Chili Peppers, finding ways to yell "My Eye!" and then "My Other Eye!!" and planning a secret mission revolving around Pink Flamingos..."Get off your ass!"

Something strange just happend to me whilst I was writing about "My Eye" just now...As I enclsoed My Eye in quotes I noticed my browser was preparing to launch to another site! What popped up? A Pirate site called "Dead Men tell No Tales" and my speakers were turned up so my desk sounded like a crowded inn with a bunch of drunken pirates in it! That FREAKED me out! Sometimes I get typing and I hit a wrong key, which switches to another site, but I am not sure how that happened today. Weird. Spooky. Arrggh!!

ANYWHO, back to my weekend! We went to an Antique place in my home town and that is where we saw the "Taxidermy Turkey". It was weird b/c there were the normal antiquey things like furntiture and nicknacks etc but sitting in a chair was a turkey who has been stuffed by a taxidermist...wings and all! It was gross but when I shouted "Ewwww! It's a Taxidermy Turkey!" we all laughed and that became one of our weekend jokes.

Whilst driving in the car heading to a wonderful Greek dinner, I of course had to make my friends listen to a portion of a Red Hot chili Peppers song that I find really amusing. It goes like this:

"Everybody do the twist
get the message on Flea's fist
Move around like a scientist
Lay down, get kissed"

So After hearing that Ari mentions something about "The Scientific Twist". Way to consolidate Ari!! I loved it and that became another joke for the weekend. She also made up a twist like dance. It was priceless!

Lastly, I wanted to mention our Pink Falmingo obsession this weekend. If was really weird how this happend actually. As we sat out on the lawn under the trees soaking up the beautiful weather Saturday I started to tell Ariane about the show "Wonderfalls". I explained the premise and the inanimate objects that talk to the main character Jaye. She thought it sounded weird but now she wants to see it. She was interested, especially when I told her about the episode when the plastic pink flamingo on her parents lawn yelled "Get off your ass!" at her. I said that everyone can relate b/c we all have something that we procrastinate with or are held back b/c of our own doubts and fears. "Get off your Ass!" ressonates with everyone.

Later on we are taking a drive around and we come across a local business that has 30 (at least) Pink Flamingos on the lawn with a "Happy Birthday Ed" sign! We pretty much freaked out. I have NEVER seen any Pink Flamingos in my home town let alone over 30 of them out on this particular business's lawn. How perfect was it that we had talked about the pink flamingos about 2 hours previously. It was seredipity! A sign! and that made us want to go steal a few and give them to a few choice people (yes you Tabbi!! :). We thought maybe Dad could be the getaway driver since he and I were a formidable duo at times in the past. Disclaimer: We never wrecked anything, we just adjusted things to look different without defacing property...just funny stuff ie: "George Gay's Garage" became "George's Gay Garage" with some markers, paper and tape and Dad holding steady as the ladder!

After much discussion we decided against it b/c this particular business probably had sensors to alert them of burglers. It was right to pass on the job, however we couldn't have been more prepared: we were both wearing black pants and sweatshirts as we sat by the campfire discussing our options. Oh well, I do know that I will be keeping an eye out for Pink Flamingos tho. It's a great reminder to all of us to "Get off your Ass!"

I hope your weekend was great! Congrats to Wiccachicky who got married this weekend!! The weather was so perfect!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a great weekend and I'm so glad that I got to see my good ole pal C.C. Even if our "mission was aborted." I can't wait to come up there again and see a Taxidermy Turkey doing the Scientific Twist! :)

12:52 PM, May 30, 2006  
Blogger Amy said...

Where do you FIND all these pics to put in your blog?! Do you photoshop stuff together or what?...remind me to tell you of the flamingo escapade our senior year of college :o)

2:31 PM, May 30, 2006  
Blogger Artistic Soul said...

Thanks!! The weather was pretty nice. A little warm for the ceremony since it was outside, but other than that, everything was lovely.

7:04 AM, June 07, 2006  

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