Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Fabulous life of...

For my Very first Blog!!! A silly little post written in desperation! Enjoy!

"The Fabulous Life of The Executive Assistant to the President"

On tonights episode... "Will Cheryl get the coffee made in time for the meeting?"

At 9:30am Cheryl is summoned to make coffee for the executive meeting taking place at 10 am...will she have enough time to adequatly stock the meeting room with coffee, creamer, sugar and mugs? She desperately calls on Linda to come down and monitor the phones while she attempts this amazing task. Racing upstairs Cheryl finds mugs, creamer and sugar. She begins brewing decaf and regular coffee. The Elite like their choices. Then the Boss interrupts her to fax a few things. "No Problem!" Cheryl announces as she changes gears and faxes the documents. It's 9:50am! Only 5 minutes before everyone starts to arrive for the meeting!!! She jets to the kitchen to pour the cofees in Karafs, double checks to make sure she has everything in order...but wait!!! Stirring spoons are needed! She races back to the kitchen and finds a stirring spoon. "One will have to do" she thinks. Miraculously she has managed to make coffee and set up a meeting, fax documents and she even has time to make a stop at the ladies room and get a fresh cup of coffee for herself before returning to reception.

We interrupt this program for a message from our sponsor:

Stuck in a dead end job? Is every day boring and routine? Looking to utilize your talents but noone is giving you the opportunity? Think life isn't fair? Well snap out of it! They're right! Life isn't fair! So get back to work!

And now back to "The Fabulous life of The Executive Assistant to the President"

Many young women will surely aspire to be "Executive Assistant to the President" after hearing of the adventures of Cheryl! Obviously coffee and faxes are the stuff dreams are made of! Surely corporate America would not run as smoothly without them! Imagine what a 4 year degree can do for you! Preparation for a career in the field of "Executive Assisitant to the President!" How else could one use their talents to their fullest potential!?

Tune in next week for another exciting adventure of "The Fabulous Life of THe Executive Assistant to the President"..."Travel Arrangement Test: Can Cheryl Book Hotel and Airfaire in one afternoon?"

Names have been changed to protect the innocent. Unfortunately the stories are true.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Cheryl needs to go back to school and find a career that will be meaningful to her.

3:57 PM, September 21, 2005  

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