Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Halloween D-O-Gs!!!
I know many of you have seen these already I am sure. I just couldn't resist posting a few of my favorites! I personally wouldn't dress my dog up(if I had one)...but it's funny when other people do!
These first two remind me of a Halloween a few years back. I was a chinaman once and also Pokahontas (or Poke-your-hontas as I liked to say) Yeah, I am not so politically correct. But how cute is this D-O-G? (Henlib: you gotta send me the pics from Pinky's past Halloween parties! How fun to put them on the blog?)
This little guy is great! I think of Labrynth and that English Dog when I see this. Very creative costuming!
How can you resist two of my favorite breeds? A Retriever and a Lab. So stinkin' Cute!
Star Wars themed costumes are always a hoot! I can't even stand these little teeny D-O-Gs!
Here are a few bulldog pics in honor of my dog-nephew snake who lives in sunny California. I will be able to see him and that cute little Nilla girl when I visit for Thanksgiving.
Look at that pumkin with the snaggletooth! Hims is sleepin'!! And can you even stand Captain Jack and his treasure?? They are just too much!
Obviously you know that I am a Dog person. My family has (and has had) the best dogs. They are not just pets but members of our family. From mutts to pure breeds, I love them all! DOGS RULE!!!
Looking forward to a Howling Good Halloween tomorrow!!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Hello and Welcome to FRIDAY!!!
It's been a long week, (as usual) Being stuck between a rock and a hard place gets old and VERY uncomfortable after a while and I have to figure out a solution if my supervisor continues to drag her feet. It's a constant battle to figure out my place in this world and it doesn't seem to be getting any easier. But that is a subject for another day my friends...
Sorry about the depressing vibe going here today. I am actually in a great mood but things are coming out all sad/annoyed. I just figured I would write this here to warn you that the rest of this post doesn't get any happier... just in case you want to stop reading. :)
Being Halloween weekend I usually have something cool planned...unfortunately this year I do not. I am going to sit home tonight and watch scary movies. My roomate concurred so we are going to make a huge dinner and pig out and get scared together. I am happy to veg although going out and dressing up is always such a riot. Oh well, who knows? Maybe this year is the year for a New Year's Masquerade???
Tomorrow I may hang out with my sister Anne since I haven't seen her in a while. Sunday is my roomate's birthday dinner with her family (to which I have been invited). And that is about what is going on in CCLand this weekend.
I know, I live an exciting life don't I?
I guess if the article I read today was actually true, I might be living a more exciting life. I read today that a report was done by the government entitled "College Degree worth extra $23,000 a year". I think it's bullshit, b/c that is not how it is here in Upstate NY. Oh, and where are these jobs where I can make almost DOUBLE what I am making right now??? This article made me sick to my stomach because it says that adults with only a high school diploma make an average of $28,645. THAT is even more than I make by a few thousand $$. Again, I ask why I pay school loans every month if this is the case? Apparently I could have graduated from HS and been in the same place without the extra expenditures! I know I didn't learn my work ethic or social skills from college b/c I learned that from growing up in a hardworking, conciencious, outgoing family. I know, I know. That college education got me in the door to many of my jobs and I wuold NEVER trade my college experience for anything HOWEVER...That article ticks me off. What part of population/country did these statistics come from? 'Cause maybe I should move there!!!
Ok, End of Rant. Sorry.
As for the celebrity in my dream last night: it was the handsome and talented Michael Rosenbaum (aka Lex Luthor) I watched Smallville before bed last night so that was probably the trigger. I don't know about you, but this lastest photo-chop I did is a bit unsettling to me. I don't think I am comfortable with it but I thought I would share it anyway.
Ugg! I need a life...I will let you know monday if I found one this weekend. :)
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Celebrity Endorsements and Thursday Thoughts
Anthony Kiedis says "Come closer, I will hypnotize you with my amazing rhyming abilities:" "Saw this blog and gave it a whirl, I'm so in love 'cause CC's my girl!"
Wow, Anthony Kiedis. Another celebrity endorsement to add to the recent Mr. T, and the earlier ones from Gerry Butler and Michael Rosenbaum/Topher Grace.
Last night I had a dream that AK wanted invited me to go with him on the european leg of his tour. Sadly I had to say no. I told him my obsession with him would not be good for either of us right now.
Seriously Folks! Me and my dreams!! How strange is the village in my head huh? They are totally working overtime in there! Tee-hee. I crack myself up!
Anywho, on with reality. I am the chair of a commitee here at work and I had my monthly meeting this am. It's going VERY well I might add. Also I had a short meeting with our office furniture vendor to get my Boss's (The President) office looking a bit nicer with some new chairs etc. inbetween my meetings I was running around following up and doing some research on my committee meeting. I get back to my desk and there is a pile of orders to place for purchasing. Our purchasing agent/assistant I help is in a lunch meeting and I have to pick up the slack. Yay. I also am doing the back up for reception (lunch and afternoon break) and I had to be the waitress again today with an order for lunch for that meeting I mentioned. I am hoping to take my lunch break right after receptions break, which is what I am doing right now until 1:30 or so.
Hey, at least the day is going faster than usual! Can't complain about that!
I also can't complain that tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!
One cool thing that happened to me this week was yesterday at the library. The Librarian asked me if I would participate in a "Challenge" panel. Apparently she received a letter from a patron that had concerns about a book that was catelogued in the young adult collection. He felt it was not appropriate and requested we move it to the adult section. So basically, now the librarian is putting together a panel of people of varying ages etc to read the book and them discuss the concerns this parton had and decide whether or not to keep it or move it from it's current collection. I am really excite that she asked me to particiapte and I am looking forward to it. I will have to keep you posted as to the book title and what became of the panels decision.
One more thought for today. My friend from FOREVER Jess and her husband just bought a new house! They moved in just last week and are trying to get settled in. I can't wait to go visit! Their other house while very cute and cozy was a bit too small and now they have a larger place to fill up. Congrats to them and a FYI: You guys know that now that you have "extra room" you will be expected to begin a family...Right? HaH! Now the pressure is on. Not from Aunt Carol of course...'cause "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies!" :0)
Have a great day y'all!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Rockin' Out on Spooktacular Weekend 2006
Erin and I traveled up to see the boys this past weekend. We usually do a haunted corn maze and haunted house, but this year was different. Kevin, Thomas, Erin and Kevin's friends hung out at a campfire while Mike and I had an exciting domino match. Mike won straight up unfortunately, although I must say my skills are improving; I didn't lose by as much as last time! We later played Sorry! with Nate. he was dying to play and much to his dismay, I won both games. SORRY!!! :)
We did however make a trip to SpookHill Farms during the day. Erin got a candy apple, and I scored a caramel apple. Here is a pic of the youngins at the famous pumpkin. From left to right: John (a friend of Kevin's), Kevin, Thomas and Erin. Wow, are they happy that I am taking a picture or what?
Next is a picture of Erin and I. I think this has become sort of an unspoken tradition. It seems we always have a pic like this wherever we go together. We are more like sisters than Aunt and Neice and we are so darn cute!
Here, Erin was overcome by our collectrive cuteness and collapsed. It can be quite overwhelming.
At one point I decided it was time to rock out on Kevin's Bass. Enough said.I also tore up the drums a bit later, but we don't have a pic of that so you'll just have to imagine what that looked like!
Saturday night we decided to watch the original 1932 movie The Mummy. I have seen this before and those certain scenes are still as spooky as ever!
We also watched a few movies Sunday before we left. The first was The Bat starring Vincent Price and Agnes Moorehead. It was a really great movie that kept you guessing at every scene. The best part however was the tagline and the reason I borrowed it from the library "When it flies, someone dies!".
The last movie was Joy Ride. A typical chase the teens and slash them movie except this one had something none of the others have: Steve Zahn. He just cracks me up! I am now on a mission to watch all of his movies, (or rewatch in some cases) and pay more attention to him and his wackiness. Here's a few great lines from Steve's character Fuller:
Ice Truck Driver: Do you guys need help back to the main road?
Fuller: No, we're okay, now that we're not murdered or anything.
Venna: (about the car) Have you guys named it yet?
Fuller: Not yet, but we were thinking about "Tad" or "Lewis's Shitty Newport".
With lines like this in every movie he is in, this might spawn a Steve Zahn Blog post at some point. Just warnin' ya.
Here are some group pics to commemorate the weekend:Left to Right: Kevin, Nate, Erin, CC, Tom.
Nate escaped the next pics and we were left with 4.
How come when we do a "Crazy" pic, I'm the only crazy one? Never mind, I already know...Apparently noone can complete with my craziness so they just bow out. Right?
We had a fun weekend. Tom and I were brainstorming for a new movie. We are both into making sure the music for the scene is perfect tho and we need to focus on getting a plot underway as well. :) Someday we will get around to making another movie! :)
Thanks for a great weekend!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Here I am back at work. How melancholy I look... haha! I love using the timer to take pics. You never know what you are going to get.
I was downloading pics form the weekend and decided to take these I have included. Tomorrow I will phave pics from the Spooktacular weekend. I am waiting for Kim to send me one that is comepletey hysterical.
This weekend is Halloween and I have lost my steam for it. I really have no interest in worrying about a costume or where I will go out. I almost feel like staying home and watching scary movies or something. Maybe I will get my will back, but for today, I feel as tho Halloween is so close now that I have no time to get a costume together.
For days like this, I have this little fella on my desk. I found the Flamingo nicknack in Myrtle this summer and it was so perfect. I made a little sign for him to remind me to stay motivated. So far, he sits there very quietly, and has not spoken to me. I guess the sign is working for him! (I am joking about the flamingo talking to me fr those of you who are not aware of WONDERFALLS...but Tabbi and Ari know what I'm talkin' about!)
Tune in tomorrow for pics from my weekend adventures! Have a great day!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Tell me Baby, What's your story?
"Life could be a little sweet
But life could be a little shitty"
That said,lets recap my foul existance for the last two months, shall we?
- Instestinal virus for a month
- Head cold for two weeks following immediately after virus
- Mice infestation in the walls and attic of my apartment
- Small colony of ants in one of my kitchen cupboards (that was last night's discovery)
- Flat tire on my car this morning
I spoke with mi madre on the phone this morning and was laughing at the string of events that have befallen me lately. She thought it was good that I could laugh about it. She is right b/c about a month ago, I probably would have gone postal!!! Seriously tho, it's all good. Got my tire fixed and will have to take vacation time fo the work I missed, but at least I am Road Trip ready for tomorrow!
Since Amy was talking about gifts you could send her if you felt the need, here is a pic of a shirt that had me in mind when they made it. I'm just sayin'...

Or I would take one of these:

Well I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I am optimistic that all this bad luck is just my good luck storing up in reserves so I can win at Dominos against my brother this weekend! Oh yeah, I'm bringing it this weekend! I think Dominos is the new Poker. Mark my words!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Thursday Thoughts and Rockin' Out
Ahhh, Thursday. The day before Friday. That makes me so happy.
Today also happens to be my brother Jim's Birthday. Happy Birthday Jim!!! (even tho he doesn't read this...b/c he doesn't know it exits basically for fear he may leave evidence behind and PieHole will get ahold of this blog!)
Lots of Birthday's coming up actually. My friend Nate's birthday is Saturday the 21st. So Happy Early Birthday to ya Nater! Hope you have a great day.
Speaking of Nate, he wrote me the other day to tel me he had gone to Universal Studios halloween Nights thing where they have all sorts fo stuff going on. Here is part of his email:
"Well my boss invited me down to Orlando this weekend so I'm not working, I've got a free place to stay, hell yeah I'll go! He and his girlfriend and a bunch of his friends rented a sweet house and are down there all tihs week theme partying it up. So we joined them for the weekend at Universal Studios. We also attended Halloween Horror Nights 16 which, again, was absolutely fantastic! We watched the Bill and Ted Excellent Halloween Adventure show and it was great. Captain Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth, and Davy Jones were in it with a bunch of other characters. They played the Pirates music when they all came out and Davy Jones runs out, bends over and yells, "I summon the cracken!" and let rip with a huge fart, followed by singing the Sponge Bob theme, but replaced it with Davy Jones. Hilarious."
Yeah, that does sound hilarious! The Craken! HA! I LOVE IT! (for those of you unfamiliar with the cracken, it is a monsterous octopus that Davy Jones controls to attack ships for his gain)
This weekend is the annual Spooktacular at my nephews house. We usually do a haunted house and a corn maze, eat and watch some halloween movies. This year might be a bit different since the kids are growing up (11,13 and 15 years old, plus my neice Erin who is 16). I am just happy to go and hang out with everyone. Erin and I always go up and so does my sister Anne but unfortunately Anne couldn't make it this year and we will miss her tons! She is traveling to Quebec City this weekend with a tour group and I am sure she will have a fabulous time. Still, it won't be as "Spooktacular" a weekend without her, but I am sure we'll find a way to rock out anyway! (Hide your drumset and bass guitar Tom and Kevin! Crazy Aunt Carol is comin' to your town!!!!)
Just so I make it clear, YES I am obsessed with the Chili Peppers (again). I was into them in high school and then again Junior year of college. They have remained one of my favorite bands, but I go in stages where I listen all the time to their stuff, just like Sting or John Mayer or Radiohead or Coldplay etc etc etc. I guess the release of their most recent album Stadium Arcadium and reading Anthony Kiedis's autobiography awakened my interest in them again.
I also want to make it known because Beth was thinking I was fickle in my obsessiveness...even tho this pic (um, hello hotness) is on my desktop here at work, Gerry Butler is still my screensaver! Just so everyone (BETH!) is straight on that. ;)
You know, I just had a great idea. Not only do Kevin and Tom have a band, I noticed they were having difficulties coming up with lyrics last time we discussed it. Since I have such a way with rhyming, perhaps I can pen a few songs for them. I wonder if they named their band yet. Christine and I came up with some great names to use in college for album/band names. "The Ugly ButMonkeys" could work, but I don't think that a group of teenage boys want to be known as "Ovarian LoveCouch". I will have to remember the other ones...
OK I am stopping right now because I am just too riled up! Right Christine????!!!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Evan's Rules
Every day we are bombarded by rules and regulations on how to behave in our daily lives. Most of the time I think we completely overthink these societal rules, distorting them into bones of contention instead of harmonious gestures. The basic rules we live by should serve to help and respect others as well as ourselves, not to promote our own selfish endeavors. They should aide in connecting people not alienating them based on our differences.
Last week my 6 year old nephew Evan attended a short meeting with his mother at her place of employment, a local Community College. She reminded him to be a good boy and when they arrived, Evan quietly (and without any assistance) set to work on a list of rules for the evening.
When I read these I realized why one of the college Deans had made copies and handed them out to colleages across the campus. Sometimes it takes a child to see things clearly.
Evan simplified "life's guidlines" and these are his rules:
In case you are not familiar with First Grade writing techniques:
1. Be quiet
2. Smile
3. Listen
4. Say Hello
5. Don't cry
6. Care about others
7. Help people
8. Take care of messes
9. Pay attention
Think about this list of rules. They are so insightful and pure. Sometimes being an adult complicates things unnecessarily, but thanks to Evan, we are able to see humanity through a child's eyes and apply these "rules" to our own daily lives.
Just imagine what the world would be like if we all followed "Evan's Rules".
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hey! It's Tuesday! How about a Rhyme!??
Yeah, it's Tuesday, and here is the latest on my "Mouscapades!"
The Townhouse was officially visited by the Exterminator yesterday afternoon. I arrived home to find some lovely "Hotel California" traps...you know, "you can check out any time you want but you can never leave". We have one of these triangular death traps in each room including bedrooms, bathrooms and living room. They also did put stuff in the attic and above the kitchen. They are creep y in the way that the Exterminator is expecting that some of these little freaks will be getting inside my apartment at some point and we need traps to catch them, but it is nice know I won't have to actually see the carnage after they are caught!
We still have not found any evidence (droppins/holes) in the apartment, but you never know when they will squeeze their way in I guess. I didn't hear anything last night even tho I am still not sleep ing well. Give me a few nights of quiet and I will not be so bothered. Hopefully no noise is good noise and that measn it's working!
With all this mousing hunting going on, a rhyme came to mind and we all know how I like rhyming! So here it goes:
Ode to Unwanted Guests:
T'was one night about a month ago
and all thru my townhome place.
These little gnawing scratching noises
echoed thru my attic space.
My roomate was next door
all snug and comfy in her room.
Tho noises and scratches above my head
spelled for me much sleeping doom!
The very next night, I listened
but thankfully heard nothing at all.
My roomate next door (unfortunately for her)
heard it crawling inside her wall!!
We went to tell our landlord,
with promises we were placated.
"Squirrels eat nuts on the roof
there is nothing to be vacated!"
A week had gone slowly by
but nothing ever was done.
We were hearing more and more noises
and this was not any fun!
We called for the maintenance men
to come and check the situation out.
They tried to tell us nothing was there
"There are not rodents about".
Every little scratch or gnaw we heard
the maintenance men we hounded.
Once they came about enough
they heard how it had sounded.
They found holes above the kitchen ceiling
after I saw that mousey runnin'.
"After they eat that decon" I said,
"There'll be no more mousey funnin'!"
Even tho we put the poison out
those mice they still were nestin'.
My poor eyelids are so heavy
Since I've had a lack of restin'
This infestation grew and grew
just like a fever pitch.
"If you don't get rid of these vermin soon
You're gonna see a SUPER BITCH! "
And now, thru all the trials and pleads
the exterminator finally came.
Traps and poison were placed around
"Now we're in the game!"
It's been a day, or almost so
since the exterminator waged war on the mice.
To tell you the truth, I heard nothing last night
and the silence was oh, so nice!
So I hope and pray that the mice will die
Though I know that sounds so mean.
But living like that for over a month
is enough to make you scream!!!
Enjoy your Tuesday Y'all!
WAIT!!!! One more thing! As I was re-reading about the "Hotel California Traps", which is really freaking hysterical I might add, I thought of another song parody: "Dani California" by the RHCP, (tho abreviated)
"Makin' nests in the ceilling of some Missy's
Mamma was a looker and Daddy was a sissy
In Syracuse, they would get the noose
Price you gott a pay when you let your babies loose
Lookin' 'round at boxes filled with delicious Decon pills
just another way to get killed
Little Mousey, rest in peace
Ate too much of Decon feast
Little Mousey, show your teeth
I'm the cute one, your the beast.
yeah, yeah, yeah
Who knew that I'm afraid of you?
Who knew that you'd have babies too?
It's true I say goodbye to you
It's tru I say say say..."
I crack myself up!!!
Monday, October 16, 2006
The Randomness Continues!
FLEA WISDOM: While checking in to see what Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers had to say in his "Fleamail" I found this little snippette. I enjoy reading his messages because he really does have some interesting insight on some things. Most of the time he is this rambling alien being with ideas of altered states of peace and meditation, but it's all good. Hey, he's Flea and such a talented bassist and a little hippie banter never hurt anyone. I thought I would share it with you b/c it's just so silly, but true. Oh yeah, and it sounds like something I would say!
From: FLEAMAIL #2 9/23/06
"…but when someone looks down their nose at someone else for not being
from there same culture or economic class
i want to put itching powder in their underwear
and jellybeans in their gas tank
and fart when they are in the elevator with me
and tell them to f%$* off
I just finished reading "Scar Tissue" the autobiography of Anthony Kiedis, lead singer of the RHCP. Crazy shit, that book, but I couldn't put it down. I was afraid after reading it I wouldn't appreciate them anymore, but I think it strenghtened my appreciation of the band and their music. It's amazing how some people are resiliant thru such difficult messed up times. Anthony Kiedis is such an interesting, talented, tortured, nutjob character and he is still my boy.
HOUSE MOUSE: Next on the blog agenda is the fact that I made contact with one of my house guests Friday night. Yep, a mouse running around the the see-thru drop ceiling (where the lights are) in my kitchen. To my knowledge they have not penetrated into the apartment, but they are getting dangerously close. We have decon and traps set in various places...and the Maintenance men are supposed to be calling an exterminator today. We'll see.
My roomate and I decided that if we don't get a call from them today we are marching over there and demanding to the the property manager. We have been on the Maintenance men like white on rice this past week about every little thing, so I hope they get the hint that we are not simply going to live with what now sounds like an infestation. It's been over a month since we heard the first scratchings and gnawing of our uninvited guests. Since then the frequency and number of squatters has seemed to multiply.
Did you know that the common mouse (field or meadow, like the one I saw in my ceiling of the kitchen the other night) has a gestation period of 21 days?
Yeah, not good. It's been a month people! It is apparent that it has now become a "Family Affair"! I am not big on killing little furry animals, but when I can't sleep at night for fear of them infiltrating my room, they are no longer little furry animals, but the enemy, and they must be destroyed!
SLACKER:Yeah, I admit it. I am a wicked slacker today. I am tired from lack of any true restful sleep this weekend, and I find blogging more fufilling than my daily duties here at Bored Inc. So I blog and drink coffee and make toast and read Fleamail and chit-chat with coworkers etc.
HALLOWEEN DEBAUCHAL: Halloween is fast approaching and I have yet to know what I am doing. I may have a party to go to but not sure because I haven't heard anything yet. The problem with this party is that it may be a "Pimps and Hos" party. Firstly, dressing like a ho does not really sit well with me, although it probably would be a riot. Secondly I HATE it when people tell me what to dress up as. Half the fun is finding and making your costume!
Next there is the Halloween Bash at the State Fairgrounds that we went to last year. I am having difficulties finding people who will dress up and go to that. No one is any fun out here. They act as if they are too old or too good or too matures to dress up and have fun on Halloween. It was great last year, good bands and dancing etc. I will be really annoyed if I end up sitting home when I could be out carousing at Halloween events! Oh well,I have a few weeks I guess. hoepfully something will pop up!
TOO LONG: OK, so this post is really long, as usual I guess. I just start typing and 4 miles later I am done. I am also a bit wound up today:
I like words and know I'm a space hog
Sometimes I get a little carried away.
but I enjoy writing...hence this blog.
It's hard to stop when there's so much to say.
It's Monday so make it a Fun Day!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Freaky Friday the 13th!
Well Yippee!! It's Friday!!! Oh and it's the 13th! Spooky! Here are a few random things to brighten your day.
Firstly, Maintenance Man "Al" was supposed to be over to set traps, but Decon up at 4:30 pm yesterday. When I arrived home (at 5:30pm) he had not done so. I marched over and told him I thought we had an appointment at 4:30, to which he looked at his watch and grunted something like "OH! I'm sorry. I will come over right now and do that for you". I explained to him that I slept on the couch the previous night because it was so loud etc, and then he tells me the lady next door had a mouse in her townhouse...Hmmm...I guess I am not making this up after all huh? My worry is that we have an infestation, tho they sound bigger than field mice...hopefully we are not dealing with rats of some kind (Henlib!!) So now we wait a few days and see if the Decon does the trick. Henlib feels that PieHole is behind the whole scam, I tend to agree, however I have a different post for that subject planned!
I received this "THINGS YOU'D LOVE TO SAY OUT LOUD AT WORK" email from Lamby this morning. This note was attached...my sister knows me too well!
These were from Tabbi...now I don't want to put any ideas in your head...you can THINK them...but don't SAY them at work!!!
Out of a list of 40, these were my favorites and I can see myself sayingthem at my work becasue they are so perfect for many of my situations :)
- I can see your point, but I still think you're full of shit.
- How about never? Is never good for you?
- I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to see itmy way.
- I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
- I have plenty of talent and vision; I just don't give a damn.
- I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
- What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?
- Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
- This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.
- I started out with nothing & still have most of it left.
- Sarcasm is just one more service I offer.
- I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.
- Can I trade this job for what's behind door #1?
- Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
- Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?
- How do I set a laser printer to stun?
- I thought I wanted a career; turns out I just wanted a salary.

If I were to ever have a cat, a black cat would be it. (begin CC's animal voice): "This kittay is so nice. Wook at dem big bootiful eyes. Hims is not spooky, hims just wants some wuv I think!"
Yeah the cat pic was not spooky, but I bet you think my crazy animal voice was! Hey whatever! My job here is done!:)
Have a Amazing weekend y'all! Lamby and I are going shoe shopping Saturday! YAY!!!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Un-Maintenance Men and the Gnawing Problem
You have all read how I have made light of my "rodent" problem at my townhouse. Well, since this has been going on for almost a month now (that's when we first let them know we were hearing critters in the rafters) it has really gotten annoying and ridiculous.
The gnawing and scratching has gotten more frequent and louder, meaning whatever is up there is definately making a nice little pad for himself. I actually had to sleep onthe couch last night because it was so loud and sounded as if it would poke thru my ceiling at any minute to tell me how he was coming along with his new home! My roomate had a similar experience in her room about a week ago where she went down to sleep on the couch to get away from it.
Our "guest" seems to be making use of the entire crawl space because one night he is keeping my roomate in the next room awake, and the next night he is over my room keeping me up. We have been calling and stopping over to get the Maintenance people to come take a look (like they were supposed to 3 weeks ago or more!).
You would not believe the runaround I have gotten from these people! Not only the management but the so called "Maintenance Men" as well.
We have had many things fixed or replaced and I am convinced I could have done the jobs better, faster and more completely than any of them did! Just because you are a man and carry tools, does not mean you are a Maintenance Man! Conversely, just because I am a woman does not mean I am stupid when it comes to stereotypically male things like plumbing, drywalling, painting, mechanical things and rodents! I am a Rennaissance Woman, as are my sisters and sister-in laws (not PieHole tho!) and we can do pretty much anything. Because of this, it's very frustrating when people treat me like a "dumb young girl".
Seriously, I even told them that I grew up in a very rural area ( ie: I am a country girl) and I know what I am hearing and what to look for and they still try to make me feel like the stupid female. I actually argued with the guy when they finally came to inspect on Tuesday! He tried to tell me that there is no reason for them (rodents) to come in becasue there we have hickory trees with tons of food outside for them! I laughed at him and said "Yeah, they may be well fed, but that has nothing to do with the fact that when it's cold at night they are looking for a warm place to nest!" They are such IDIOTS! I actually had to ask them if they found animal droppings or any entry holes up there b/c I really don't think they know what they were looking for! I even asked it they had surveyed the outside as well as the roof area for any entry holes like they were supposed to do 3 weeks ago, but they hadn't.
One of them said he would loan his cat to us. I answered "Well, you'd have to stick him up in the crawl space for a night and see if he catches it, because the rodent is in the attic not the house." DUH!!!! Then I added that if they saw us with a cat they would charge us a pet deposit and that was all we needed!! Carolyn (my roomate) laughed, they chuckled, but I could tell it wasn't really registering (like everything else).
Why have they been so slow? The excuse of the day? That 2 maintenance guys have quit recently...as if that makes a difference to me! I don't care if you guys are dying of the black plague! GET YOUR ASSES UP THERE AND KILL THAT LITTLE FUCKER!
Excuse my expletive but I am powerful mad (just like Johnny Rio from Enchanted Forest Water Safari!). SO mad in fact that I even was close to going up into the crawl space attic area last night and crushing his little skull with my bare hands. I am not normally a "skull crushing" kind of chick, but when you annoy me and kick me out of my comfy bed after midnight so I am tired all the next day, I tend to re-evaluate my plan of action! (Chris and Lisa, if you are reading this, that sounded like something Chris would say and has said!! ha!)
We all have problems like this from time to time. I remember feeling so frustrated for Wiccachicky when she was battling Home Depot (or was it Lowe's) to get them to finish a job at her house. She finally got everything resolved, but what a headache it muct have been for months trying to get them to do their job! People amaze me. I bet my complex's management wouldn't deal with rodents disrupting their sleep for weeks on end!
They are coming in to place traps and poison tonight. I would rather have it out than dead in there stinking up my apartment, tho I guess I have no choice right now. If the place starts stinkin' of rotting rodent corpse, they will be heading up there to remove it. Otherwise my next step is calling a pest control place and having them bill the complex!
The gloves are off people! They better fix this situation or die trying!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Random Thoughts and Things
Well, I am back after a beautiful weekend! Sunny, 70's and so much fun. I will hopefully have an update on that complete with some pics later this week. (*hint*hint* Christine:)
I am psyched that I only have to be here for 4 days since I was off yesterday. Yeah I know, you all get the fact that I am not content in my current employment situation, so I will shut up now. :)
The whole North Korea situation keeps getting scarier. The one thing that makes me angry is that America is so hated yet everyone looks to us to get in there and protect everyone. We are damned if we do and damned if we don't. It's a Catch-22. I mean, come on! China is all "Ohh we're trying to be a major economical powerhouse! We are growing and making lots of money now! Don't ruin it for us now by Nuking us North Korea. We have decent relations with you right now and this will be bad!". South Korea is still cowering in a corner because they are pretty much screwed geographically and Mother Russia is still freezing, but she is in no mood for nuclear fallout even if it means free heat for all her citizens! (or the fact that she has always wanted to be the one with the big warheads).
Garr! Between this, the Middle Eastern conflicts and a plethera of other crisis in the world, I am becoming more and more worried about the fate of this planet as a whole. Even the poor Amish people are being shot to death!! What is wrong with everyone?
But enough with the Doomsday...
I have to admit I am addicted to the new show "Heroes" that is on Monday nights at 9pm on NBC. I watcehd the first episode and thought it was interesting but needed to watch the second one to really decide if I could add it to my viewing schedule with the regulars of Smallville and CSI. I watched the second and third eps last night and I am totally hooked. Very interesting, not exactly what I thought it would be, but so edge of your seat. I highly recommend you see it if you aren't already.
The Prestige is coming out October 20th. The first movie I have been excited about in a few months! Hugh Jackman AND Christian Bale in one movie?? There is a GOD!
I guess that is about it from me today. I really have no energy to come up with anything really entertaining...maybe it's b/c I have something brewing for later in the week. :)
See if you can find my character/movie reference in this post. Whoever gets it gets a prize...whatever that is I don't know but there will be a prize!
Ok so I am not so sublte with the whoring for comment thing...
Oh yeah, and have a great evening!
Friday, October 06, 2006
INTERNAL MEMO: Agent Pokahontas Compromised
TO: "The Agency"
FROM: Agent Pokahontas
Recently Members of "The Family" have been targeted by Red Squirrel Agents in the name of PieHole. After "Mr. X" was sent threatening emails via the Red Squirrel Network, I was the next victim on their list. My incident did not involve computers and the internet however, but it did involve a cunning plan of secrecy, spying and intel gathering by Red Squirrel covert ops.
I was awakened to a gnawing and scratching sound at 4:30am last week. It seemed to be coming from one of my closets in my bedroom. I listened, tracked and decided it was safe to open the closet. It seemed something was in the attic crawl space in the ceiling...I told my apartment complex maintenance team. Their explaination?
"Squirrels eat nuts, and sometimes they eat them on the roof and it sounds like they are in the walls. If you hear it again, you let us know." These maintenance men are obviously in cahoots with the Red Squirrels and PieHole. Little did they know that their coverup story would not go unnoticed by a country girl!
A few nights later my roomate could here the gnawing and scratching noises in her bedroom closet ceiling. Then it happened again the following night and again last night. She said it sounded like whatever it was seemed to be heading towards my room next door.
I believe those fiends are weaving an intricate tunneling system in the walls of our apartment so as to bug and monitor my movements. Although I have been on leave as an agent of "The Agency" for the past few months, I feel that my identity has been compromised and extreme caution should be used from now on.
I have been gathering some intel of my own, including the following pictures I have taken over the past few days. I hope that my recon and subsequent Case File will assist in the capture and detainment of any Red Squirrel agents monitoring my apartment.
Red Squirrels are notoriously greedy animals especially when it comes to food. This is one characteristic that can be used to "The Agency's" advantage since it can slow them down considerably making escape practically impossible.
Conclusion: Large nuts = Slow moving target = easy capture.
This picture was one of my first tips that something was afoot at my complex. Red Squirrels are anything but subtle!
I was able to get a close up of this agent without his knowledge because I have installed Apple Camera's in the trees surrounding my apartment. Notice the Com-Link he is wearing: It seems that they are even more technologically advanced than we first anticipated.
Although Red Squirrels will make themselves look all cute and loveable, don't judge this book by it's cover. These rodents are scheming, diabolical agents of PieHole who strive for the degredation of "The Agency".END OF CASE FILE...
At this point, I have been put back on active duty, and will continue to collect any information on the movement of Red Squirrel Agents in the vacinity. My long time friend and colleage Special Agent Sacajawea will be arriving on Saturday morning from NYC. She will be in deep cover as a "Visiting Friend" to conduct recon of her own at my apartment. Wine and food have been purchased to make the rouse seem authentic, so as to throw the Red Squirrel agents off our trail. Updates will be posted Tuesday when I return from this mission.
Be vigilant, be strong and be mysterious my friends!
Agent Pokahontas
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Thursday Thoughts
Well, I suppose it would be a good idea to post today since I have a few minutes. Here is (hopefully) a not too long recap of what I have been up to since I have been MIA.
- The headcold I had is now an irritating tickle -cough in my chest now. I am feeling good, but this cough has GOT TO GO. Thanks to Amy for the vitamin C she threw me last week in the comments:)
- I had my year review yesterday here at work. It was glowing and not surprising since I know I am doing well here and deserve kudos for it. I don't mean to sound condescending, but it's the type of thing where I worked my ass off and went above and beyond, so noone should be bitching about anything b/c there is nothing to bitch about. There was a raise involved, enough to keep me here and not bolting at the first job I snag, so that means I have the luxury of taking more time to find the right fit. In the end I think that is best.
- I signed another year lease at my apartment, for better or for worse. My roomate is one of my best friends, and no offense ot her, but if I could have afforded it, I would have gotten a place of my own and not resigned. I just am to the point wher I want my own space and my own stuff and my own schedule. I realized that this is where I am supposed to be right now b/c it is what I can afford and easy. my roomate has been very supportive of me and I am grateful for that. Not only have I been stressed beyond what I thoguht possible for me, I have been ill for over a month now and have had some other issues to deal with. She gets some brownie points for putting up with me, that is for sure.
- This weekend is an exciting one for me b/c my friend Christine is coming to visit!!! I haven't seen her in over 2 years and that is WAY too long. She lives in NYC and is flying up to Syracuse this weekend. I took Monday as a vacation day so she could stay an extra day. We have known each other since Freshman year of college. She is one of my best friends and I am hoping that she will enjoy what I have planned. Dinner in the downtown area and drinks with some of my friends from work Saturday night, and a great hike Sunday afternoon. I know we will have tons to talk about , even tho we keep in touch via email every week. (you know the norm: Guys, work, guys, the meaning of life, etc) :)
- A friend from work brought me "Dark Angel: Season One" today. So excited. I saw the pilot a few weeks ago on Sci-Fi and loved it. Why? Because it's about a kick ass girl that's why! When this was on TV I was watching something else and never could watch it. I am really excited to see it now and no wonder! Max, the main character played by Jessica Alba is like La Femme Nikita, Buffy and Alias all rolled into one!
- Can I just tell you how much I love my second job working at the Library? It is so great and I look forward to going there, especailly after a rough day here at work. I really like everyone there and they are so nice and fun. The Patrons are really great too, even the problem ones are fun to rank on after they leave. :)
- I bought the BEST Black, double breasted, knee length, belt at the waist trench coat a few weeks back. It was like it was made for me and I have wanted one for the past 5 years and could never find one I liked. Since wearing it I have been called Catherine Zeta-Jones ( I love her!!!) and told that I look like a spy...damn, now my cover is blown!
- Hmmm...since some of my most worrisome/stress inducing things have been resolved (well some at least for the time being), I hope to get back in to the blog thing and do my duty to make you smile. I guess I just didn't think it was fair to blog when I had nothing positive to say for an extended period of time. Bitch-fests are fun once in awhile but all that negativity I was feeling would have been spread unnecessarily to all of you, and that is just not cool! My main goal here is to spread happy and laughs. If my getting silly helps to maintain what's left of my sanity, and brightens your day, what more could a girl ask for? (besides a Gerry Butler type) Tee-hee!!:)

Sunday, October 01, 2006
Q and A Meme
I swiped this Q and A Meme from Amy's blog the other day. It's a long one, but I haven't posted this week at all so this should make up a bit! SO...here are my answers.
1. What bill do you hate paying the most? Student Loans! Especially when it seems you are paying them for NO REASON!!!!
2. What's the best place to eat a romantic dinner? I think that dinner can be romantic anywhere if you want it to be.
3. Last time you puked from Drinking? about 5 years ago...one shot of kamakazee was all I had and it was BAD ...apparently they are made differently in Cleveland.
4. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar? People actually do that?
5. Name of your First Grade Teacher? Kindergarten was Mrs. Christman, First grade was Mrs. Spofford I think.
6. What do you really want to be doing right now? Resting at home and getting rid of this FREAKING cold!
7. What did you want to be when you were growing up? Archaeologist/explorer, Fashion Designer, Movie star, Filthy rich.
8. How many colleges did you attend? 1 but if we count the classes I just took last year online then 2
9. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now? It's black, it's new and it has a tiny red pinstripe in it that matches my RED SHOES :)
10. Favorite singer in 5th grade? I really didn't have one. I liked a lot of different music and still do.
11. If you could move anywhere and take someone too, where and who would it be?I don't know, but anywhere my friends and family could be in close proximity would be great.
12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? Oh crap.
13. Last thought before going to sleep last night? I just want to feel better and tomorrow is Friday!
14. Favorite style of Underwear: Bikini I guess. Simple, comfy and practical.
15. Favorite style of Underwear for the opposite sex? boxers or boxer briefs (agree with you Amy)
16. What Errand/Chore do you despise? Cleaning the tub and shower
17. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer at an art gallery? Sure, but I would RATHER volunteer at a museum.
18. Get up early or sleep in? Sleeping in isn't what it used to be. I can't seem to sleep past 8:30 or 9am, and that REAREY happens but if I had to choose sleeping in wins hands down.
20. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a girl/guy? That's a stupid question.
21. A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing? If I tell everyone a secret then it wouldn't be a secret anymore!
22. Your Favorite Lunch Meat? Roast Beef, but I don't eat sandwiches much.
23. What do you get every time you go into a Walmart? (Ok so this wasn't the question, but it didn't make sense so I changed it to Walmart) I guess I look at the cheap DVDs but I don't get one everytime I am there, actually rarely!
24. Beach Or Lake? Love 'em both!
25. Do you think Marriage is an outdated ritual that was invented by people who died at 20? Nope. Marriage can be good, sometimes it isn't and if I find the person I want to marry then that will be great. If not, it doesn't make me less of a person because I am not married.
26. Who do you stalk on myspace? My Space is for children.
27. Favorite Guilty Pleasure? My PS2
28. Favorite Movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out about? Poop in The Tree
29. Cowboys or Indians? Depends on my mood that day.
30. Cops or Robbers? I was usually the cop and my brother Mark was the robber. Just because his skateboard was faster than my hotwheels and I could never catch him. Cheater!:)
31. Do you cheer for the bad guy? Exhibit A: LEX LUTHOR!!!!
32. What Hollywood star do you think resembles you best? Oh God, this again? I think I will turn that question on to you blog readers out there. Comment on it and we'll go with whoever I get the most of.
33. If you had to pick one, which cast member of Lost would you be? I don't watch LOST so I don't know enough to say and I haven't found a character on TV to resemble me at all really. If I could PLAY any role I would say a kickass girl like Buffy, Nikita (le Femme Nikita) or Dark Angel.
34. What do you want when you are sick? To feel better, as quickly as possible.
35. Who from High School would you like to run into? Anyone. It's always good to remenisce a bit and see where people are now.
36. What radio station is your car tuned into right now? I have classic rock mostly on my saved stations but I don't listen to the radio much b/c I am usually rockin' out to one of my fabulous cds.
37. Stiffler or Oz? Amy wondered if this was Oz from Buffy, if it is I agree with her. I Heart Oz too!!!
38. Norm or Cliff? Neither. They are old and sit on a bar stool all day drinking beer...
39. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons? I watched the Cosby show when I was younger, The simpsons is funny but I dont like either so much as to pick one from the other.
40. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back? I have no regrets.
41. Do you like the person who sits directly across from you at work? The kitchen? No, because everyone thinks that I know everything about what goes on in there because of my proximity. I actually have a sign that I pull out when people ask me questions about the kitchen...it simply says "I DON"T KNOW" and I hold it up whilst continuing my work, they laugh and then I put it away.
42. If you could get away with it who would you kill and how? It would have to be a guiltless crime as well, you know like having my memory erased of the deed...and I think we all know who's name would be on the contract...PieHole.
43. What famous person would you like to have dinner with? Anne Curry, Sting, Angelina Jolie, Gerry Butler, Grissom from CSI, or Zahi Hawass.
44. What famous person would you like to sleep with? Hey, I am not that kind of girl! Unless we are talking about Gerry Butler... We're talking about Gerry Butler right?
45. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose? No , but after watching various Fire Marshall Bill Skits, I am tempted to try it out! "Let me show you something!!!"
46. Last book you read for real? Flood Tide, by Clive Cussler
47. Do you have a teddy bear? Yes, he's in my closet with a few other animals I just can't get rid of. He went to college with me. His name is Bruce...Deidre if you are reading this I know you just said "Brucey" and died laughing. That is NOT funny!:)
48. Strangest Place you have ever brushed your teeth? In a stream on a hike in the middle of the woods.
49. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go? Monteray
50. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or relationship? I need a carrer and would like a relationship so I guess I will take whatever comes first!
51. Do you go to church? a few times a month, but not every sunday. to be honest, Church has been a constant struggle for me lately.
52. Pencil or Pen? depends on the work.
53. How many jobs have you had? 10 I think (counting summer jobs).
54. What do you want to achieve in life? Contentment, health, and enough coin to be a little adventurous.
Sorry I have been MIA lately with the blogging. Not only has work been extremely busy implementing this new system, but I have had two back to back colds/viruses and have been miserable. Taking some drugs and hoping this last one will run it's course quickly and be the end of any sickness for awhile. Over a month is too much time lost to feeling ill. I hope to be back to my normal silliness soon!
Have a great weekend!!!