Thursday Thoughts
Well, I suppose it would be a good idea to post today since I have a few minutes. Here is (hopefully) a not too long recap of what I have been up to since I have been MIA.
- The headcold I had is now an irritating tickle -cough in my chest now. I am feeling good, but this cough has GOT TO GO. Thanks to Amy for the vitamin C she threw me last week in the comments:)
- I had my year review yesterday here at work. It was glowing and not surprising since I know I am doing well here and deserve kudos for it. I don't mean to sound condescending, but it's the type of thing where I worked my ass off and went above and beyond, so noone should be bitching about anything b/c there is nothing to bitch about. There was a raise involved, enough to keep me here and not bolting at the first job I snag, so that means I have the luxury of taking more time to find the right fit. In the end I think that is best.
- I signed another year lease at my apartment, for better or for worse. My roomate is one of my best friends, and no offense ot her, but if I could have afforded it, I would have gotten a place of my own and not resigned. I just am to the point wher I want my own space and my own stuff and my own schedule. I realized that this is where I am supposed to be right now b/c it is what I can afford and easy. my roomate has been very supportive of me and I am grateful for that. Not only have I been stressed beyond what I thoguht possible for me, I have been ill for over a month now and have had some other issues to deal with. She gets some brownie points for putting up with me, that is for sure.
- This weekend is an exciting one for me b/c my friend Christine is coming to visit!!! I haven't seen her in over 2 years and that is WAY too long. She lives in NYC and is flying up to Syracuse this weekend. I took Monday as a vacation day so she could stay an extra day. We have known each other since Freshman year of college. She is one of my best friends and I am hoping that she will enjoy what I have planned. Dinner in the downtown area and drinks with some of my friends from work Saturday night, and a great hike Sunday afternoon. I know we will have tons to talk about , even tho we keep in touch via email every week. (you know the norm: Guys, work, guys, the meaning of life, etc) :)
- A friend from work brought me "Dark Angel: Season One" today. So excited. I saw the pilot a few weeks ago on Sci-Fi and loved it. Why? Because it's about a kick ass girl that's why! When this was on TV I was watching something else and never could watch it. I am really excited to see it now and no wonder! Max, the main character played by Jessica Alba is like La Femme Nikita, Buffy and Alias all rolled into one!
- Can I just tell you how much I love my second job working at the Library? It is so great and I look forward to going there, especailly after a rough day here at work. I really like everyone there and they are so nice and fun. The Patrons are really great too, even the problem ones are fun to rank on after they leave. :)
- I bought the BEST Black, double breasted, knee length, belt at the waist trench coat a few weeks back. It was like it was made for me and I have wanted one for the past 5 years and could never find one I liked. Since wearing it I have been called Catherine Zeta-Jones ( I love her!!!) and told that I look like a spy...damn, now my cover is blown!
- Hmmm...since some of my most worrisome/stress inducing things have been resolved (well some at least for the time being), I hope to get back in to the blog thing and do my duty to make you smile. I guess I just didn't think it was fair to blog when I had nothing positive to say for an extended period of time. Bitch-fests are fun once in awhile but all that negativity I was feeling would have been spread unnecessarily to all of you, and that is just not cool! My main goal here is to spread happy and laughs. If my getting silly helps to maintain what's left of my sanity, and brightens your day, what more could a girl ask for? (besides a Gerry Butler type) Tee-hee!!:)

Congrats on the raise--that's awesome. And, I'm glad you're back to blogging, b/c I missed reading you! Way to be super fly super spy CC :-)
we missed your blogs, it helps us get through our bad days!
Good for you on the raise!! Don't worry too much about the roommate space thing. Although I loved having my own little apartment, I also miss having roommates sometimes. :)
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