INTERNAL MEMO: Agent Pokahontas Compromised
TO: "The Agency"
FROM: Agent Pokahontas
Recently Members of "The Family" have been targeted by Red Squirrel Agents in the name of PieHole. After "Mr. X" was sent threatening emails via the Red Squirrel Network, I was the next victim on their list. My incident did not involve computers and the internet however, but it did involve a cunning plan of secrecy, spying and intel gathering by Red Squirrel covert ops.
I was awakened to a gnawing and scratching sound at 4:30am last week. It seemed to be coming from one of my closets in my bedroom. I listened, tracked and decided it was safe to open the closet. It seemed something was in the attic crawl space in the ceiling...I told my apartment complex maintenance team. Their explaination?
"Squirrels eat nuts, and sometimes they eat them on the roof and it sounds like they are in the walls. If you hear it again, you let us know." These maintenance men are obviously in cahoots with the Red Squirrels and PieHole. Little did they know that their coverup story would not go unnoticed by a country girl!
A few nights later my roomate could here the gnawing and scratching noises in her bedroom closet ceiling. Then it happened again the following night and again last night. She said it sounded like whatever it was seemed to be heading towards my room next door.
I believe those fiends are weaving an intricate tunneling system in the walls of our apartment so as to bug and monitor my movements. Although I have been on leave as an agent of "The Agency" for the past few months, I feel that my identity has been compromised and extreme caution should be used from now on.
I have been gathering some intel of my own, including the following pictures I have taken over the past few days. I hope that my recon and subsequent Case File will assist in the capture and detainment of any Red Squirrel agents monitoring my apartment.
Red Squirrels are notoriously greedy animals especially when it comes to food. This is one characteristic that can be used to "The Agency's" advantage since it can slow them down considerably making escape practically impossible.
Conclusion: Large nuts = Slow moving target = easy capture.
This picture was one of my first tips that something was afoot at my complex. Red Squirrels are anything but subtle!
I was able to get a close up of this agent without his knowledge because I have installed Apple Camera's in the trees surrounding my apartment. Notice the Com-Link he is wearing: It seems that they are even more technologically advanced than we first anticipated.
Although Red Squirrels will make themselves look all cute and loveable, don't judge this book by it's cover. These rodents are scheming, diabolical agents of PieHole who strive for the degredation of "The Agency".END OF CASE FILE...
At this point, I have been put back on active duty, and will continue to collect any information on the movement of Red Squirrel Agents in the vacinity. My long time friend and colleage Special Agent Sacajawea will be arriving on Saturday morning from NYC. She will be in deep cover as a "Visiting Friend" to conduct recon of her own at my apartment. Wine and food have been purchased to make the rouse seem authentic, so as to throw the Red Squirrel agents off our trail. Updates will be posted Tuesday when I return from this mission.
Be vigilant, be strong and be mysterious my friends!
Agent Pokahontas
Hiya Strangers!
I think I am back in rare form!
Let me tell you it feels good!!!
BTW-Did you happen to see the news story about squirrels attacking people somewhere out west?
You know that they have quite a network out here in Northern California!!
Even if these squirrels are associated with Piehole, they are still pretty damn cute!! You should watch out for those pesky grey squirrels instead. There are joining the Piehole conspiracy! They have been running rampant around the Oswego campus looking for new members by giving them pies.
It seems the National Eastern Gray Squirrel Society (N.E.G.S.S.)is doing a geat Job undercover! Even Jessica G. is convinced of their loyalty to PieHole.:)
No worries Jessica! The Gray ones are on our side...I swear!
I have heard that The California Contingent is growing stronger...but we also have operatives there as well. I will be making a trip in November to check on things out there!
I was going to check back, b/c I couldn't remember about the squirrel issue--red v. gray, etc.
I wonder where the rare black squirrels (native to my section of the country) fit in, in the grand scheme of things. Are they rogue, and not beholden to any alliance yet? Or...are they double agents & playing for both sides? Any news, Agent Pokahontas?
There are black squirrels in Piehole's area of the country too, and they pretend to be friendly. I wouldn't be surprised if they were Piehole supporters.
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