Rockin' Out on Spooktacular Weekend 2006
Erin and I traveled up to see the boys this past weekend. We usually do a haunted corn maze and haunted house, but this year was different. Kevin, Thomas, Erin and Kevin's friends hung out at a campfire while Mike and I had an exciting domino match. Mike won straight up unfortunately, although I must say my skills are improving; I didn't lose by as much as last time! We later played Sorry! with Nate. he was dying to play and much to his dismay, I won both games. SORRY!!! :)
We did however make a trip to SpookHill Farms during the day. Erin got a candy apple, and I scored a caramel apple. Here is a pic of the youngins at the famous pumpkin. From left to right: John (a friend of Kevin's), Kevin, Thomas and Erin. Wow, are they happy that I am taking a picture or what?
Next is a picture of Erin and I. I think this has become sort of an unspoken tradition. It seems we always have a pic like this wherever we go together. We are more like sisters than Aunt and Neice and we are so darn cute!
Here, Erin was overcome by our collectrive cuteness and collapsed. It can be quite overwhelming.
At one point I decided it was time to rock out on Kevin's Bass. Enough said.I also tore up the drums a bit later, but we don't have a pic of that so you'll just have to imagine what that looked like!
Saturday night we decided to watch the original 1932 movie The Mummy. I have seen this before and those certain scenes are still as spooky as ever!
We also watched a few movies Sunday before we left. The first was The Bat starring Vincent Price and Agnes Moorehead. It was a really great movie that kept you guessing at every scene. The best part however was the tagline and the reason I borrowed it from the library "When it flies, someone dies!".
The last movie was Joy Ride. A typical chase the teens and slash them movie except this one had something none of the others have: Steve Zahn. He just cracks me up! I am now on a mission to watch all of his movies, (or rewatch in some cases) and pay more attention to him and his wackiness. Here's a few great lines from Steve's character Fuller:
Ice Truck Driver: Do you guys need help back to the main road?
Fuller: No, we're okay, now that we're not murdered or anything.
Venna: (about the car) Have you guys named it yet?
Fuller: Not yet, but we were thinking about "Tad" or "Lewis's Shitty Newport".
With lines like this in every movie he is in, this might spawn a Steve Zahn Blog post at some point. Just warnin' ya.
Here are some group pics to commemorate the weekend:Left to Right: Kevin, Nate, Erin, CC, Tom.
Nate escaped the next pics and we were left with 4.
How come when we do a "Crazy" pic, I'm the only crazy one? Never mind, I already know...Apparently noone can complete with my craziness so they just bow out. Right?
We had a fun weekend. Tom and I were brainstorming for a new movie. We are both into making sure the music for the scene is perfect tho and we need to focus on getting a plot underway as well. :) Someday we will get around to making another movie! :)
Thanks for a great weekend!
Yes, You guys are too cute!!
Great pics. I love hearing all your family stories. And yes, you & Erin look more like sisters or cousins than aunt & niece. :-)
great blog, especially the "Sorry" part. Nathan is still depressed.
He says "No I am not" but I do not believe him, he looks like he is going to cr ie- boo nathan is trying to stop me but thomas is holding him off .....
Looks like you had an awesome weekend!! :)
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