Monday, October 16, 2006

The Randomness Continues!

FLEA WISDOM: While checking in to see what Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers had to say in his "Fleamail" I found this little snippette. I enjoy reading his messages because he really does have some interesting insight on some things. Most of the time he is this rambling alien being with ideas of altered states of peace and meditation, but it's all good. Hey, he's Flea and such a talented bassist and a little hippie banter never hurt anyone. I thought I would share it with you b/c it's just so silly, but true. Oh yeah, and it sounds like something I would say!

From: FLEAMAIL #2 9/23/06
"…but when someone looks down their nose at someone else for not being
from there same culture or economic class
i want to put itching powder in their underwear
and jellybeans in their gas tank
and fart when they are in the elevator with me
and tell them to f%$* off

I just finished reading "Scar Tissue" the autobiography of Anthony Kiedis, lead singer of the RHCP. Crazy shit, that book, but I couldn't put it down. I was afraid after reading it I wouldn't appreciate them anymore, but I think it strenghtened my appreciation of the band and their music. It's amazing how some people are resiliant thru such difficult messed up times. Anthony Kiedis is such an interesting, talented, tortured, nutjob character and he is still my boy.

HOUSE MOUSE: Next on the blog agenda is the fact that I made contact with one of my house guests Friday night. Yep, a mouse running around the the see-thru drop ceiling (where the lights are) in my kitchen. To my knowledge they have not penetrated into the apartment, but they are getting dangerously close. We have decon and traps set in various places...and the Maintenance men are supposed to be calling an exterminator today. We'll see.

My roomate and I decided that if we don't get a call from them today we are marching over there and demanding to the the property manager. We have been on the Maintenance men like white on rice this past week about every little thing, so I hope they get the hint that we are not simply going to live with what now sounds like an infestation. It's been over a month since we heard the first scratchings and gnawing of our uninvited guests. Since then the frequency and number of squatters has seemed to multiply.

Did you know that the common mouse (field or meadow, like the one I saw in my ceiling of the kitchen the other night) has a gestation period of 21 days?

Yeah, not good. It's been a month people! It is apparent that it has now become a "Family Affair"! I am not big on killing little furry animals, but when I can't sleep at night for fear of them infiltrating my room, they are no longer little furry animals, but the enemy, and they must be destroyed!

SLACKER:Yeah, I admit it. I am a wicked slacker today. I am tired from lack of any true restful sleep this weekend, and I find blogging more fufilling than my daily duties here at Bored Inc. So I blog and drink coffee and make toast and read Fleamail and chit-chat with coworkers etc.

HALLOWEEN DEBAUCHAL: Halloween is fast approaching and I have yet to know what I am doing. I may have a party to go to but not sure because I haven't heard anything yet. The problem with this party is that it may be a "Pimps and Hos" party. Firstly, dressing like a ho does not really sit well with me, although it probably would be a riot. Secondly I HATE it when people tell me what to dress up as. Half the fun is finding and making your costume!

Next there is the Halloween Bash at the State Fairgrounds that we went to last year. I am having difficulties finding people who will dress up and go to that. No one is any fun out here. They act as if they are too old or too good or too matures to dress up and have fun on Halloween. It was great last year, good bands and dancing etc. I will be really annoyed if I end up sitting home when I could be out carousing at Halloween events! Oh well,I have a few weeks I guess. hoepfully something will pop up!

TOO LONG: OK, so this post is really long, as usual I guess. I just start typing and 4 miles later I am done. I am also a bit wound up today:

I like words and know I'm a space hog
Sometimes I get a little carried away.
but I enjoy writing...hence this blog.
It's hard to stop when there's so much to say.

It's Monday so make it a Fun Day!


Blogger Amy said...

I LOVE long posts by you. Whoo-hoo! And, I'd TOTALLY go w/ you to the State Fair bash, if I was out there. I want to find something to do this year too, not just sit around at home. *sigh* Happy Monday!

3:23 PM, October 16, 2006  

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