I have been tagged in the "6 weird things" game by Wiccachicky. I am supposed to post six weird things about myself. On with the Weird stuff!!
Weird Thing #1: I sometimes have the sense of humor of a 10 year old boy. Yes, Toilet Humor amuses me. I think Mr. Hanky is disgustingly funny. I was proud when I learned how to make a fart noise from a straw or when I taught Big Geek of the great echo Vase Farts can make. Why, I even like making up lyrics about toilet humor to exisiting songs. (Most recently broadway show tunes.) Believe me, you haven't lived until you have tried that! You will laugh for DAYS!! Obviously, I can act my age as well and I know when to turn it on and off, but laughing is my favorite past time and this is one way I get my chuckles!!
Weird Thing #2: I obsess over movies or music or even subjects. I am sure you have guessed it by reading this blog. My obsession can be the Red Hot Chili Peppers this week and Pirates of the Caribbena next week and inbetween I may be concerned with the history and significance of Nikola Tesla's experiments with electricity. I overload on one thing, then I find something else to overload on. I don't see this as negative weirdness b/c it movitvates me to research and learn new things. As random as it is, and maybe I am filling my head with odd facts and figures, it's fun for me and keeps me mentally stimulated (since work is not helping me in that department.):)
Weird Thing #3: I mimick people. Mostly their voice and body language. Sometimes,if I watch a movie or show where the characters have different accents I automatically start speaking like them. It could be a southern accent, an English accent or Indian accent and it just comes out of me as if I have no control over it. I tend to be a sort of social chameleon at times, morphing into sounding like whoever I am talking with too, althought this does not happen very often. Case in Point: When visiting Myrtle Beach, I was compelled many times to speak with a southern accent. My neices were mortified, but my sister Kathy joined in and we thought it was hysterical!
Does this weirdness of mimicking people mean that I am floundering in my own identity? No, b/c I think everyone who knows me knows I am proud of who I am and I am definately my own person no matter what(as quirky as I may be).I just think there is a thespian trapped inside me after all! ;)
Weird Thing #4: I have a highly irrational fear of spiders so bad that I have to do "Spider Check" before I can go to sleep. What is "Spider Check", you ask? I have to check the walls , the ceiling behind the bed, under and inside the pillows and inside the covers before I can get into bed. If I don't my imagination will race with thoughts of spiders and I can't get to sleep (believe me I have tried). I know it's my little OCD, but I have had spiders in my bed, come down from the ceiling onto me and inside my pillow case before and that is why I check. Oh, and I can step into a room and within a second point out a spider in a distant corner without even looking. I guess that is my own version of "Spidey Sense". Weird, right?
Weird Thing #5 and #6I had to share the emails I got from family/friends on this topic, some of which I used above, but some are very similat which cracks me up. So, instead of having a #5 and #6 I decided to let these emails say the rest!
From Lamby:
"Weird things: hmmmm
Oh, how about your uncanny ability to rhyme?
your ability to teach young children things that will inevitably get them in trouble in school..."
From Jess:
"Oh geez let's see where to begin:
1. You HATE spiders to the point that you check every square inch of a room before you go to sleep. Ha Ha.
2. You can run very fast in very high heels.
3. When you were a kid you were very susceptible to large does of sugar and would "freak out" for a few hours after eating too much of it.
4. You have a weird doggie voice (so do I but that's ok).
5. You like to dress up and become other people."
From Deidre:
how about your amazing ability to rhyme about any
topic...that is kinda weird
From Chris & Lisa:
"As far as weirdness...Hmmm....Is this a trick question? LOL! Seriously though, I don't know if I can come up with 6, but I'll do my best. Most of this is stuff you have covered on your blog anyway, and I wouldn't consider any of it particularly 'wierd', nor would I say it makes you weird. It just makes you uniquely you.
1. Pathological fear/disgust of spiders
2. Unusual attraction to bald men (only the hot ones, of course!)
3. The occasional random outburst of "GOAT!!!"
4. The also occasional random outburst of laughter, normally in response to something you are reading or thinking, of which nobody else in the room has any idea.
5. The fact that you actually like Sting. (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)
6. Your uncanny ability to break into song and dance at any moment! OK, so I totally made that one up. (Actually Chris and Lisa don't know this but #6 is true. Only a select few are privy to that information! Perhaps they had an incling or psychic vision.)
From Christine:
"1) Fart Idol. (Thanks Christine.)
2) Loves Bald Headed Evils.
3) Cairo Contino.
4) Talks back to the TV as if in a two-way conversation."
Hmmm, not only was rhyming, spiders, bald men and toilet humor mentioned a few times, but I also seem to have a few "uncanny" abilities as well! This was very interesting and fun and Altho a little embarrassing not too bad on the whole!:)