Holiday Trivia Answers and Thursady Thoughts
Great job to everyone on the Holiday Trivia! Here are the answers:
- Santa Claus is Coming to Town
- Rudolph
- Elf
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas
- Frosty
- Home Alone
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- It's a Wonderful Life
- Charlie Brown Christmas
- Christmas Vacation
BONUS: Batman Returns: The Ice Princess is rehearsing the tree lighting ceremony in the dressing room...Obviously there are some bulbs out on her strand of lights! haha!

It's Thursday! Today I get to go to a company function. A two hour presentation and then lunch afterwards. I guess it is better than being at work scrounging for something to keep busy with! The work load is slowing down this week a bit, so it will be a good escape! Hey, lunch is taken care of, what am I complaining about?
So sad yesterday, the news about Peter Boyle. He was only 71! I am sure everyone remembers him best for his Frankenstein in "Young Frankenstein". Puttin' on the Ritz!!! I also loved him in "The Dream Team". The creator or the Green Lantern also died recently. He was 91.
On a happier note, I get to help my parents put up their Christmas Tree this weekend! I love decorating the tree with them and I haven't been able to the last few years so this will be fun.
Henlib has requested some Chsitmas Squirrels and I am up for the challenge. I think the N.E.G.S.S. will be sending in their updates along with Christmas wishes for everyone soon. Keep an eye out! (my eye!)
Oooo! I missed playing, but I loved the quotes. :P
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