Friday, December 01, 2006

Fabulous Friday and Merry Musings

"Hello and Welcome to Friday my friends! Please feel free to relax confortably in your chairs. The exits are located to your left or right. We hope you enjoy your ride."

Firstly, today is my Mommy's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Mamacita!!!She is so darn cute and the best Mom in the world!

I have to say that this week went by really quickly. I cannot believe that it is Friday already! Hey, I am not complaining that's for sure! I always welcome a weekend.

This weekend, in addition to celebrating my Mom's Birthday tonight, we are painting the entryhall and hallway of my parent's place Saturday and on Sunday I get to go to a dinner for all of us who work at the Library. I am excited about this weekend because it's varied and not only do I get to spend time with my family but the Library dinner is going to be a blast. We have a great crew and I have so much fun with them.

I have been thinking about all the good movies that are comnig out lately too. I want to see "The Fountain", "The Nativity Story", "The Holiday", "Apocalypto", "Deja Vu", Frank Miller's "300"(even tho it comes out in the spring I think), "Bobby", "Blood Diamond", "The Pursuit of Happiness" "Night at the Museum", "The Good Shepard"...Man this List is GINORMOUS!!!

Anywho, my point is that there are a lot of movies coming out that I want to see and I know I will have to pick and chose the few that I will view on the big screen. "The Fountain", "Apocalypto" and "300" and definately big screen movies. All I can say is IT'S ABOUT FREAKING TIME SOME GOOD MOVIES CAME OUT!!! Seriously, they have been like a trickle for the last year and now there are too many to comprehend! Moderation is the key Hollywood! They need to stop this feast or famine!

Oh Red Head sent me a great site you should all check out. It's a dog that does tricks for you and you tell it what to do: I do dog tricks is so cute! Don't forget to try "kisses" after all the standard commands! I tried it on a whim and it worked and was so cute!

Have a great weekend everyone!


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