Thursday, December 21, 2006

Thursday Thoughts

Hey Boys and Girls! It's Thursday and that means tomorrow is Friday and that means Christmas is almost here!!!

It also means that I have officially switched over to beta...whatever that means. it's a little different but I haven't had a chance to look around much. I was sorta forced into it, so I took the plunge today.

Guess what I got today?

My annual Christmas card from Sting. Thanks to the fan club (I know that sounds stupid, but it's really cool) Sting send the members holiday wishes every year. I posted on the boards and said Sting should do a Christmas album of early traditional carols (like 13- 16th century stuff) and a bunch of members responded and agreed and from the sounds of it, I may have started something there. Wouldn't that be awesome? (Chris, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all! :)

As you all know, yesterday was the deadline for the poem/song contest. I want to thank all of you who entered. Yeah, that would be NOBODY!!! I was disappointed, however I realize that it is a hectic time of year for all. I also realize that you may be intimidated by my talents in that area, and that's OK. (that was a joke) I still love you all.:)

New Obsession of the day: Criss Angel

Criss Angel is a very talented Illusionist. He won magician of the year in 2005 and has a show on A & E (for 2 seasons) called "Mind Freak". He is very cool and has a real flare for his art. I am currently addicted to watching this show (adding to my earlier magical obssessions of David Copperfield (3rd grade), Lance Burton (College) and David Blane (a few years ago). Strangely, I also find him attractive in a way as well. I think it's his eyes...and the fact that he kinda is simialr to Anthony Keidis of the RHCP in ways. Ok, maybe it's the black nailpolish I have been wearing lately, but you can judge for yourself:

I know, I know, he's a little femme, but I think it's the hair. Whatever, I love him and you should watch his show. He does some crazy stuff! Catch 4 back to back eps (1/2 hour each) Wednesday nights starting at 10pm on A & E! There are also a lot of videos on You Tube like this one... How'd he do that? I have some theories but that's the fun of magic!!

OK, That's all Folks...I'm pooped. Have a great day!

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