Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Updates, lyrics and sundry silly things...
Well, it's been a while since I updated CC's 2007 List. So check it out and see what's new!!
In other news I have been asked to head an important environmental project here at work. This was sprung on me this morning at a meeting I was asked to "sit in" on. It is an organizational dependent, audit situation so apparently they feel I have the time and the tools to be in charge of it's compliance. I think the committee I chair currently and all of our excellent progress has reflected well. This is a great start for me to show myself as worthy of more responsibility. And to think that I spoke up about it only 8 days ago and I have already gotten a few projects handed to me.
Have you ever heard a song and thought the lyrics were one thing but they actually are something different? Here is one that I just recently mixed up:
Song: "Minor Thing" by the RHCP
The true lyrics are:
You make a sound
The spell is bound to come around
Its just a minor thing
I thought he sang:
You make a sound
The SMELL is bound to come around
Its just a minor thing
I think I like my version better! haha! That was just too easy! Yeah, I know, I'm, sick, but you have to admit it's funny!!:)
Remember the quick witted fast paced silliness that was Moonlighting? I have been watching the first DVD set (seasons 1 and 2) thanks to my library. These shows were funny when I was little, but now that I am older and catch more of the humor that once went over my head, it's downright hysterical. Why don't they make shows like this anymore? This was when Bruce Willis was hot AND talented. He's such a Blow now, Anywho, here's some typical and memorable quotes from this great show:
David Addison: Do bears bear? Do bees be?
Maddie Hayes: Unhand me!
David Addison: I'll try, but I don't think they'll come off!
Maddie Hayes: David, I just don't think...
David Addison: [interrupting] That's okay, you look good.
David Addison: Boy, are you a tough customer. I bet you didn't even clap your hands to save Tinkerbell.
And finally one of my favorites:
Security Officer: I'm sorry, but you're not on the guest list.
David Addison: That's because we're not guests. We're looking for a man with a mole on his nose.
Security Officer: A mole on his nose?
Maddie Hayes: A mole on his nose.
Security Officer: [to Maddie] What kind of clothes?
Maddie Hayes: [to David] What kind of clothes?
David Addison: What kind of clothes do you suppose?
Security Officer: What kind of clothes do I suppose would be worn by a man with a mole on his nose? Who knows?
David Addison: Did I happen to mention, did I bother to disclose, that this man that we're seeking with the mole on his nose? I'm not sure of his clothes or anything else, except he's Chinese, a big clue by itself.
Maddie Hayes: How do you do that?
David Addison: Gotta read a lot of Dr. Seuss.
Security Officer: I'm sorry to say, I'm sad to report, I haven't seen anyone at all of that sort. Not a man who's Chinese with a mole on his nose with some kind of clothes that you can't suppose. So get away from this door and get out of this place, or I'll have to hurt you - put my foot in your face.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Friday Freakout!!!
Hey! It's Friday! Yippeee!!!
A few notes for y'all:
On the Work front:
My Supervisor informed me that I will be spending 2 hours a day in Marketing working on some projects. She assures me they are not clerical in nature, so let's hope that works to my advantage. Apparently someone WAS listening!!
Pertaining to the Alarm Clock issue:
It's still not working. I have tried everything. Unplugging it, trying a different outlet etc. Nothing seems to work. There is a warrenty on it tho, so that will be my next step. I have been using my cell phone's alarm which has been pleasant since I am waking up to the Red Hot Chili Peppers "Tell Me Baby". That will ALWAYS put me in a good mood!:)
AND now on to the nonsense portion of today's post:
FOund this cartoon in a GH search for pics to use in making a friend a B-day card a few weeks ago. I would love to give credit, but I don't know who did it. Too funny...Bastard! :)
So I am working tomorrow at the library from 11-4pm. Then Sunday I am attending a concert where I will see "the Phantom Pilots". (Big Geek's Husband's band) Their ambient guitar music ROCKS!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Thursday Thoughts
Lately I have had many deep thoughts so I thought I would share. A warning: It will be a long one, but hopefully thought provoking.
Not your average bee:
Earlier this week I was talking to an older coworker about work and the company we work for. He told me my biggest mistake is the fact that I volunteer and ask for more work. I laughed and told him that the real problem is that noone else does that. Everyone wants to get by doing as little as possible, so a few of us get saddled with the brunt of the work and go crazy with insufficient compensation while the rest of the cogs get away with doing less than the status quo. How do these hacks sleep at night? Maybe I do too much, but at least I know I am worth every penny (and more) they may pay me. For your review and consideration: The plight of our modern society.
"All you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be"
While waiting at a traffic light this morning on my way to work I noticed a man in a beat up car, looking pale and tired and wondered "What is his life like? and Is he happy?". Happiness is relative, but I hope I never get to the point where I look so downtrodden and lost. All the better to motivate you my dear...
Curses! Foiled Again!
I have decided that I am terminally cursed...By the Alarm Clock God. Seriously, my alarm clock that I have had since 7th grade (no kidding) finally died. It owed me nothing and had been with me thru Jr high, High School, College and ever since! All of a sudden the alarm just stopped sounding and the radio stopped working. So I was late Monday b/c of it, early Tuesday and Wednesday since I used my cell phone alarm and then I thought I was home free. But wait! There's more!
A coworker said she had an extra that she wasn't using and it was brand new. She gave it to me and wouldn't take anything for it, so I took it home, plugged it in and everything was working great, the radio, the display etc. I set my alarm and went to my job at the library. When I got home I double checked that I had set the alarm correctly and went to bed. Well, the alarm never sounded this am, I tested it af ew times again before leaving for work (late again) and it wouldn't sound. The radio wouldn't turn on either. WTF? I don't get it. I emailed the company with my issue today, so I am hoping some good will come of that. I was really hoping that the one time I take a "charitable donation" from someone that it would work out. No wonder I am ruled by pride!
Shit or get off the pot:
I have read many times that you should give your current employer a chance if you are unhappy in your current position. By telling them while you enjoy working there, you don't feel that you have a corporate identity or career path and you would like to discuss how your skills can be better utilized for the good of the company, maybe you won't have to look for an opportunity elsewhere. Well, that's what I did on Monday. Yes ladies and gents, I spoke of motivation to come to work, corporate identity and challenging tasks that would lead me into a more creative based career here. My supervisor reacted as I expected, because I know if they lost me they would not be happy since I back up for 4 departments and noone backs up for me. She told me that I am an excellent employee and that she was worried about the situation, proving my point that I am valued here.
She met with me again today to express her concern that I am unhappy and said she spoken with the President and VP about how they could carve out a better existance here for me. Special projects came up, which would entail working for a variety of departments. This avenue may prove interesting and more challenging if the projects involve more than making reservations for meeting groups and keeping files. When Marketing was mentioned, I perked up and explained that since I have worked in Marketing in previous positions that I would enjoy and welcome the creative outlet. I explained that I feel creativity is important to my productivity as an employee.
Whether or not she heard me or anything is really to be done, although it has been promised things will change, is not my concern at the moment. I just wanted to make sure that I spoke my mind and gave them a chance to keep me. Right now the job outlook is poor where I live, so this can only help me regardless of if I stay or if I go.
I get by with a little help from my friends:
I have made some great friends here and they are the reasons I made the decision to stick it out here in this area for a while longer. They are people that "get" me. People who can joke around, have great conversations and even just laugh hysterically with me. They are all crazy, good people and I am glad I know them.
The good news is I am done...and tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Now that's Math!
My sister Lamby sent me an email containing some really silly yet surprisingly clever answers to Math exams a while back. Since math is my nemesis, I thought I would share my favorites from that email. I wish I had thought of these when I was in school! Click on the pic to enlarge since parts are hard to read at their current size. Enjoy!
No seriously! Too funny! I love a wise ass:
Took me a second, but very clever:
This bloke is probably from across the pond according to his writting:
Very creative. Who can argue with an elephant?:
Genius! Genius right here!!! Using Batman in Math. I am loving this guy, he might just be my soul mate:
Enjoy your day!!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Music and Mayhem
Anothony Kiedis, lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers has been featured in the March issue of BLENDER magazine. Here are a few excerpts and pics I thought were pretty funny but you can catch the full article here.
There’s something absolutely freeing about being able to turn your body into a whirling dervish. There’s a reason why people have danced for 20,000 years. Dancing gets the attention of the spirits.”
If not the spirits, something’s clearly working in Kiedis’s favor. At 44, he has the body of a surf stud...
Nope. He doesn’t even work out. “The last time I worked out was probably in 1990,” he says. “Somewhere along the way I realized that I could get my body to be the way I wanted without working out.”
His only secret, he says, is Pepperdom. “Performing, dancing and singing simultaneously — if you can do all that and hit the notes, you’re in there. My nurse recently went to karaoke and tried to do ‘Can’t Stop’ and said that halfway through she was out of breath. And she’s an athlete.”
He's a freaky, crazy dude, but I love the music he and his bandmates create. Music should MOVE you. It is an extension of your soul, and hence, your self. It should move you to DaNcE, sing, laugh, cry, reflect on the past or look into the future. Music IS emotion, whether you play it, listen to it or both.
I often think about the soundtrack of my life, how it changes and swells, the mellows and the highs. When I get nostalgic, many times it is because I hear a song from a specific time or happening. If I could, I would have a multidisc collection from my earliest musical memories to the present and continue to add to it.
Sting and RHCP have remained tops on my list because their music continues to move and inspire me. They are consistant in their craft and are always evolving. I love (all sorts of) music because it affects me in so many different ways. My most favorite music pulls me up and makes me happy and hopeful. Ultimately, music speaks to who I really am.
"A Whirling Dervish in a flurry of fox-to-trot"
Quiz Mania!!!
I stole these from Amy and Wicca and did a few others, 'cause let's face it, one you do one you can't stop! :)I thought today I would add a little commentary to each quiz and it's results.
You Are Aphrodite! |
![]() A total shining star with a ton of admirers And no wonder: you live life to the fullest! When things get bad, you can easily take off to a happier place But occasionally, you need to deal with problems head on |
Your Attitude is Better than 65% of the Population |
![]() You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you. |
Your Brain is Purple |
![]() Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic. You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense. Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries. You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself. |
Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ENFP) |
![]() Your personality type is enthusiastic, giving, cautious, and loyal. Only about 8% of all people have your personality, including 9% of all women and 6% of all men You are Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
You Are 83% Sexy |
![]() Your Sex Appeal Is: Off the Charts! Let's face it... you're one of the sexiest people around. And you don't let anyone forget it. You're crazy hot, and you deliver on what you promise. You are definitely one wild ride. |
You Are The High Priestess |
![]() You represent mystery - secrets that are yet to be revealed. You find yourself sitting between two worlds: one dark, one light. You tend to hold these two worlds in balance, reconciling the two. Open and welcoming, you invite others to learn your secrets. Your fortune: Something hidden, or latent, in your life is about to come forward. You need to pay more attention to your dreams, thoughts, intuition, and imagination. And if that involves tapping into your dark side, it will all balance out in the end. You have a lot of potential dying to be unleashed, so let those gates open! |
HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Have a great weekend everyone!
Labels: quizzes
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Clown Documentary Press Conference Sheds Light on Creators
Earlier today CClifeorsoemthinglikeit blog was present for an important press conference to discuss the ramifications of a startling new Documentary film called "Clowns in the Military".
Here is a portion of the transcfript from this event:
Facilitator: "Thank you for coming today. The cast and crew of "Clowns in the Military" is here to answer any questions you may have about this documentary.
Question: "What made you want to make this type of film?"
Tom: "I think it was important to us to show that what is hidden should sometimes stay hidden for the good of many"
Question: "Were any Clowns hurt in the filming of this movie?"
Nathan: "Of course not! We take safety very seriously on the set. The clown did all of his own stunts and we had trained professionals on the set at all times. There were no reported injuries during the filming of this particular film, although we did however have an actress injure herself while we were filming our horror movie featuring a killer clown. She's fine tho it was a minor bruise."
Question: "Are you afraid that people of middle eastern descent may be hurt by how they were portrayed in your documentary?"
Jess: "I certainly hope that no one was offended. I lived with an Iraqi family for 2 weeks before filming my scene and I felt I was very respectful and prepared to show them in a true light."
Tom: "Yeah, Nathan and I watched Al Quaeda training films before our scene and I think we nailed it."
Question: "The subject matter in this documentary still seems to be controversial. What do you say to critics of your work?"
Carol: "The critics can say what they want. This film is not be the light-hearted romp through time that "Poop in the Tree" was, and I think that points to the fact that we are talented enough to take on varied genres and make a mark. We felt this story had to be told, that this message was important enough that we should go out on a limb and make this documentary"
Tom: "And really, it's more of a Mocumentary."
Carol: "Yes, it is. It's not real. We are all actors playing roles. The important thing is that we were playing roles to tell a real story. I think that's what cinema is all about"
Nathan: "Exactly. We may not have a large budget to have the perfect clothes and sets, but we do an amazing job with what we have available."
Question: "So you are all happy with the outcome of this film?"
Jess: "Definately. I think it's smashing, really!"
Nathan: " It's a short film with a big message"
Carol: "We're a team. We work together creatively and it's magic!"
Tom: "Yeah, it's Magic. That's why, magic will become a main theme of our next film. All I can say is a Magician is trapped in a Mental ward after turning his best friend into a newt...But maybe I have have said too much. You will just have to wait and see!
This transcript brought to you in part by Frank Miller's "300". Now Playing in a theater near you.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Documentary Making and Rockin' Out: A Weekend Recap.
This past weekend I traveled north to see my nephews, brother and sister-in-law.As usual we had a great time. We watched "The Prestige" Friday night and went to see their school play Saturday evening. In between we played Guitar hero and made a documentary film.
Here are some pics of us playing guitar hero:
Nathan and I playing around.
Jess and Kevin battling it out.
Thomas wondering what he has gotten himslef into!
Nathan and I having a Psychobilly Freakout! (well at least I am)
THE DOCUMENTARY FILM EXPERIENCE: Our documentary film was realistically portrayed in the furnished basement room of the house. Entitled "Clowns in the Military", we investigated the varied population of our special forces, as well as how the media interferes for the sake of the "big story".
Tom portrayed the Media investigator who opens wide the fact that clowns actually play an intrigal part in our success in the Middle East. The voice of the clown, filming as well as direction was performed by your's truly, CC. Nathan portrayed an Al Quaeda operative and Tom doubled as his co-conspirator for one intragal part of the film. Jessica convincingly played an Iraqi woman caught in the crossfire of warring factions.
Due to the nature of this documentary, we only have one production still to show at this time:
SYNOPSIS: A Reporter is interested in shedding light on Clowns in the military so he invites a special agent into an interview. He asks him of his daily duties and the perils of parachuting into enemy territory to which the clown replies "Noone expects a clown to jump out of an airplane. It's the element of surprise!".The Clown is hard pressed to give any other details as it is TOP SECRET.
The Reporter decides to secretly follow the Clown on of his missions without his knowledge or consent. What follows is a grisly reality of what can happen when a mission is compromised. The Reporter and Camera man get too close foiling the mission and succumbing to a counter-attack by Al Quaeda forces. The Clown flees to a nearby home and disguises himself as a baby to an unsuspecting Iraqi woman. The Iraqi woman realizes to her shock that her baby Mohammed is not her baby at all but the Clown! Al Queada storm the home, kill the woman and kidnap the clown. The clown was never heard from again.
Tom returns to the studio a broken man with a broken plan to uncover "Clowns in the Military"
Interviews with the cast and crew will be held at a press conference later this week. CClifeorsoemthinglikeit blog will be present to report back the details.
Do you own a coat with faux fur as embellishement? You may want to read about what you faux fur is actually made from: VERY DISTURBING ARTICLE.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Gerry Butler Triumphant in "300"
WOW is what comes to mind when I think about the recent film adaptation of Frank Miller's "300". I saw it Sunday afternoon on my way back from visiting family and I am still in awe of this film. Gory, violent, sadly true and visually stunning this movie is more than men at war at unbelievable odds. Gerry Butler is truly amazing as King Leonidas of Sparta, commanding respect from his men as a strong triumphant leader. He has definately shown he has the chops to be a leading man in a big movie. Oh and he is in AMAZING shape as well which didn't hurt (and so was everyone else!)
There were a few familiar faces amongst the cast such as David Wenham who portrayed "Faramir" in the LOTR Trilogy. Lena Headey was amazing as the wife of Leonidas/Queen of Sparta, able to be strong and supportive yet feminine at the same time. The writing was excellent and the fighting was balanced well with some levity and scenes from the Spartan capital. From what I have read, this was fairly accurate historically as well which is always more interesting. It is written that when Xerxes, the Persian God-King yelled for the Spartans to lay down their weapons, King Leonidas actually yelled back "Come and get them!".
This story was well balanced between the bloodshed of war and the love for country and family. It moved fast, was wonderfully cast and was just shy of 2 hours. Who says an epic movie has to be epic in length as well? This movie was extremely timely as well captivatiing the audience with ancient characters who lose sons in battle and fight for their freedoms. I am so glad I got to see this on the big screen.
Tomorrow catch pics from my weekend excursion: A Documentary on Clowns in the military? and who had a Psycho Billy Freakout??:)
Labels: Gerry Butler, Movies
Friday, March 09, 2007
Freaky Styley Friday!
Are you confused by my post title? Are you waiting in anticipation of my stories from Guitar Hero night at the bar? Well, unfortunately I am under the influence of heavy RHCP rotation so that explains the post title and for stories from Wed nite, I don't have any really. Here's the recap:
It was a pretty cool bar although I felt like I was in a grunge/metal bar in seattle in the early 90's...We watched people in the GH competition b/c we got there too late to sign up to play. Everyone there was really nice and friendly and it was fun to watch but I would rather have a GH party and have the crew come over any hang and play like we had done a while back at Mary's. We ended up watching a bit of the open mic nite (yawn!) and decided to hit the pool hall down the street and play a few games. My team won both games of 8 ball. I think it helped that I had played a bit over the weekend at my parents!
Today is Friday, which means my car is packed full of tom-foolery for my weekend with the boys! Amongst the tricks and treats I have: Guitar Hero, some yummy bakery bread and "The Prestige". I am excited that after the -6 degree morning today that it will be in the high 30's this weekend and clear so my drive will be great. I can't wait to hear the new Thought Crime CD!!! (that's my nephew's band).
On a completely random note: I love words. I like learning new words and using them in everyday conversations. In case you were curious, here is a list of some of my favorite words:
- Plethora
- Superfluous
- Trebuchet
- Maniacal
- Acquiesce
- Discombobulated
- Ignoramous
- Phenomenal
- Clandestine
- Hootenanny
- Prestidigitation
- Picturesque
I also have decided that the name of a certain breed of dog should now be utilized in a different context. Have you heard of the terrier breed "Dandy Dinmont"? Here is how I would like to use it in a sentence:
"Don't be a Dandy Dinmont!"
"Can you believe that Dandy Dinmont?"
or even
"If you are going to act like a Dandy Dinmont, I am leaving!"
Tee-hee. I crack myself up!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Whatever Wednesday!
It's Wednesday already? I can't hardly believe it! Midweek means we are closer to the weekend that when we started right? It's a good thing so here are some random thoughts for the day.
I am excited because tonight is Guitar Hero night at a local watering hole. I am heading over after I get done at the Library tonight to check it out with some friends from work. It should be fun...I am sure I will have an interesting story to report back tomorrow!
This weekend I am heading North to see my nephews and of course my brother and his wife henlib! And don't forget Fudge the D-O-G!!! Not only am I bringing games, but I am bringing "The Prestige" because it's such a cool movie. I am looking forward to visiting and possibly contributing some lyrics, if they don't mind the heavy RHCP influence of late!
Remember HAWAIIIAN PUNCH? I got one out of the vending machine today b/c I am not drinking soda. I really like that stuff but forgot and didn't even know they still made it! Wasn't the tagline something like "WANT A HAWAIIAN PUNCH?" (Punching noise) That's silly and therefore I like it!
Here are some random things I have had hanging around that I thought I would just post. Craziness! | |
Your Expression Number is 11 |
You tend to be associated with idealistic concepts and spiritual issues. You have high potentials that are somewhat difficult to live up to. You have very strong intuition and you can be a bit psychic at times. Highly inspirational, you can lead merely by your own example. You have an inborn inner strength and awareness that helps you advise others. Although you have what it takes for a successful career, you belong outside the business world. Overly sensitive and temperamental, you tend to have a lot of nervous tension. You dream a lot, so much so that you may be more of a dreamer than a doer. Fantasy and reality tend to get intermingled for you, and that leads to impracticality. |
Star Wars Horoscope for Scorpio |
![]() You are a powerful character. You tend to be possessive and lusty - which explains your greedy nature. You feel threatened when people try to order you around or control you. You are prone to suspicion and jealousy - but your resilience and passion get you what you want. Star wars character you are most like: Han Solo |
Labels: Whatever Wednesday
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Hot or Not?
I sit here finishing up my lunch and thinking about doing a Hot or Not list since I haven't in a while so here goes:
HOT: The sun. When the sun makes an appearance during the day, especially when it has been a few days since you have seen it, it is like the prisoners have been released from their solitary confinement! I find myself stopping and just soaking up any rays I can, whether it be on the stairs, in the parking lot or at my desk. Sun. Warmth. LOVE IT!
NOT: When your skin gets all scaly like a snake because it's winter and you live and work in extremely dry enviroments. Come on ladies! Let's be real here, most lotions don't work so well at keeping the scales at bay, but we work damn hard at it!!!
HOT: When the national news is in your town. On the TODAY Show, a reporter was poised in downtown Syracuse, NY telling how freaking cold it is here...
NOT: How freaking cold it is here today! Areas had windchills of -38 degrees in northern New York State and locally as cold as -24 below wind chills!
HOT: When your friends from work find out that a local bar is hosting Wednesday Night "Guitar Hero Nite" from 9pm - 11pm! A group of us are heading to check that out this week which should be a RIOT! ROCK ON!!!
NOT: Being in a dead end job and trying to keep it together event ho you feel as tho you are suffocating and you may just die here.
HOT: Realizing that your current situation is temporary and in 1 month all your debts will be paid off (goodbye college loans!!) and in 6 months you are free from any obligations and you can go and be and do whatever is in store for you next!
HOT: Having a crush on someone when you thought you would never find an attractive guy again and realizing that he was checking you out too.
NOT: Not having the guts to approach said attractive guy and realizing that you have to wait until August to see him again knowing full well probably nothing will come of it, but that you just have to do it no matter what.
HOT: Learning more about yourself and who you are every day and growing from those experiences. Leaving the old behind, taking control of your life and focusing on forging a new path. A true Scorpio is always renewing and reinventing themselves. Rebirth from the ashes, renewal of self and faith. Scorpion to Eagle to Dove.
HOT: The way I just went all philisophical/atrological on your asses in that last entry.
NOT: The price of Police Reunion Tour Tickets.
HOT: People with a sense of humor, and that means you if you are still reading this!
It's Tuesday so here is an original rhyme from me to you:
Today's the day for HOT or NOT
keep it clean no matter what
The tide is flowing to your spot
Napolean wants his tater-tot
Humor is the great disease
pass it here now would you please?
Do say "bless you" when I sneeze
Comb your hair but do not tease!
OH MY GOD!! I am on a roll! I think that I know a band in need of some ridiculous lyrics to their songs...Perhaps I can speak with two of the members of "Mobile Chernoble" this weekend on my excursion north!!! Ya think?
"Where you want to go? Who you wanna be? Whatcha wanna do just come with me!"
Friday, March 02, 2007
It's a Very Gerry Friday! (and some silly stuff too!)
Gerry Butler is getting all sorts of press from his upcoming starring role in Frank Miller's "300". Not only was he on the cover of Men's Health for March (which I actually had a premonition of a few days before the release...creepy I know!) but here is an article on his training for "300" on MSN this morning. The article is weak and I feel an overwhelming need to beat the crap out of the snidley article writer, but at least he was featured on MSN.
Hmmmm... Can you blame me for appreciating this man?
In other Gerry news he is set to be in a bunch of really interesting movies coming up soon. Check him out at, where you will see his next project to be released will be a movie called "Butterfly on a Wheel" with Pierce Brosnan! how lucky can I get? Two of my favorites in one movie!!! That will be followed by the screen adaptation of the novel "P.S., I Love You" with Hillary Swank. Yippee for Gerry!!!!
This is my office kitchen when someone brings in bagels (or any other kind of food):
I have missed making those silly pics! I couldn't resist beign a Chili Pepper and the second one actually based on what happened this morning in the kitchen by my desk. I have a great view to just observe the hunting rituals of the office worker. Bagels were brought in and a swarm surrounded them. Within 10 minutes, all but 5 were gone!! At one point Big Geek was cutting her bagel in half and had the ONLY knife in the kitchen. Everyone (about 7 or 8 people) were staring at her and practically drooling. I said "Hey Beth!, Hurry up with that knife or they might eat you!!" I laughed for about an hour about that, and I think a few folks took offense. Oh well!
Labels: Gerry Butler
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Thursday Thoughts at Work
So it's Thursday.
I have been Supervising, training and pitching in in the Sample Department for the last two weeks to get some major mailings out the last two weeks. The person who does this is out sick so I have headed the force that has kept our samples and catelog mailings under control.
Today the word was put out by the higher ups that it is taking too much of my time and that I need to be freed up to do more of my regular work. Funny thing is that I was told I would be doing all of this by my Supervisor so I figured this was priority and purchasing would have to miss me for a few days a week max while I got everyone on track and oversaw etc. I also got in there and stuffed envelopes and made sample kits on top of setting a schedule and troubleshooting. Apparently I am missed and I need to be back sitting at my desk doing purchasing here and there and waiting for my boss, the president to speak to me. :) Hey, if they want me back at my desk doing the same old...fine, I am happy to blog and surf a few hours out of the day because noone has any other work for me to do. Whatever.
Whatever? You mean I am not going to rant about this?
Nope. For some reason, the past two weeks have been completely different for me. I don't know if a lightbulb has gone on inside me, but my demeanor has changed drastically. I guess you could say I have a "Do your worst!" attitude. Instead of getting all riled up about work and stressing myself out, I have realized that I am not STUCK here, There IS more to life than this and I WILL find it. I seem to just know this deep down and I have a sense of peace about it. Reminds me of that weird song from the 90's by called Loser, it says: "Im a driver, Im a winner; things are gonna change I can feel it"
There is light at the end of this tunnel, and I am on a steady course to see what lies ahead!
OOH! I FINALLY started reading ATLAS SHRUGGED. I am only about 30 pages into it, but it has hooked me already. I am VERY excited about this book and I am hoping that I like it as much as I think I will. It will take me a while, but I am game!
This weekend I am FINALLY making it to my parents house for a visit. The nasty winter weather has kept me from there the past few times so I am excited to go home for real. Friday I am attending my neice's high school play. They are doing "Beauty and The Beast" one musical I like the least, (hey, poet! but I know it!) but Erin is in it and I would go see her regardless 'cause she's my partnet in crime! The rest of the weekend will entail cross country skiing, some pool playing and teaching the folks to play dominos 'cause I am addicted!!!
Ug. The end of the day is moments away. I am heading to the library to work until 8:30 tonight and then home to do laundry and pack for the weekend. I get out early tomorrow to get a head start and do a few errands before the play so I am psyched! Hopefully I will get a chance to blog tomorrow and do something silly...I did promise Chantal some "CC Originals" when it comes to picture editing, so stay tuned!:) I haven't been wacky in awhile!
Labels: books, Thursday Thoughts, work