Clown Documentary Press Conference Sheds Light on Creators
Earlier today CClifeorsoemthinglikeit blog was present for an important press conference to discuss the ramifications of a startling new Documentary film called "Clowns in the Military".
Here is a portion of the transcfript from this event:
Facilitator: "Thank you for coming today. The cast and crew of "Clowns in the Military" is here to answer any questions you may have about this documentary.
Question: "What made you want to make this type of film?"
Tom: "I think it was important to us to show that what is hidden should sometimes stay hidden for the good of many"
Question: "Were any Clowns hurt in the filming of this movie?"
Nathan: "Of course not! We take safety very seriously on the set. The clown did all of his own stunts and we had trained professionals on the set at all times. There were no reported injuries during the filming of this particular film, although we did however have an actress injure herself while we were filming our horror movie featuring a killer clown. She's fine tho it was a minor bruise."
Question: "Are you afraid that people of middle eastern descent may be hurt by how they were portrayed in your documentary?"
Jess: "I certainly hope that no one was offended. I lived with an Iraqi family for 2 weeks before filming my scene and I felt I was very respectful and prepared to show them in a true light."
Tom: "Yeah, Nathan and I watched Al Quaeda training films before our scene and I think we nailed it."
Question: "The subject matter in this documentary still seems to be controversial. What do you say to critics of your work?"
Carol: "The critics can say what they want. This film is not be the light-hearted romp through time that "Poop in the Tree" was, and I think that points to the fact that we are talented enough to take on varied genres and make a mark. We felt this story had to be told, that this message was important enough that we should go out on a limb and make this documentary"
Tom: "And really, it's more of a Mocumentary."
Carol: "Yes, it is. It's not real. We are all actors playing roles. The important thing is that we were playing roles to tell a real story. I think that's what cinema is all about"
Nathan: "Exactly. We may not have a large budget to have the perfect clothes and sets, but we do an amazing job with what we have available."
Question: "So you are all happy with the outcome of this film?"
Jess: "Definately. I think it's smashing, really!"
Nathan: " It's a short film with a big message"
Carol: "We're a team. We work together creatively and it's magic!"
Tom: "Yeah, it's Magic. That's why, magic will become a main theme of our next film. All I can say is a Magician is trapped in a Mental ward after turning his best friend into a newt...But maybe I have have said too much. You will just have to wait and see!
This transcript brought to you in part by Frank Miller's "300". Now Playing in a theater near you.
Hope the actress who injured herself on the set is feeling better.That is why you DONT RUN ON THE STAIRS!!
Looking forward to the Magician movie (especially the insane doctor).
Clowns are creepy. And so I suppose they are right at home in the military--torturing and scaring the enemy. Or at least providing some laughs.
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