Friday, March 09, 2007

Freaky Styley Friday!

Are you confused by my post title? Are you waiting in anticipation of my stories from Guitar Hero night at the bar? Well, unfortunately I am under the influence of heavy RHCP rotation so that explains the post title and for stories from Wed nite, I don't have any really. Here's the recap:

It was a pretty cool bar although I felt like I was in a grunge/metal bar in seattle in the early 90's...We watched people in the GH competition b/c we got there too late to sign up to play. Everyone there was really nice and friendly and it was fun to watch but I would rather have a GH party and have the crew come over any hang and play like we had done a while back at Mary's. We ended up watching a bit of the open mic nite (yawn!) and decided to hit the pool hall down the street and play a few games. My team won both games of 8 ball. I think it helped that I had played a bit over the weekend at my parents!

Today is Friday, which means my car is packed full of tom-foolery for my weekend with the boys! Amongst the tricks and treats I have: Guitar Hero, some yummy bakery bread and "The Prestige". I am excited that after the -6 degree morning today that it will be in the high 30's this weekend and clear so my drive will be great. I can't wait to hear the new Thought Crime CD!!! (that's my nephew's band).

On a completely random note: I love words. I like learning new words and using them in everyday conversations. In case you were curious, here is a list of some of my favorite words:

  • Plethora
  • Superfluous
  • Trebuchet
  • Maniacal
  • Acquiesce
  • Discombobulated
  • Ignoramous
  • Phenomenal
  • Clandestine
  • Hootenanny
  • Prestidigitation
  • Picturesque

I also have decided that the name of a certain breed of dog should now be utilized in a different context. Have you heard of the terrier breed "Dandy Dinmont"? Here is how I would like to use it in a sentence:

"Don't be a Dandy Dinmont!"


"Can you believe that Dandy Dinmont?"

or even

"If you are going to act like a Dandy Dinmont, I am leaving!"

Tee-hee. I crack myself up!



Blogger C.C. said...

Man, I need a photo editor program y'all!! That pic sucked, funny, but sucked! Not too bad for using microsoft paint but not my best work.

Photo editor and movie maker. The possibilites are freakishly endless!!!

2:11 PM, March 09, 2007  
Blogger Sparkles said...

remember- you also have to say dandy dinmont in a english accent :)

linda was such a dandy dinmont at the library today!!!

9:10 PM, March 10, 2007  

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