Friday Freakout!!!
Hey! It's Friday! Yippeee!!!
A few notes for y'all:
On the Work front:
My Supervisor informed me that I will be spending 2 hours a day in Marketing working on some projects. She assures me they are not clerical in nature, so let's hope that works to my advantage. Apparently someone WAS listening!!
Pertaining to the Alarm Clock issue:
It's still not working. I have tried everything. Unplugging it, trying a different outlet etc. Nothing seems to work. There is a warrenty on it tho, so that will be my next step. I have been using my cell phone's alarm which has been pleasant since I am waking up to the Red Hot Chili Peppers "Tell Me Baby". That will ALWAYS put me in a good mood!:)
AND now on to the nonsense portion of today's post:
FOund this cartoon in a GH search for pics to use in making a friend a B-day card a few weeks ago. I would love to give credit, but I don't know who did it. Too funny...Bastard! :)
So I am working tomorrow at the library from 11-4pm. Then Sunday I am attending a concert where I will see "the Phantom Pilots". (Big Geek's Husband's band) Their ambient guitar music ROCKS!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!
i'm glad things are starting to work out better for you at work. i just hope your alarm clock issues will work themselves out soon too :)
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