Thursday Thoughts
Lately I have had many deep thoughts so I thought I would share. A warning: It will be a long one, but hopefully thought provoking.
Not your average bee:
Earlier this week I was talking to an older coworker about work and the company we work for. He told me my biggest mistake is the fact that I volunteer and ask for more work. I laughed and told him that the real problem is that noone else does that. Everyone wants to get by doing as little as possible, so a few of us get saddled with the brunt of the work and go crazy with insufficient compensation while the rest of the cogs get away with doing less than the status quo. How do these hacks sleep at night? Maybe I do too much, but at least I know I am worth every penny (and more) they may pay me. For your review and consideration: The plight of our modern society.
"All you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be"
While waiting at a traffic light this morning on my way to work I noticed a man in a beat up car, looking pale and tired and wondered "What is his life like? and Is he happy?". Happiness is relative, but I hope I never get to the point where I look so downtrodden and lost. All the better to motivate you my dear...
Curses! Foiled Again!
I have decided that I am terminally cursed...By the Alarm Clock God. Seriously, my alarm clock that I have had since 7th grade (no kidding) finally died. It owed me nothing and had been with me thru Jr high, High School, College and ever since! All of a sudden the alarm just stopped sounding and the radio stopped working. So I was late Monday b/c of it, early Tuesday and Wednesday since I used my cell phone alarm and then I thought I was home free. But wait! There's more!
A coworker said she had an extra that she wasn't using and it was brand new. She gave it to me and wouldn't take anything for it, so I took it home, plugged it in and everything was working great, the radio, the display etc. I set my alarm and went to my job at the library. When I got home I double checked that I had set the alarm correctly and went to bed. Well, the alarm never sounded this am, I tested it af ew times again before leaving for work (late again) and it wouldn't sound. The radio wouldn't turn on either. WTF? I don't get it. I emailed the company with my issue today, so I am hoping some good will come of that. I was really hoping that the one time I take a "charitable donation" from someone that it would work out. No wonder I am ruled by pride!
Shit or get off the pot:
I have read many times that you should give your current employer a chance if you are unhappy in your current position. By telling them while you enjoy working there, you don't feel that you have a corporate identity or career path and you would like to discuss how your skills can be better utilized for the good of the company, maybe you won't have to look for an opportunity elsewhere. Well, that's what I did on Monday. Yes ladies and gents, I spoke of motivation to come to work, corporate identity and challenging tasks that would lead me into a more creative based career here. My supervisor reacted as I expected, because I know if they lost me they would not be happy since I back up for 4 departments and noone backs up for me. She told me that I am an excellent employee and that she was worried about the situation, proving my point that I am valued here.
She met with me again today to express her concern that I am unhappy and said she spoken with the President and VP about how they could carve out a better existance here for me. Special projects came up, which would entail working for a variety of departments. This avenue may prove interesting and more challenging if the projects involve more than making reservations for meeting groups and keeping files. When Marketing was mentioned, I perked up and explained that since I have worked in Marketing in previous positions that I would enjoy and welcome the creative outlet. I explained that I feel creativity is important to my productivity as an employee.
Whether or not she heard me or anything is really to be done, although it has been promised things will change, is not my concern at the moment. I just wanted to make sure that I spoke my mind and gave them a chance to keep me. Right now the job outlook is poor where I live, so this can only help me regardless of if I stay or if I go.
I get by with a little help from my friends:
I have made some great friends here and they are the reasons I made the decision to stick it out here in this area for a while longer. They are people that "get" me. People who can joke around, have great conversations and even just laugh hysterically with me. They are all crazy, good people and I am glad I know them.
The good news is I am done...and tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!!
Ugh! I so know how you feel. There are GOOD people I work with, but there are just as many crappy ones. And the crappy ones seem to take up more time than the good ones. That's what's sad really. I wish I could forget them and then pay attention to the good ones more!!
I can echo that! I call those crappy ones "5 percenters"...the five percent of the assholes that work here seem to take up 95% of everyone's time!
I can concur with C.C.'s point about those who only do the minimum to get by...they frustrate me! Some days I think I would be a whole lot less stressed if I could be like them, and just not care!
We are all over achievers I think. I would rather be that than a lazy slug anyday, even tho I bitch about it. At the end of the day, I know I am pulling my own weight (even tho it's in addition to many others too) and that I am, along with you guys, one of the competent ones.
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