Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Updates, lyrics and sundry silly things...

Well, it's been a while since I updated CC's 2007 List. So check it out and see what's new!!

In other news I have been asked to head an important environmental project here at work. This was sprung on me this morning at a meeting I was asked to "sit in" on. It is an organizational dependent, audit situation so apparently they feel I have the time and the tools to be in charge of it's compliance. I think the committee I chair currently and all of our excellent progress has reflected well. This is a great start for me to show myself as worthy of more responsibility. And to think that I spoke up about it only 8 days ago and I have already gotten a few projects handed to me.

Have you ever heard a song and thought the lyrics were one thing but they actually are something different? Here is one that I just recently mixed up:

Song: "Minor Thing" by the RHCP

The true lyrics are:

You make a sound
The spell is bound to come around
Its just a minor thing

I thought he sang:

You make a sound
The SMELL is bound to come around
Its just a minor thing

I think I like my version better! haha! That was just too easy! Yeah, I know, I'm, sick, but you have to admit it's funny!!:)


Remember the quick witted fast paced silliness that was Moonlighting? I have been watching the first DVD set (seasons 1 and 2) thanks to my library. These shows were funny when I was little, but now that I am older and catch more of the humor that once went over my head, it's downright hysterical. Why don't they make shows like this anymore? This was when Bruce Willis was hot AND talented. He's such a Blow now, Anywho, here's some typical and memorable quotes from this great show:

David Addison: Do bears bear? Do bees be?

Maddie Hayes: Unhand me!
David Addison: I'll try, but I don't think they'll come off!

Maddie Hayes: David, I just don't think...
David Addison: [interrupting] That's okay, you look good.

David Addison: Boy, are you a tough customer. I bet you didn't even clap your hands to save Tinkerbell.

And finally one of my favorites:

Security Officer: I'm sorry, but you're not on the guest list.
David Addison: That's because we're not guests. We're looking for a man with a mole on his nose.
Security Officer: A mole on his nose?
Maddie Hayes: A mole on his nose.
Security Officer: [to Maddie] What kind of clothes?
Maddie Hayes: [to David] What kind of clothes?
David Addison: What kind of clothes do you suppose?
Security Officer: What kind of clothes do I suppose would be worn by a man with a mole on his nose? Who knows?
David Addison: Did I happen to mention, did I bother to disclose, that this man that we're seeking with the mole on his nose? I'm not sure of his clothes or anything else, except he's Chinese, a big clue by itself.
Maddie Hayes: How do you do that?
David Addison: Gotta read a lot of Dr. Seuss.
Security Officer: I'm sorry to say, I'm sad to report, I haven't seen anyone at all of that sort. Not a man who's Chinese with a mole on his nose with some kind of clothes that you can't suppose. So get away from this door and get out of this place, or I'll have to hurt you - put my foot in your face.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved Moonlighting! Bruce Willis was hysterical on that show. I agree they need to make more shows like that.
Glad to hear you are making upward progress at your company. It is such a good feeling to not feel stagnant.

8:40 PM, March 28, 2007  
Blogger Artistic Soul said...

Ah Moonlighting...good times.

With music - I do that ALL THE TIME. Like the Bananarama song Venus? I used to think they said, "I'm your penis, I'm your fire." Jimi Hendrix "Kiss the Sky"? I used to think he said, "I want to kiss this guy". lol.

10:31 PM, March 28, 2007  
Blogger Sparkles said...

i am writing this while you are helping a patron hehe!!

love it love it love it!!! i will have to watch moonlighting- it sounds hilarious! this just reminded me of the movie blind date with bruce willis and kim basinger. have you ever seen it? it is stupid but really funny you've gotta watch it!

7:24 PM, March 29, 2007  
Blogger Sparkles said...

oh, yeah and i mess up the words to song all the time too. even to songs that i absolutely love.

7:27 PM, March 29, 2007  

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