Friday, March 31, 2006

Spring Fever

I just came back from a trip to the bank on my lunch and the weather is BEAUTIFUL!! The sun is hot, it must be close to what they predicted: 76 degrees for the high!!! I realize that tomorrow it will be back to the 40's and 50's, but it definately makes me want to play hookey and do something fun!

Some Updates:

401 HEY!
So I did the 1% 401K deal. I can change my percentage at anytime, as well as my investments. My company will match up to $500 which is cool, but I couldn't afford to take advantage of the maximum. I guess at least I am in there and we'll just see where it goes from there.

Gettin' Some Schoolin'
Amy has been updating us on her progress as she is going back to school so I thoguht I would take the opportunity to say "Woo-Hoo!" to Amy on her accomplishments and to tell you where I am in my plan. I have mentioned that I needed a few credits (ok more than a few thanks to a BA degree in Speech Communications and Anthropology) So I needed one science which I took in the Fall. Got an A.:) I need a few English classes so I took an English Lit. winter mini. Got an A.:) I am now in the middle of a Financial Math class. For those of you who know me well, Math is not my favorite. I am afraid of Math. Math is Evil...until now. During the semester we take quizes and tests. I have gotten 100's on the last 2 quizes and the last test!! This is amazing for me b/c I hate tests too and Math + tests/quizes usually = major flunkage/freakouts from me. So far so good, I have remained fairly calm. All I need is a B, but I am striving for that 'A' that I have never before attained. I am on my way with mostly high 80's and 90's and a 100 on previous ones to add to my recent quizes and test. If I can keep up those and do really well on the final, I may just get that A!!! (and that, my friends, calls for a wicked celebration!!!)

Learning is so much more fun when it's practical like this class. It all makes more sense to me b/c I am dealing with loans, investments, depreciation etc. All those things I have and will be dealing with more and more. It also helps when you are older and more interested in being serious about your studies. It feels so good to be excelling at something I have struggled with my whole life. Maybe Math is not evil, but I am not at the point where I am in love with it yet either. Let's just say we have an understanding. :)

My Weekend and the 50th!!!
It's Friday. I guess I am going out with a few friends tonight. The rest of the weekend will be dedicated to last minute Anniversary Party things. As you have read we are having a 50th Anniversary party for my parents on Saturday, April 22nd. What's cool is that it's their actual anniversary date! Anywho, we are having a small family and extended family gathering since the line had to be drawn someplace. I think we started with a list of upwards to 400 or we are down to 50-60 which will be a great workable, intimate affair. It's going to be awsome! I am so excited. 50 years...7 kids...9 cool is that? And let me just tell you all that they are truly in love...still. They hold hands and have candleight dinners. They are simply THE CUTEST. I hope that I am lucky enough to meet someone who is as true, loyal and loving as they are to each other.

On that note (awwwwww), Have a fabulous Friday and a Wonderful Weekend!!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Thursday Thoughts

Thursday finds me thinking about a lot of things. Let's visit the my village (in my head) and see what activity is taking place, shall we?

Firstly, I am still struggling to figure out what percentage of my measely check I am putting into 401K. I guess in the huge scheme it really doesn't matter, just that I get in on this thing. So I guess I will start small and change once I feel I have more time to peruse and understand what my options are. Lamby has (as usual) given me some good food for thought and some good questions to ask. Wiccachicky gave similar advice in the comments as well.

Next I fondly think back to Monday night when nothing was on tv. I very forunately stumbled upon "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" and it took me back. I love Pee-Wee, even tho his alter ego had a run in with the "indecent exposure" police, the guy is a riot and just makes me laugh so hard I cry. Today, in light of this, I added this movie, "Big Top Pee-Wee" and the entire box set of "Pee-Wee's Playhouse" to my "Someday" list. Who doesn't love a guy who has his own playhouse, likes to sing and dance, screams real loud when he hears the word of the day and eats Mr. T cereal???...What did you say? I know you are but what am I? Infinity!

Ever since I placed this bumper sticker on my car a year ago from my trip to San Francisco:

the nickname of "Pirate Girl" has been mine here at work. I found myself receiving gifts of pirateness like the pirate mug "Dead 'til I gets me coffee", next a pirate t-shirt, and then a pirate scull and crossbones do-rag, and pirate stickers. I bought myself this funky "What Would a Pirate Do? Folder last year:

And recently I found a beautiful, embroidered, heavy, comfy sweatshirt, for less than $10!! I was in need of a decent sweatshirt since I haven't bought one in years and will be getting rid of most of my old crap this spring, I thought "Ahoy!", I mean "It's black and very Piratey Why not!?...I am perpetuating the Pirate Theme that has become my life...ARRRRGGHH!!!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

401K Options?

Just to tell you how ridiculous this company is sometimes, let me tell you the story of the 401K meeting. Last Thursday I was given a letter about an informational meeting on 401K to be held on the 29th (today). I figured "good! then I can get the info and run it past a few of my "financial advisers" (namely my Dad and Lamby). I make a very small income here and therefore have very little to invest. Since this is all fairly new territory and mutual funds/stocks/bonds is all greek to me, I thought I would need to assistance in making my decision.

So I go to the meeting this am and a handly guide is given, along with some handouts to explain it to those of us that need it in layman's terms etc. I am intersted, taking notes etc. thinking that I am heading home this weekend and can see my dad and Lamby and discuss my options. At the end of the meeting I am told that the enrollment deadline is April 1st...FRIDAY. If I don't enroll by Friday I have to wait until October. So I have two days to enroll and no time to get assistance from my trusted advisors on what I am enrolling with! Why was this informational meeting not 2 or three weeks ago??? Why was I not given the informational booklet and handouts ahead of time then? I could have at least read them for myself and had time to think about it!

Maybe this is devine intervention and God is telling me "Don't enroll C.C.! You won't be at this job long enough to reap any benefits of your investments!"

Who set this up this way? I think it's rude and obnoxious. At least give me some time to view my options and set up a portfolio that will benefit me and my current needs! This rush stuff makes me nervous, especially when you are talking money!

Comments? Advice? Arguments for/against?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Trippy Tuesday

You Are Emerald Green

Deep and mysterious, it often seems like no one truly gets you.
Inside, you are very emotional and moody - though you don't let it show.
People usually have a strong reaction to you... profound love or deep hate.
But you can even get those who hate you to come around. There's something naturally harmonious about you.

I stole that from Wiccachicky's blog. Very interesting...

BTW, anyone out there recommend a beach (or Beachfront Hotel) in Florida? Let me know. Looking for soemthing nice but cheap for a weekend get away... It may never happen depending on $$ but was hoping to get soem feedback and recommendations...

Monday, March 27, 2006

Monday Updates

Well it is Monday again. The weekends tend to go by so quickly and I wish I had more time off. I guess if I enjoyed my job, it would be different. Eventually I will find my place, but for now I will update you on some things that happened this weekend.

Firstly last week I received an email from RedHead about describing her in one word. I picked "Personable" for her b/c she instantly makes you feel like you have known her forever. She's easy to talk to and such a friendly person.

So if you would like to ring in on one word that describes a comment. I have definately gotten some good ones from emails I have received and I will post all the words next week probably. This should be fun.

This weekend my neice Alysa was participating in a dance competition here in Syracuse. It's called Access Broadway and dance companies come to compete (as well as individuals) in tap, jazz, modern, hip-hop, vocal, acting etc. Alysa's younger sister Erin and I hung out and went to see a few of Alysa's performances throughout the weekend inbetween Thai food and stops for shopping. The real fun began when my sister Kathy called to tell us she ran into someone of interest at the competition. I couldn't believe my ears when I hear the dreaded name: PIEHOLE!!!

Apparently PieHole's 2 daughters were competing also. Kathy had spoken to PieHole and the girls. Erin and I went a bit earlier in hopes to see the girls. We arrived and found them. Everyone was so excited to see each other (especially me b/c I was told I was never invited to the house again and could never email them again etc). As I was talking with the girls PieHole entered the room. She looked at me for a split second put her head back in her program and said "Oh. Hi Carol" I replied back with equal coldness "hi." That was all that was said. Kathy laughed later at what a cold reception I got. I laughed too.

Just to refresh: If she thinks she will be coming to my parent's 50th Anniversary party in April, she has another thing coming. An email will be sent to my brother today about that exchange with the hopes that he will stick to his guns and tell her she is not coming. She will not ruin another family get together, especially my parent's anniversary!

Well, that was my excitement for the weekend, or actually all I have time to post. I hope you are having a fabulous Monday!!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Run Away! Run Away!

Do you recognize these famous "Run Away" scenes?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Is anybody out there?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Extreme Survival Test

OK folks! Let's try this again! This is a different test, not as good as the first, but interesting none the less!

Try out the Extreme Survival Test

Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Red Head emailed me a link to an Extreme Survival Quiz. Answer questions about natural disasters, animal attacks, Terrorism etc. What would you do if faced with these highly volitile situations?

Try your luck with the Extreme Survival Quiz

NOTE: The link worked yesterday, but today is not valid. I can't even fin d the damn quiz!!! ARRGGH. Anyway, If I find it again, I will post the link b/c it is worth it!

It's cool, it's fun, it's educational!!!

I also wanted to mention that the talented Gary Oldman turns 48 today.He is one of my favorites. He is just so cool!!!

Red Head's 2006 List

After I posted my list, Red Head wanted to post a list of her own. "I don't have a blog - but it's nice to have it somewhere public where I can feel more accountable to it..."

Soooo... she gave me her list and I am posting it here. If anyone else would like to make a list, send it to me, I will post it and put a link to it on my sidebar under "lists". Then you can post comments to let us know how you are doing! Hey, maybe we can help each other out with a few of those!! (Kinda like #7 on Red Head's List!!!)


"OH! Yes...I have been working on my it is!!"

  1. Re-organize kitchen cabinets
  2. Clean out the closets in both rooms before May
  3. Learn Italian (again!)
  4. Go to Italy
  5. Go back to Ireland
  6. Visit home just to visit - not to run around like a loon and squeeze in 100 things around a family function
  7. Visit CC! (Does Myrtle Beach count?)
  8. Take the last class to start volunteering at the hospital
  9. Sign up to help the Special Olympics this summer Although no one has contacted me (yet)!
  10. Seriously consider career change
  11. Try not to be so sensitive
  12. Keep a journal *She has started one
  13. Read more than the book club book each month Hey, I am reading books about baby & Pregnancy now! (And the occaisional fiction: ie: Wicked!!!)
  14. Stop watching so much TV! (The Sopranos & Grey’s Anatomy don’t count though!)
  15. Hook the camera printer up to the computer I DID IT!!!
  16. Post digital pictures from vacation on snapfish ('cause it's only going on 4 months now)
  17. Write more letters & postcards – and email less
  18. Walk 3 times a week


19. Get the Nursery Ready!!! Cause Jen's Pregnant!!! (posted 5/16/06) !!!YAY!!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Further Indy 4 Discussion

Can they pull it off???

Young Indy from Raiders:

Still Fairly Young Indy from Last Crusade:

Harrison Ford Now = To Old???

Hopefully Nate won't kill me for posting this pic but perhaps he could play the role of Indy's Son if my version were ever made:

The Last Word: Harrison Ford!!! YOU ARE 63 YEARS OLD!!!! I am not sure a personal trainer, specially prepared meals and the best make up in Hollywood will help you out now!!! I think you are 10 years too late in this persuit, but Good Luck Old Boy! I'm crossing my fingers for you!

Indiana Jones 4?

I had this last Wednesday, but had Birthday posts to get up so here is the update, tho you have probably heard.

Ford eager to start new Indiana Jones film
Wed Mar 15, 5:53 AM ET

Harrison Ford is ready to jump back into his favorite film role and begin shooting the fourth Indiana Jones movie soon, a German magazine quoted the Hollywood actor as saying on Wednesday.
"Steven Spielberg and I now have a script in hand that we both like. I believe that we can start with the filming soon," Ford was quoted as saying in an interview with German lifestyle and entertainment magazine Fit for Fun.
The third and last Indy film, 1989 hit "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," starred Ford as the whip-swinging archaeologist and Sean Connery as his bumbling father.
Ford, 63, was quoted as saying that he needed "to do a little practicing with the whip" to avoid injuries.

Since they have a script already, I thought I would explain my plot outline that I came up with a few years back. Let me know what you think.

We begin with our Hero, Indiana Jones on one of his famous adventures to gain artifacts for the museum. Indy is older now and not quite as quick as he used to be, but he still has the drive and passion for his quests. He struggles thru the maze of the temple with a few cuts bruises and reaches the inner sanctum to retrieve the artifact. He is exhausted but smirks that famous "Fortune and Glory kid!" smile seeing his payoff only yards away. All of a sudden he is alerted by rocks falling from the ceiling. He looks around to find a young man, in his early 20's, dangling from a rope perched just above the artifact. He snatches it and escapes out of the ceiling. Indy stands there in disblief and shakes his head "Huh? Who was that? Am I getting to old for this stuff?"

Indy returns home, shakes it off and continues to try and obtain artifacts for Marcus and the museum. Unfortunately it seems as tho the young man is one step ahead of him every step of the way. Eventually Indy makes contact with him, and they both get captured by the evil mastermind because they can lead him to Profesor Ravenwood's daughter, Marion. She has what he wants, her father's research on a highly prized archaeological artifact.

How can this young man help Indy save Marion Ravenwood? This young man is Marion's son...and Indy is his Dad!!! Marion never told Indy that their adventure of The Arc of the Covenent produced more than just memories! Now Indy must reconcile, bond and eventually hand the whip down to his son, who is very much like his father.(only much younger)

Yeah I know this sounds very similar in spots to the Last Crusade, the details are negotiable, the basic story plots are my main focus. Indy is old, it would provid great comedic moments between Indy and his newly discovered son and why not bring back some old characters like Marion? Henry Sr. and Sallah would of course be main staples in the plot as well.

What do you think???

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Leprechaun!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Today is my brother Mark's birthday! He's crazy fun, he's a riot and he cooks like a wild Banshee!!!!Wish our "world traveler" some birthday wishes in the comments!!!


Hope you have a great day!!!

Holy Birthdays! Batman! March is crazy!!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Balance of things

I just found out that today is Tabbi's birthday!! This is great news to balance out the ill effects of Piehole!

In the words of Lara Croft: "Nature is about balance. All the world comes in pairs. Yin and Yang. Right and Wrong. Men and Women. What's pleasure without pain."

Tabbi is Lamby's sidekick at work and a happens to be a Buffy fan to boot!!! Can't beat that combination!!!:) Tabbi Rocks!


Hope you have a great day!!!

The Birth of PieHole

Today is the anniversary when evil was born. Who knew, many years ago, that the spawn of Satan would be brought forth into this world and her name would be "PIEHOLE". Here are submissions from friends and family to further our cause: FREEDOM FROM PIEHOLE!!!


My very good friend Dr. Ganges returned home from one of his many adventures, (this time in the temple complex of Angkor Watt, Cambodia) and discovered something of extreme interest. Dr. Ganges wrote to tell me of an interesting volume he has recently found in his extensive library. He explains:

"Whilst searching through my library for my former colleage's treatise on the Melhopio Tribe of Central America, I came across a very interesting book that I thought you would be most interested in. This book is very old and very heavy and it is called "The PieHole Prophecy." Who knew I had such a thing in my library!! As I perused it's worn and tattered pages I came across some intersting things.

It is written"On March the 16th, in the middle of the 20th century, a baby will be born to a man and woman, though this baby will be more monster than human in actions. As she grows, the spawn of Satan will spread her propaganda to friends, who in turn will introduce her to an innocent man who will fufill her prophecy of doom. Once united in marriage, she will grow to large proportions, eating everything in sight and spewing forth her spite. She will berate and play mind games with those close to him. She will become more evil than any living thing on earth. "

Dr. Ganges has promised to continue his research into this ancient tome and will update us as he is able.


I have A SONG FOR YOU! To the tune of "The Cowman and the Farmers" from

Oh, the Pie Hole and her family can't be friends!
Oh, the Pie Hole and her family can't be friends!
Some-times she sends you nasty mail,
The next time writes you like a pal.
There's a whole lot-a reasons why we can't be friends.
Dum Da Dum Dum Dum Dum....
Family folks should stick together
Family folks should all be pals
She can't come to the 50th party
Cause Pie Hole's not invited there!


PieHole's Birthday, 1997?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Pinky!!!

Happy Birthday to Pinky!!!!!

Today, March 15th, 2006, Pinky celebrates her birthday!! Anne is my eldest sister, her nickname is Pinky ( but I am not sure why!). She is a great sister and so much fun! She is awesome, so lets show her some love!!!

Pinky's having a birthday!!
Today is her big day!
So wish her Happy Birthday
in your own special way.

Post a Birthday Wish for Pinky (Anne) in the comments section!

NEWS FLASH! Master Po has finally posted on my Blog!!!! Yipeee!!! You may see his comment posted here. He has much wisdom to impart and I hope to be hearing more from him in the future! Now if I can just get JoJo to showbiz it up and post some comments!!! (*hint *hint)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Corpse Bride

A Quick Synopsis: "Two aristocratic families pair off their less-than-satisfied children, believing they will all be escalated into high society. Yet when clumsy Victor Van Dort (Depp) rehearses his vows in the woods, he accidentally marries the Corpse Bride(Bonham-Carter), throwing a great wrench in everyone's plans."

You must see this movie if you haven't already! I never got a chance to see it on the big screen b/c I hadn't found a Tim Burton fan in Syracuse until just recently and Beth was nice enough to lend me her DVD this past weekend! Even if you aren't a Tim Burton fan, give it a try, I screened this three times this past weekend and introduced his work to some new people who really enjoyed this film. Great music, characters, and a bittersweet story make this stop action animation movie very entertaining. I know it will definately be added to my DVD library!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Thursday, March 09, 2006

CC's 2006 List

OK. Here it is! I will add and hopefully cross off things as I go. Speaking of crossing things off, I have noticed that people (I think JennJr does this from time to time) can show things like they were crossed out in their blog, like a word with a line thru it. How do I do that?

You will notice I have a link to the list on my sidebar for easy access.

CC’s 2006 list (in no particular order)

  1. Find a new job with better pay, work and growth potential
  2. Go to a beach for a week Myrtle Beach SC Baby!!!
  3. Organize my room
  4. Lose 15 lbs Exercise more regularly
  5. Pass my Math class Pass it? I got an A!!!
  6. Set a Time-Line for School LIFE. (I have to know what I DEFINATELY want before I go back to school!) Making Progress here!
  7. Play volleyball
  8. Meet MORE new people I have met some great people at the library!(
  9. Pay off my debts -Getting Close and doing really well keeping on schedule!!!
  10. Go visit the girls in NYC
  11. Go see Egyptian exhibit in Albany
  12. Learn to jet ski and/or rock climb
  13. Have a party
  14. Travel someplace new Even tho I had been to San Fran before, and Myrtle Beach, I did see some new things and go to some new places!

Hmmmmm... I feel better already!

Like this idea? Make a list of your own!


15. Write a letter to Dr. Zahi Hawass (added 4/7/06)

16. Go visit a local art gallery (4/7/06) Does a private Pottery Gallery count? I think so!(

17. Do some hiking this summer/fall: Poko Moonshine, Good Luck Lake etc. (5/15/06) Christine and I took in Panther Mountain in early October! Beautiful views...big spider!!!

18. Attend Pirate's Weekend in Alex Bay! (Arrggh! 5/15/06) Due to the fact that with all the POTC2 Hullaballo, I decided to nix this from the list. Everyone's too obsessed with pirates now anyway and it's not as much fun anymore!!! (8/15/06)

19. Simplify, de-clutter and organize my spaces 8/14/06)Man did I clean house (and work!) Still some more to do but I really got rid of a TON of stuff!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Big Geek (Beth)and I were talking the other day about how I should have a list. You know, a list of things to accomplish this year. I have had lists like that in the past, but they were more of the "Places I Want to go/see Before I Die" type of list. She thought a "Things I want to do/accomplish this year" list would be good for me to keep an eye on the prize. A bunch of short term goals that will keep me satisfied and not feeling stagnant while I am on that journey to that Long term goal: a career that I can love or at least like enough to get up every morning.

I thought about it, and I think she's on to something there! Something for me to get excited about, something to keep me from the funk of self pity and loathing I have been sinking into the past few days. The stipulation being that I don't have to cross everything off the list, but setting doable goals crossing most of them off would be most beneficial. I may throw a couple of definate things on there just for that instant gratification that I will accomplish some of the things listed.

Here is the question. How to get started? I was thinking about starting a whole new blog. I will keep Lifeorsoemthinglikeit going of course, but thought if I had a blog ONLY for my list and updates on it, that might be very easy and workable for me. Something I can pull up everyday or so and add or cross off things on the list.

What do you think? A new seperate blog for the list? What will I name it? Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Let me know what you think.


This morning Lamby sent me a few emails that actually made me laugh! Me laughing doesn't seem like much of a big deal, but the last few days as you all have seen, I have had the 'tude worthy of the title "Evil Bitch-Monster from Hell". I normally only go thru these phases every few months and unfortunately this is one of them.

Feeling a bit better today, I decided to post these pics from Lamby. Signs that actually occured and signs that were made up. I picked my favorites and thought I would share.

These are actual signs found in people's travels:

It's like that one time where I meant to say "Put the past behind you" and I ended up saying "Put the past in the behind". It's all in the translation!

Wow! That is an extreme hazard!!!

Don't drink while you are making signs either! Your tax $$ at work!

Where was this sign when I was little? Mom and Dad could have saved a boatload!!

Here's a few creative souls who make us wish these signs were out there!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Hey man, where's the munchies?

That is just genius right there! Stool samples. That's a riot!

Oh God Yes!! Seriously people, Speedos should be outlawed unless you are an olympic swimmer!!!

Ah-Ha! I knew it!!!! I knew the makers of Spam were hiding something!!! It's like when Buffy worked for the "Doublemat Palace". tee-hee. This is by far my favorite of the bunch!

These made me smile, I hope they do the same for you!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Still Alive Baby!

After yesterday, I felt this pic was appropriate. I felt like I beat myself up and got pushed around a bit, but today I got up, got back on that horse and I am trying to put things in perspective.

The hardest part of any plan is the waiting. You set a goal, you get to work, but sometimes it feels like forever to get there (especially if you hit a detour or stumble a bit). We all know, we've all been there in some form or another so I have decided not to spend a lot of time on it.

In hopes of a positive outlook/perspective today I have decided to just leave you with these thoughts:

"Nothing happens until I make it happen."

"There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way."
Christopher Morley

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?"
Robert Schuller

"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong." Ella Fitzgerald

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."
Albert Schweitzer

"People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents." Andrew Carnegie

"They are able because they think they are able." Virgil

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

"Go for it now. The future is promised to no one." Wayne Dyer

"Your life will be no better than the plans you make and the action you take. You are the architect and builder of your own life, fortune, destiny." Alfred A. Montapert

Monday, March 06, 2006

My Mad Monday

I seriously want to do something drastic today. I am about to go into a fairly maniacal rant here, so be warned.

I get to work expecting a slighly heavier load b/c I am filling in for LD the psycho witch b/c she is on her honeymoon this week. Wasn't I surprised when the ante upped and I was told as I walked thru the door that our receptionist is BACK IN THE HOSPITAL!!!! She has had 5 surgeries and has spend 12 weeks in the hospital in the past 9 months! If I were her, I would get another opinion and a specialist that KNOWS what he is doing. I feel badly for her but that's neither here nor there for me today.

So I am on the phones and expected to do my job and someone elses on top of that. That made my already dismal mood even uglier. I asked for more work a few weeks back in a meeting b/c I am frankly, bored and underused. What do they give me? More filing and sample requests. BIG FUCKING DEAL! I was told that if I found those tasks not so stimulating (duh!?) then my boss would find something else for me to do. Yeah, thanks. I think I already know the answer to that question. I just came up with the product name (as long as it passes legal) for a new R& D project. Does anyone notice the marketing experience on that resume of mine??? NOOOOOO.

So I sit here more frustrated than ever and my boss tells me she will OK any and all overtime that I need to get everything done. HUH? What's that? Um, NO. The time for me to prove to you my worth is OVER. I have been there done that and bought the who damn souvenier store out! You gave me a LOUSY raise when I became the "Executive Assistant to the President" which by the way most people in that type of job get paid A SALARY and make $5-$8,000 more than I am making a year!!! There is NO WAY IN HELL I am going to put more time into this place when I know it does no good to further myself in the eyes of the powers that be. What I get done in an 8 hour day I get done. 5pm rolls around and I am GONE. I have spent extra time and energy here (and every other job I have had) and my eagerness with being the over achiever at work all the time is runing out. They get no more from me than they deserve. The minimum. Why? Because you get what you pay for, that's why!!!

So back to doing something drastic. Drive 5 miles to the airport, get on a plane and be a beach bum for a week or two. I have friends in various warm climates, it's doable. I just want to

I am obviously agitated about this. Using certain words in caps and throwing an F bomb out there. Is it my karma coming back b/c I said I hope LD chokes on those strawberries our department sent to her in their honeymoon suit? Or is someone trying to light a bigger fire under me to motivate and initiate me to the greatness I know I can achieve?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Let's go Global!

Perhaps once our PieHole T's take off in the States, we could go global!
"Shut Your PieHole!" would be a common phrase throughout the world!!!!

Spain: "Cierre su Agujero de tarta!"

France: "Fermez votre trou de tourte"

Germany: "Schliessen Sie Ihr Obstkucken-Loch!"

(disclaimer: if you are a native speaker, forgie any mistakes, a translator website helped me out with these!)

PieHole T-Shirt Submission!

The PieHole T-Shirt idea has started to spread like wildfire! Here is a submission from Lamby I received last night:

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A Bit O' Nostalgia

Grabbed this fairly lengthy Meme from Wiccachicky. Took a little trip down memory lane. Hope you enjoy some highlights of my High School Career!

1) Where did you graduate from and what year?DCS, home of the Blue Devils, Dolgeville, NY, 1993

2) Did you have school pride? Football was a religion at my school. We had pep rallys and went to the games, it was fun. I kicked ass in Volleyball (I can brag now b/c it was so long ago!). Starter as a setter on varsity soph year, All-Star all, all around player. I loved it. That was where I sparkled. Playing a sport always requires school spirit and pride.

3) Was your prom a night to remember? I went to three Proms. One Sophomore Year when I should have gone with someone else (a senior) but he was dating this ho-bag and I had already accepted the Junior's invitation. Junior Year I got sucked into going with a guy I hated at first but then I kinda liked him and then at the Prom I hated him again...he is the reason I stick with first impressions to this day! Senoir year I went with my friend Matt, we had a blast and I had the after Prom party overnight at my house with my group of friends and dates. Monty Python 'til the break of dawn!!!

4) Do you own all 4 Yearbooks? Yep. It's fun to look back every so often.

5) What was the worst trouble you ever got into? I was a good girl in high school. I guess the most trouble I got into with my peers was when I was hanging out with a guy who was dating that ho-bag (from the prom question) and one of my "friends" went and told the ho-bag we went to a party together while she was away for the weekend. She tried to run me over with her car a week later.

6) What kind of people did you hang out with? My group was in chorus, band, the plays, did sports and had the high averages. I had the lowest average but a B+ student anyway. I mixed with different crowds but "The Surf-Side" was my base group. From there I was friends with the jocks, the soccer players, the art students etc. I knew everyone and hung with everyone.

7) What was your number 1 choice of College in HS? College was a necessity but not a passion for me. I knew I had to go and get that 4 year degree but was not sure what I wanted ot do with it. I Applied to 4 colleges, got in to all, toured them and picked Plattsburgh State. Even tho I still don't know what I want to do, Plattsburgh was my best choice b/c I have such amazing close friends from there!

8) What radio station did you rock out too? 92.3 All the 80's and early 90's pop! Sometimes PIX 106, the classic rock station too!

9) Were you involved in any organizations or clubs? Not too many but a few like Yearbook staff, FHA.

10) What were your favorite classes in high school? Biology, German, Theater/Voice, English

12) Would you say you’ve changed a lot since high school? I am not as much of a spazz and I am more mature BUT I still have that "Crazy Carol" energy that comes out when I am with my close friends.

13) What do you miss the most about it? I don't miss anything. I remember fondly my High School experience. I have lots of great memories like playing a stepsister in our school play Cinderella senior year, volleyball, and friends, but I have lots of memories from college and Life after higher ed is great too!

14) Your worst memory of HS? Maybe the worst was also the best or most dramatic: the senior (with the ho-bag girlfriend) vs. the Junior fighting over me Sophomore year saga. That is a fun but terrible story that is too long to post here. Or maybe when AZ showed up at play practice on a break from being at college my junior year and brought another girl with him and everyone thought she was me b/c we looked a lot alike. That was nice.

15) Did you have a car? No, but I could use on of my parent's vehicles whenever I needed.

16) What were your school colors? Blue and White

17) Who were your fav. teachers? Mr. Biviano (biology), Mrs. Stewart (german), Mrs. Reynolds (english) , Mr. Reynolds (theater/voice)

18) Did you own a cell phone in high school? There was no such thing, actually there was but they were those big ginormous ones like Zach Morris had on Saved By the Bell and only those rich people in California could afford those!

19) Did you leave campus for lunch? Senior year we did. Jess, Nate and Shawn and I were the small crew who had the odd lunch period that year. We had so much fun. Oh and Mika and Matt and that other crazy kid sat behind us so we would be crazy at lunch. That is where I got the name Bam-Bam-Rotini. I guess it came form the Italian last name, but I never found out the real reason.

20) If so, where was your fav. place to go eat? Nate's house b/c we would watch Monty Python! (sensing a theme for my senior year here? Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!)

21) Were you always late to class? Nope, unless it was from band or chorus b/c it was on the opposite endof the school.

22) Did you ever have to stay for Saturday School? That's what we called detention and I never had that. :) goodie goodie? Who me? No I just remember the time I probably would have gotten detention I cried and they let me off!

23) Did you ever ditch? My Mom was the school nurse and attendance monitor so NO!!!! I could hardly fake sick!!! Not fair!!!

24) What kind of job did you have? I didn't work during the school year, I worked summers at The Enchanted Forest Water Safari, a water fun/amusement park.

25) Do you wish you were still in high school? Um...what a strange question...No! High school was great fun, great memories and I have no regrets so why would I want to go back?